#1 Google Ranking in 24 Hours! (Just a PLUGIN)

Wow I have just tested Daniel Tan’s SEOPressor

WordPress Plugin and I can only say,

it is a revolutionary! Not only revolutionary,


I think if you are serious about making money with

your WordPress Websites by scoring

high GOOGLE Ranking, you need this plugin, period.

>> http://texasdmcg.seopressor.hop.clickbank.net

Daniel has got #1 Ranking in Google for a keyword

against 219 million competition! That’s how

powerful on-page SEO can be!


I just did a search on Daniel and surprisingly, this guy

is really a hidden gem. People buying his product is

saying this:

“Daniel, I did not read your sales letter, I just bought.

Your past products have been so good, that I don’t

even need to know what you’re offering.”

This is no joke.

Listen, Daniel has always OVER-DELIVERED! I tested

his customer support and it is REAL fast! So rest assured,

you will get the best support from Daniel!

>> http://texasdmcg.seopressor.hop.clickbank.net

(A video showing you what the plugin does)

To your success,

Coach Dave

Dave McGarry’s 2011 Goals

Wow, I did not realize that I would have had such a response from my post yesterday but I appreciate all the feedback. Anyway, as I was saying yesterday I do not set resolutions but set goals for the year. Also, I said that I would be sharing my goals for the 2011 fiscal year and I will later this week but today I want to share with you the process I go through in case you would like to set up goals instead of resolutions. Below you will see the process.

The first thing I do when I set my goals for the year is, I break them up into specific categories. The following categories are the ones I use. Feel free to use all these for your goals or pick 4 or 5 to start with.

  • Business
  • Financial
  • Physical
  • Mental
  • Spiritual
  • Relationships
  • Family
  • Lifestyle

Now, I go through each catagory and come up with four goals for each one. From there, I then go through the list and pick my top ten goals for the year. Next to each goal I mark the corresponding symbol from each category.  Ex.) If I say work out 4x a week, I mark a (P) next to the goal. I do this for each of the ten I listed.

Once I have my top ten and they are marked with the corresponding symbol, I then go back and look to see which areas I am focusing more on and make sure that sits well with want I really want to accomplish for the year. Sometime it will take me a few drafts to get my goals refined but it is well worth it in the end. If you are new to goal setting don’t get overwhelmed by it. These are your goals, so just start by setting some up and you can always go back later and change them, which I will be writing about later this year.  If you are stuck and want more info on how I do this send me an email and I will help you out.

Coming up part 2 of Dave McGarry’s 2011 Goals. I will be reveiling my goals for the year! See you then!

Coach Dave