Ever feel like a unicyclist stuck in a foot of mud?

“Grow your business.”

You’ve heard that before. And while you can grow plenty of other things (vegetables, your hair, sea monkeys), maybe the whole idea of growing your business has so far eluded you.

You can get traffic to your website or store. You can make sales. Maybe you can even bank a little profit. But sometimes it feels like there’s an invisible ceiling that’s capping your earnings. And if you could just break through that ceiling, you’d enter a new tax bracket. You’d take your business to the next level. You might even start enjoying a new lifestyle.

But nothing quite works.

You feel like a unicyclist sinking in a foot of mud – you try and you try, but you don’t budge an inch. You don’t move forward or back. You just stay stuck – working so dang hard but not getting anywhere fast.

Until now, that is…

Introducing the iBusiness Owner membership site – your ticket to growing your business!

>>> You can check it out right here:


This is NOT some irrelevant collection of materials or some basic “how to start a business” information. Instead, these are proven strategies that you can use to grow your business. You’ll discover profit-multiplying strategies such as:

* How to turn more browsers into cash-paying buyers.

* Which kind of products or services put the most profit in your pocket.

* How to generate more revenue on every transaction.

* How to turn one-time buyers into repeat customers that generate hundreds if not thousands of dollars in extra income for you.

* How to expand your market reach to beat your competitors and get a bigger piece of the market share.

And much, much more!

You’ll enjoy learning about and employing some of these strategies from your first month as a member. And every month thereafter you’ll discover still more ways to grow your business.

Bottom line, if you want to see real results – if you want to finally learn how to take your business to the next level – then visit ibusinessowner.com

And do it now, because the sooner you do, the sooner you’ll enjoy rapid growth and increased profits!

Best regards,

Dave McGarry

Top 10 Tips for Selling Items at Your Blog

Top 10 Tips for Selling Items at Your Blog

Last week I launched my latest book “Blogging for Profits” and wrote a post on “3 ways to make money as a blogger.” So,  have you started making money with your blog yet? If so, would you like to make more?

Then read on to discover 10 tips for selling more products, affiliate offers and other items on your blog…

  1. 1.   Create clever post titles. People don’t come to your blog to read advertisements. Instead, they come to read good content. And their first clue as to whether the content is good is based solely on the titles of your blog posts. That’s why you need to create interesting, benefit-driven post titles.

Example #1: Here’s an example of a ho-hum title: “Dog Training Tips”

Example #2: Now here’s an example of a title that will get people reading your posts: “10 Surefire Dog Training Tips That Will Have You Firing Your Dog Trainer!”

  1. 2.   Optimize your content for the search engines. Your blog won’t put a dime in your pocket if no one reads your content and sees your ads. That’s why you should seek to optimize your content to pull in traffic from the search engines. You do this by finding out what keywords your market is already searching for in Google, and then including these keywords in your articles two or three times per 100 words of text.
  1. 3.   Weave product recommendations into your content. Your ads shouldn’t be confined to your blog’s sidebar – you can also put them directly into your content.
  1. 4.   Post regularly, such as twice per week. Doing so makes your blog “sticky.” It also gives your readers a reason to keep coming back and again and again, which gives you another chance to sell them something.
  1. 5.   Create regular weekly features. This is another way to get your visitors to return on a regular basis.

Example: You can create a feature called “Friday’s Super Tip,” where you post your very best niche-related tip every week.

  1. 6.   Make use of your blog sidebar. You can post text ads, banner ads and other graphics, links to your best blog posts and a newsletter subscription form in your sidebar.
  1. 7.   Rotate products on your blog. Doing so keeps your blog fresh. But it also gives you a chance to track and test your offers to see which ones put the most money in your pocket
  1. 8.   Use pictures. You can post relevant pictures in your articles as well as your sidebar, which will work to draw people’s eyes to your content and ads. You can get these photos for as little as $1 each at stock photo sites.
  1. 9.   Encourage people to subscribe to your RSS feed. People who are subscribed are more likely to become a regular reader of your blog.

Don’t just rely on people subscribing to your RSS feed, however…

  1. 10.   Get people on your newsletter list. One way to do this is to password-protect some of your best posts, and then offer access to these posts only to those who’ve subscribed to your newsletter list.

These tips are just scraping the surface when it comes to making money with your blog. If you want to make real money with your blog, then you need an in-depth guide that shows you exactly how to set up a blog, create content for it and make money with it. You can get this guide by going to: www.davemcgarry.com/cms/bloggingforprofits.

 Blogging for Profits



Special Offer if you want to build a list

Can A Listbuilding System Be TOTALLY Automated?

I know we’re all a bit sick and tired of promises of “automated software” that will make us rich before dinner.

And I’m always the first to be skeptical of these kinds of outrageous claims.

But today I may have to actually eat my words.

Because I just picked up a listbuildilng system that really is incredibly fast…,

And the traffic actually does keeps flow in on auto-pilot.

It’s a pretty new tactic on the scene that I’ve heard of.

But I never really knew how to implement it.

Then I found this:

Free Plug N Play Listbuilding System

At that link 7 figure marketer Bill McRea is GIVING AWAY this listbuilding system totally free…

It’s his way of getting some buzz going for his upcoming product launch (apparently he’s go another system up his sleeve that’s even better than this)

In any case..

I went and got this myself and it’s totally legit.

There’s nothing scammy about it all.
It’s just a way to instantly create a win-win offer that potential JV partners can’t refuse.

Bill hand you EVERYTHING you need to make it work. And I mean EVERYTHING.

So if you know the power of having a mailing list..

Do yourself a favor and go get this.

Do it now: Free Plug N Play Listbuilding System

I mean…you can’t beat the price, right?

P.S. There is one catch to this…you’ll have to help spread the word. But that’s easy for me because I’ve seen this strategy in action and know that it works.
You should get Free Plug N Play Listbuilding System now!

How to borrow other people’s buzz

I have been following Jimmy for some time now and he knows his stuff! Please read this article and if you are interested in making some extra money Jimmy can help you do that.

Coach Dave

How To “Borrow” Other People’s Buzz TODAY (Think Traffic!)

By Jimmy D. Brown

Did you know that other people “warm up” your customers for you with their “big product launches”?

And, did you further know, that a huge opportunity for you to create sales for YOUR product or a product you promote as an affiliate can be the result?

If, that is, you “borrow” the buzz that other people are generating.

Imagine this scenario…

Mr. Marketer creates a new $2,000 product.  He “launches” it with his friends.  Everyone on the forums is talking about it.  Every email sent out within the marketplace has something to say about it.  Bloggers are raving.  The whole industry is buzzing about the new launch.

The average conversion rate is 2%.  And that’s not on $2,000 products.  But, let’s assume that Mr. Marketer is the best in the biz.  And he can generate something obscene like 25% conversion rate on a $2,000 offer (which, by the way, ain’t likely to happen).

IF that were to happen, the flipside is this:  75% DON’T BUY.

In other words, for every 100 visitors to the “launch” site, 75 of them walk away without buying.

Were they uninterested?  If that’s the case, they likely wouldn’t have visited the site in the first place.

In the majority of the cases, they $2,000 price tag was out of their reach.  Not in the budget.  Don’t have the money.  Been there, done that … didn’t have the cash to buy the t-shirt!

So, what can we learn from this?

We can learn…

* These 75 out of every 100 who don’t buy are probably interested to some degree.

* These 75 out of every 100 have heard all of the buzz and have been “presold” on the premise of the product.

* These 75 out of every 100 are strong candidates to buy a lower-priced, related alternative.

That’s where YOU come into the picture.

You “borrow” the buzz that’s been generated for the big product being launched by talked about by everyone as you promote a lower-priced, related alternative!

Here’s how you do it…

1. Look for high-dollar launches in your market.

The first step is to keep your eye on the pulse of your market.  Whenever a major new product is being launched, get busy.  You’ll usually know days, if not weeks, in advance because that’s how launches work:  they do a lot of “pre” build-up work to get people salivating for the eventual launch.  Keep your eyes out for anything new in the works.

2. Promote a low-cost alternative.

It doesn’t matter if you write a quick 10-15 page report, promote your own existing product that is related or grab an affiliate link to some other existing product or service.  It doesn’t really matter WHERE you obtain this lower-priced alternative.  The important thing is that you find one.  It needs to be related to the topic of the big product being launched.  It can be related either (a) by teaching a similar concept, or (b) teaching a portion of the big product’s concept.

3. Write a mailing that explains the two options.

You’ll want to write a mailing to send to your subscribers or to post at your blog.  This mailing needs to contain three important elements…

– Content that presells.  Share some meaty nuggets related to the offer you are ultimately going to promote to set the table.

– A small blurb about big launch with your link. Mention the “major” launch briefly.  Describe it’s benefits and use an affiliate link of yours to point to the offer.  Mention that it’s only drawback is “price”.  Express that many people can’t afford it.

– A stronger promotion for your option.  Then, really hit home with this “lower-priced, related alternative”.  Let them know the benefits are similar at a fraction of the cost.  Be sure to point out that it’s priced for everyone — especially those who feel “left out” of the big budget launch because they can’t afford it.

Then, it’s just a matter of getting that mailing out to your subscribers.

Let’s look at what you have in place as a result of this strategy…

* You have two promotions:  a minor one for the same “major” launch everyone else is promoting, and a “major” one for the lower-priced, related alternative.

* You have “borrowed buzz”.  Everyone in the marketplace is warming up prospects with all of their “talk” about the importance of the subject matter of the “big product launch”.  They are primed and ready to buy … something!

* You have a spike in sales coming.

This is a wonderful strategy for getting extra sales.

Remember, there are always a whole lot more people who DON’T buy the product being offered in the “launch”, than those who do!  You’ve got a huge pool of prospects in the 75-98% of people who don’t buy the $2,000 offer.  Many of them WILL buy a lower-priced, related alternative.

So, the only thing left for you to do is get started.

And if you’ve like a shortcut, let me show you a quick way to do it TODAY.

You  have almost certainly seen that Product Launch Formula 3.0 (PLF3) has launched this week.  Everyone is talking about it. While there are a lot of different strategies and ideas involved in a “launch”, the backbone is the same…

*** Other people send you the majority of your traffic.

It’s obviously a very *HOT* topic right now.  People are scrambling to pay BIG BUCKS for the course.


Do you think everyone can afford it?

What about the tens of thousands of internet marketers who can’t afford it, but who ARE INTERESTED in the subject?

What a shame to let them sit by without getting any sales from them!

But, don’t worry — you CAN get sales from them!  Here’s how…

You offer them something for PENNIES on the dollar that provides the same end result:  other people sending them traffic for their products and services!

A few days ago Jimmy D. Brown announced a resale rights offer for his SalesArmySecrets.com course.

All the details are at http://www.infoprofitshare.com/go.php?offer=texasdmcg&pid=49

There are still licenses available for YOU to grab in order to sell a low-cost alternative to the high-dollar “launch” product that everyone is jabbering about.

***BUT IT GETS BETTER — FREE PLR to $20 Report! ***

Jimmy wrote a report several months ago which he briefly made available to one of his membership sites.  It’s entitled “How To Get R.I.C.H. With Your Own Affiliate Program”.

(It was pulled after a month and is no longer available anywhere.)

The report is 21 meaty pages in itself, but it also strongly promotes the Sales Army Secrets course at the end.

When you order one of the remaining licenses for Sales Army Secrets, Jimmy is going to give you (no cost!) a free PLR license to the special report!

You can sell the report for $20, give it away, do whatever you want with it (as long as you don’t misrepresent it or mention Jimmy in reference to it)…

…while using the endorsement at the close of the report to promote YOUR COPY of Sales Army Secrets!

It’s a ready-made marketing report to get people to buy Sales Army Secrets from you!  You can sell Sales Army Secrets for $97 per order and keep 100% of every sale!

Here’s what you need to do…

1. Order the Sales Army Secrets resale rights license at http://www.infoprofitshare.com/go.php?offer=texasdmcg&pid=49

2. Register and open a ticket at Jimmy’s support center at http://www.Infoprofitshare.com and provide his staff with a copy of your receipt.

Within 24 hours someone will send you the download information for this special Free PLR offer.

That’s it!

Get one while it lasts…


There’s only ONE catch…

This special offer is for the next 3 days only.  On Friday, July 2nd at 10PM CDT, Jimmy is shutting down the license offer and this Free PLR offer.  They will no longer be available.  Officially “retired” at that point.

Grab yours now:  http://www.infoprofitshare.com/go.php?offer=texasdmcg&pid=49

Then you can quickly “borrow the buzz” of those promoting PLF3!