How to Create a Membership Site that Generates Passive Income #5

Simple Membership System






If you’ve followed the How to Create a Membership Site to Generate Passive Income article series, then you already know that there’s a truckload of profits waiting for you on the backend of your site. That is, you can make extra money by offering more products and even more expensive complimentary products to your members.

Now, one option is to be an affiliate for related products and services. The better option is to create these products yourself. That way, you keep 100% of your profits.

Here’s what I suggest: While you’re planning your first membership site, you should also simultaneously plan what complimentary products you’ll sell on the backend. And one way to make money on the backend is by creating a family of related sites and linking them together.

Let me give you an example from my own business. I run and use the following membership sites:

  • Simple Member System – This is my signature product that teaches marketers how to start and run a fixed-term membership site in as little as 48 hours from now.
  • – Here’s another membership site. This one teaches marketers how to make money selling other people’s products and services.
  • – This site teaches how to get completely free traffic to any website.

You can see why linking these sites together (cross-selling them on the backend) works. Any marketer needs to learn how to create content, so they join Contentnaire™.

Most marketers – even if they create their own products – will make additional money as affiliates, so they’ll join Affiliatenaire™ to learn how to get bigger affiliate paychecks.

Finally, most marketers will want to learn how to incorporate residual income streams into their business, which Simple Member System teaches them how to do.

Tip: The advantage of creating a family of sites goes beyond merely having something to sell on the backend. A family of sites also helps you develop your brand and grow your brand recognition. And that means more sales, more customers and more profits.

Now let me give you a few examples of how you can create a family of membership sites around a related niche (or even around a singular topic):

  • Let’s suppose you run a health site on the topic of lowering one’s blood pressure. You might also create sites around similar problems, such as lowering cholesterol levels and leading a heart-healthy lifestyle.
  • Maybe you run a training site that teaches people how to housetrain their new puppy and teach him basic manners (sit, stay, etc). You might create another site focused on getting rid of problem behaviors such as jumping, biting, digging and similar. Your third site might be for those who want to teach their dogs tricks. You might even create another sites centered around dog agility.
  • You run a homeschooling site that focuses on delivering lesson plans and ideas for math. You can create a family of sites on other topics such as science, English and history. Or, you can offer homeschooling lessons by grade (e.g., 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade, etc).

When you’re building your first membership site, ask yourself: What ELSE do my customers want?

Do your market research to find out what other products they’re currently buying. Then create a family of sites around related topics. It’s the quick and easy way to tap into the backend profits… on autopilot!

So I hope you have enjoyed this series of articles and have decided to start your own membership site. If you want a simple and fast way to get started then I recommend trying the Simple Member System to get your membership site up in the next 48 hours!

To your success,

Dave McGarry


How to Create a Membership Site that Generates Passive Income #2

Simple Membership SystemIn Part 1 of the “How to Create a Membership Site that Generates Passive Income”,  you’ll notice that I gave an example of a 12 week course. That was no accident.

You see, most people who think of “membership sites” think of content that’s delivered weekly or monthly… indefinitely. Members pay month after month and the owners deliver month after month.

This works fairly well if you’re running a PLR membership site or similar. But if you’re running a training site, your members are going to drift away if you just give them tips and tricks indefinitely. And they might even bail out a couple months after joining, simply because there’s no end in sight.

So here’s what you do instead…

Create a fixed-term membership site. This is a site that runs for a specific period of time, such as three months, six months, twelve months… or any length of your choosing.

Tip: For best results, create a step-by-step series as described in Part 1 of this article.

Here’s why this works…

Imagine if your site went on indefinitely. Someone might join and after a couple months quit. That’s pretty normal. But if the course only stretches out for six months, psychologically the customers will feel better if they just remain a member for the entire six months. They want to see through to the end.

This is actually a Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) trick. Simply put, people don’t like unfinished business. That’s why they’ll even read books they don’t like or watch boring movies – once they’ve invested some time into the activity, they want to see it through to the end.

While just creating a fixed term site created this psychological commitment to your course, you can make the commitment even stronger by building anticipation for the upcoming lessons. That is, from the very first lesson you work on “selling” the other lessons. Like this:

Build anticipation for the whole course in lesson #1. Your first lesson should include an overview of all the lessons. But don’t just write it out like a table of contents. Instead, write it like bullet points to a sales letter.

Example: “In Lesson #3 you’ll discover a simple trick that will triple your conversion rate!” In other words, arouse curiosity whenever possible.

Build anticipation for the next lesson at the end of each lesson. At the end of each lesson you’ll want to include something like, “Stay tuned for next week’s lesson, where you’ll find out the secrets of creating cash-pulling headlines!”

Build anticipation for future lessons and bonuses periodically. Finally, from time to time you should remind members of upcoming lessons. For example, in lesson #5 you might remind members of a particularly valuable lesson or bonus that you’re offering in lesson #9. Again, write it like a sales letter bullet, where you arouse curiosity and put forth a benefit.

The biggest challenge in running a membership site is retaining members.

With a typical membership site, your members may only stick around for two or three months. But you can quickly and easily ensure that more of your members stay around for six months, twelve months or even longer by creating a fixed-term membership site!

In part 3 of this series I will be showing you the fun stuff, which is “How to set it and forget it!”

Stay tuned!



What is Nano Continuity?

Hello everyone,

Last week I wrote to you about creating a fixed term membership site to increase your passive income and build your tribe. Today, I want to introduce you to Ryan Lee. Ryan is the first person I started following online and one of the first products I bought to get me started with my internet business. He is a pioneer in the field and he is always ahead of the curve ,so I’ll cut to the chase and tell you what is his newest venture.

Creating continuity income (something that pays you month after month) is the only real
way to create wealth online. It’s nice to wake up and know the first of the month you
are guaranteed at least $20K per month without having to lift a finger.

BUT, and this is a big but, creating a continuity program that not only CONVERTS people
to paying subscribers but also KEEPS them paying for years at a time is challenging for
even the most skilled marketer.

Fear no more, my friend.

Ryan Lee, known online as the “Continuity King” has just created a free presentation that
shows you an “under the radar” secret that not only converts up to 30% higher, but will keep
people paying for YEARS.

Watch it now:

==> <==

Coach Dave

P.S. I urge you to watch this presentation now as I don’t know how long Ryan is
keeping it up.

==> <==

Want 1,000 paying members? Watch it happen…

Hey Everyone!

Yesterday I brought you a post about creating a fixed term membership site and I wanted to follow it up with another post to get you to seriously consider creating your own memebership site.

Let me ask you this, “What would it mean to your business if you had 1,000 customers sending you MONTHLY payments for your own membership site?”

When I hear those kinds of numbers being thrown around on salesletters, I’m always skeptical.  I can’t help it, it just sounds “too good to be true”.

Well, someone has made a believer out of me.  He’s not only broken the 1,000 paying member barrier once … but he’s done it TWICE! (Update:  He’s now done it THREE times!)

And, get this: all three times it took less than two weeks without any “product launch” or “guru partners” lined up to pull this off.

What’s more, he’s prepared a video that teaches exactly how he did it … and I’ve got you a FREE pass to watch it with absolutely no strings attached.

** Don’t have a membership site?  Don’t worry!  He’s also gonna show you how to have your own original membership site up and running within 48 hours!

Block off some time today or tomorrow to watch “Rapid Fire Residual” from Jimmy D. Brown.

You can get all the details at IM Institute

During this video presentation you’ll discover…

— How to get 1,000 cash-in-hand, paying subscribers for your membership site even if you don’t have “guru” friends to help you with a “product launch”.

— How to setup your own membership site in just 2 days if you don’t already have one of your own.  (His wife, who has absolutely ZERO experience setup one by following this simple plan … he’ll show you how.)

Again, you can grab all of the details and begin watching the video immediately at:

IM Institute

Best regards,

Coach Dave

P.S.  Jimmy has also prepared a downloadable PDF guide for you.  It’s a “fill-in-the-blanks” guide to help you make the most of the video.  Get it at the site.

How to build your own paid membership site

Have you been thinking about building your own paid membership site? If not, you should, because it is one way to help build a tribe of followers, and it also allows you to create a passive revenue stream for your business. Now, there are two ways you can go about building a membership site. One ,is the traditional method where you create a website, continuously load it up with content, and get clients and other people to join. I know what you are thinking, “Way too much work and why would anyone want to join.” I agree, but I found a better approach to a membership site.

Several months ago I was introduced to a guy named Jimmy D. Brown and his concept of building a “fixed term membership site.” Essentially, what “fixed term” means is you decide how long the membership lasts. Jimmy states, that most people stay on average between 3-4 months as a member of a site. So, in order to make them feel more comfortable about joining, you give them a time frame. By having a time frame your clients will know that they will not be adding another monthly recurring bill to their credit card and when the term is over they are done. Also, a fixed term membership site helps you manage your time and effort. When you create a fixed term site ,you do not have to add a bunch of content all at once, but instead add content on a weekly basis. Once the initial work is done all you have to do is get subscribers to join and begin to see a passive income stream develop.

Okay, I know there are tons of  questions going on in your mind, so take a look at my membership site Working Mom Workouts and see how I am focusing on a niche, Working Moms, and  how I send workouts to them once they join.

Now that you had a chance to see my site it is time for you to considered what you can do. Here are some questions you need to ask yourself to get you started brainstorming for your fixed term membership site:

  • First, what are you passionate about?
  • What are you the best at (Expert)?
  • Is there a market for that?
  • Do I have 5-10 hours a week to devote to building a site?
  • Will I see the project through completion?

These are just a few questions to ask yourself to get you on the path towards your own fixed term membership site. Obviously, there is more that goes into starting up a site, but that is far too extensive to get into in one blog post. If you are interested in learning more about how to set up your own membership you can go through my coaching program where I can walk you through step by step and help have your membership site up in less than 48 hours form when we speak!

In health,

Coach Dave