Motivational Tips and Success|Daily Dose Tips -Stress

Your motivation can be drastically effected by the amount of stress you have in your life. In this edition of Daily Dose of Dave, Dave McGarry talks to you about how you can manage your stress and control it so that you can be more productive and successful in your business and your life. If you would like to follow him you can over at the blog or on FB @

Success and Motivational Tips

Have you heard of Facebook Webinars?

I know most of you at some point in the last few months have either been on a webinar or has had someone invite you to a webinar. Also, you have probably heard all the buzz about automated webinars. Now, I have to admit I have been struggling with what webinar system I want to use to promote my , until now.

As most of you who own or run your own business it is not uncommon to be working on Saturday or Sunday. Well, my wife and the kids were out shopping and doing the girly stuff, so I decided to sit down at the computer and read through some emails. I think probably one of the best decisions I have made in a long time and here is why.I follow quite a few internet marketing “gurus” but as of lately I have been real selective on who’s email I actually open up and read. Well, one of the guys who I am following is, Keith Baxter of Affiliate Radio. I am so glad I did because I have now decided on which webinar system I am going to use to promote my products.

Listen, I can not do it justice by writing about it. You need to take the next 30 minutes and turn everything off and go watch it. Here is the link . If you are serious about taking your business to another level and webinars are not part of your marketing strategy, you are going to be losing a lot of money! Plus, when you see how this webinar uses facebook to promote your products or services you are going to flip out! Go check it out NOW!


Let me know what you think when it is over!

Coach Dave

Do you want to build your own personal brand?

I am pasting this email on my blog to share with you an email that I received from a guy named David Frey. He is the owner of and the author of the Small Business Marketing  Bible. I have been following David for some time now and he offers these free Tele-seminars on different topics. I have listened to several of these in the past and they provide great information. If you are interested at all in building your own personal brand, sign up for the FREE seminar and listen to some of the experts tell you how to do it. Read the email below to learn more and then join me  for the calls.

Why Do THEY Seem To Get All The Business
And Not Me?

I get asked all the time by the small
business owners and entrepreneurs about
how they can get more business.

They look around and see others getting
all the business they can handle with
ease, while they struggle to get any

So, what’s the big difference? Why do
some people seem to get tons of
business, while others struggle to get

In many cases, it comes down to how
they’ve POSITIONED themselves in the
market or industry… how they’ve
BRANDED themselves in the minds of their

The GOOD NEWS is that you can do this
too! You can brand yourself and/or your
company and become the “Go-To” person in
your industry.

The GREAT NEWS is that you’ll learn how
to do just that in my new telesummit

“The Branding Masters Telesummit!”

You can go and register for it right

It won’t cost you anything.

And we interviewed some of the absolute
best branding experts in the industry.

Go see for yourself at…

Each day over the next week you’ll be
receiving announcements about the
different interviews that will be
playing that day.

The Branding Telesummit includes experts
in the areas of…

* How to brand yourself as celebrity in
your industry

* How to repair a tarnished brand

* How to get started building your brand

* How to create evangelists that promote
your brand for you

* How to re-brand your business if you
decide to go a new direction

And much more.

Go and sign up now.

Again, it won’t cost you a dime to
listen to these interviews.

Have an awesome day!
