Do you know what your Financial IQ is?

Hello everyone! Happy Friday! I mentioned last week that I was going to start a new weekly post that talks about financial intelligence, so this week I have a simple question for you, but before I get to that let me answer a question I received from a reader on financial intelligence. Dave, “Why should I care about financial intelligence? I come in do my job get paid and make a decent living!” Making a great living is great and most of you probably are more interested in reading something else or more interested in seeing what your friends are doing on Facebook. That is fine but I have decided that my intent for this blog going forward is to help people create a life that allows financial freedom. For some of you having a good paying job is all you are gong to what out of life, but for a few of you I know you want to create a life that allows you to live your dreams and have the freedom to do what you want. So, with that being said, if you aspire to have financial freedom then these weekly posts are going to be helpful for you!

Okay, moving on to the topic today, Financial IQ. What is your Financal IQ? Don’t worry I had no idea what mine was until I started reading and studying Robert Kiyosaki. In his books he lays it out in a simple way, so I thought that instead of me trying to explain why don’t I let him explain it to you. Check out this link and read the short post. Once you have done that you will have a better idea of what the heck I am talking about when I say Financial IQ. If you are anything like I was when I first read it I was shocked at what I thought I knew and what I thought were assets.

Let me know what your Financial IQ is by posting your comments.

Until next week,
In health and wealth
Caoch Dave

Get the Loser out of You!

I just got back from having one of the best workouts I have had in a really long time. I guess you can say I have been living in a comfort zone for some time now. Three weeks ago that all changed and now I left to set my own course in the next stage of my life. For those of you who have been through a serious change in your life you know how some days are great and others you are left to wonder will things be different, be better, and will I make it. It is human to go through these thoughts and emotions, but it is times like these we see our true abilities.

Okay, so you might be asking why was my workout so great. Fair question. Lately, I have been reading and studying Robert Kiyosaki. In his book “Conspiracy of the Rich” he talks about a time when he was getting ready to go fight in Vietnam and he was introduce to his Captain. Captain Denny was a decorated vet for his bravery in Vietnam. Now, before I lose you here and you start wondering what does this have to do with my great workout you need to read this story of how Robert talks about getting the loser out of you. Yes, he might be referring to money but the lesson can be applied to any part of your life. While I was running today I did not quit until I got the “Loser out of Me!”

You are going to have to register to read it but trust me it will be worth it. Once you register the story is the online exclusive story #3

Coach Dave