Start a membership in 48 hours … with just 1 article!

Hi everyone!

Ever since  I launched my Working Mom Workouts membership site I have received several inquires on how I did it. Well, I wish I could tell you I was the expert on creating membership sites but truth be told I had a mentor help me with it. So, today I thought I would share with you what some of the things I learned.

My mentor describes the “perfect” mix of information products like this…

E – ENTRY level products
S – SUBSCRIPTION level products
P – PREMIUM level products

He says this is infoproduct ESP … and lets you see profit in your future! Catchy, huh?

Most people talk about “entry level” products. These are $7 reports, $27 courses, etc. Low-cost stuff that’s intended to build trust with the customer and get them to spend more money with you. They are usually “graduated” to “premium level” products such as coaching programs, high-dollar physical products, workshops and other big-ticket items.

While these are both needed and good, it’s that middle one — “subscription level” products — which is the really integral center of your business.

Subscription level products are the ones that you get paid for over and over again. They are membership sites and other methods of residual income. You find a customer ONCE and they pay you month after month.

This is the key for a variety of reasons, but primarily it’s key for this one:

-> You can count on the payments.

There is some security in knowing that you’ll get paid every month from the recurring billing.

Having your own membership site is a MUST if you’re serious about doing business online. There’s only one problem … it’s not as easy as it sounds.

These membership sites are not easy because…

* They require a lot of time investment to start.

* There are pricey and complicated scripts to purchase.

* It is hard to keep members active and subscribed.

* You need a lot of ideas to keep it going.

I could go on and on.

But, the residual income is just too good to ignore.

That’s why I was so excited when Jimmy D. Brown announced a “new” type of membership site called “fixed term memberships” (FTM). These are sometimes known as “autoresponder” membership sites.

You can read all about them at: IM Institute

All you need is one article to get your membership site up and running!

Jimmy teaches you how to literally have one up and running in 48 hours or less.

There are only 1,000 memberships available and then it will close down. If you know Jimmy’s reputation, he doesn’t play marketing games. He’s shut down every time he promised he would. In fact, he retired over 100 of his products just like he said he would!

Visit the site today to read all about it. Even without joining you can learn enough to see if it’s for you. At the site Jimmy explains the concept, how it works and what you need to get started today.

Visit right now for all the details: IM Institute

Best regards,
Coach Dave

Get the Loser out of You!

I just got back from having one of the best workouts I have had in a really long time. I guess you can say I have been living in a comfort zone for some time now. Three weeks ago that all changed and now I left to set my own course in the next stage of my life. For those of you who have been through a serious change in your life you know how some days are great and others you are left to wonder will things be different, be better, and will I make it. It is human to go through these thoughts and emotions, but it is times like these we see our true abilities.

Okay, so you might be asking why was my workout so great. Fair question. Lately, I have been reading and studying Robert Kiyosaki. In his book “Conspiracy of the Rich” he talks about a time when he was getting ready to go fight in Vietnam and he was introduce to his Captain. Captain Denny was a decorated vet for his bravery in Vietnam. Now, before I lose you here and you start wondering what does this have to do with my great workout you need to read this story of how Robert talks about getting the loser out of you. Yes, he might be referring to money but the lesson can be applied to any part of your life. While I was running today I did not quit until I got the “Loser out of Me!”

You are going to have to register to read it but trust me it will be worth it. Once you register the story is the online exclusive story #3

Coach Dave

The Revolution has begun

Has the Health Care revolution begun? I believe it has and my basis for this belief comes from reading the book “The Tipping Point” by Malcolm Gladwell.  The other reason comes from  my trip last month to the IHRSA convention when I had the chance to hear Malcolm Gladwell speak. In his presentation what really stood out to me was when he talked about what factors are involved in starting a revolution and how one event or idea can change everything, hence the ‘Tipping Point’. He asked the audience what causes revolutions?  Is it money? Political capital? Military strength? And then he answered the question by telling the story of the collapse of the Berlin Wall. What most people don’t realize is that the collapse of the Berlin Wall started by one event. That one event occurred a month before the wall fell and it happened in a small town in East Germany.  Essentially, what happened was a group of protestors gathered in a town to protest and instead of the police breaking it up they allowed the protest to continue. Well, word got around and people in the town heard about the protest and decided, well if the police did not stop them from protesting let’s go ahead and have our own protest. This continued day after day until millions of people in East Germany gathered  protesting and without any military push back  they began to tear down the wall. As Malcolm goes on to speak and states, “the revolution began all becuase one day the town police decided not to stop the protesting of the people of this small town and with that, other towns followed suite. Before you knew it, a month later, millions of people gathered to tear down the wall.”

Okay, so what is my point here and what exactly do I mean by the Health Care Revolution has begun? Well, in my opinion the Health Care revolution has begun because people are going to be forced to become healthy. Yes, I mean forced because  the additional 30 million people to the system with out the infrastructure will cause rationing. There is no argument to be made it will happen. If you get sick you will have to wait longer to see a doctor and the only way to avoid having to wait is to make sure you don’t get sick. This is where those of us in the fitness industry should rejoice. Health club memberships should increase and more people will seek our help, so that they do not get sick.

The lesson to take away today is that instead of sitting around waiting to see what happens to Health Care in this country be the first person out there to say, “hey I can help you stay healthy and free from illness” Find ways to benefit from this massive government intrusion into health care. Remember, there are always two ways to look at a problem. One, you can complain and do nothing or the second way, take the opposite approach and find a way to solve it and benefit from it.

Coach Dave

Have you made many Resolutions for 2010?

Have you made many resolutions for 2010? Is this the year that you are going to stick to those resolutions you made? Now, most people make resolutions but few keep them. Why? Well, with it being the New Year the intention and determination is there to change but people fail because of two reason.  One, the lack of specific goals and two, is the lack of a plan to achieve those goals.

First, let’s talk about goals. Saying that you are going to make more money or get more clients is not specific. What you need to do is state specifically how much more money do you want to make. As for getting more clients, how many? The goal needs to be specific and measurable. Once you have your goals formulated you need to write them down. I hear from personal trainers all the time that I have them in my head. Sorry, if it is not written down on paper it is not a goal. Writing it down creates a record of what you want to achieve and there is no way of disputing what your goals are if they are written down.

The second step to achieve success is to create a plan. When you have your goals written down you need to break them down into smaller steps. For instance if you said you wanted to increase your income by 10% then step 1 might be to get one new client a week (52 by year end). Another might be to do more group training. The important thing here is to break the larger goal into smaller steps to ultimately lead to the larger goal. Oh, and one more important thing to add here is you need a time table and deadline. This was something I neglected to do for  long time but once I set a deadline I began to notice my success in accomplishing my goals increased.

Okay, do me a favor and take some time and sit down and implement these two tips into your New Year’s resolutions and see yourself accomplish more this year than in years past! Make 2010 the best year ever!

Today is your Independence Day

I hope you had a fun and relaxing Fourth of July. I know for me it is a day that I cherish and look forward to every year. This was not always the case when I was younger. Back in my late teenage years and college days I did not really appreciate the freedom that we have in this country.

I know today there is a lot of anxiety and uncertainty on what is going on in our country and government, but the fact still remains to be true that we have the freedom to choose and create a life of prosperity and wealth. The choice is up to you. You can stand up and embrace the freedom of choice or you can sit there and be miserable and make no progress towards your dreams.

If you are not where you want to be then change it. If you want more personal training clients then find a way to get more. Start a bootcamp. Go speak to local companies in your area and promote your business.If you want to make more money start a business. It could be an online or brick and mortar, but get started with something.

My final thoughts today on this wonderful holiday involves thinking about everyone who fought for the freedoms we have today. If you look back to the early days of the founding of our country the people fought hard for what they wanted and did not give up until they had their dreams realized. So, today I challenge you to create your financial independence and do something this upcoming week that will continue to push you towards reaching your goals and dreams.