First Class Service

What can you learn from flying first class and how can you apply it to your  business?

Well, let me tell you I finally get it! This past week I had to fly to Orlando due to the passing of my Grandfather and I flew first class. This was only the second time I have had the opportunity to fly first class but what an experience. Now, it did not come cheap. We had to use a lot of our miles, as well as pay a small fee, but the airline made it worth it. The reason the airlines make it worth the money is because the airline companies know that the first class passengers spend the most money and are probably the most loyal. This is what you need to take note of. Most sales professionals and trainers spend way too much time and effort on getting new clients and don’t realize that they need to spend more time on giving their current clients first class service.

Why, you ask? Well, the clients who train with you the most are going to continue to train with you, and will also continue to spread the good news about you. So, what can you do to start creating first class service?

Here are a few things:

1.) Send a thank you card to your clients – a spontaneous card thanking them is a very nice gesture, which shows you took the time out of your schedule to show your appreciation.

2.) Comp them a personal training session – Set a number of sessions trained and after they hit that number give them a comp session.

3.) Give them a small gift – you can get creative here and you do not need to spend a lot of money here. Remember it is all about the gesture.

4.) Start a distribution list and send them motivational quotes and articles.

5.) Remember kids names, birthdays, anniversaries, etc… Use this to send emails, cards, and congratulations when you are talking to them.


Now, these are just a few ideas, but the point here is you need to go above and beyond to create memorable and positive experiences for your clients. The airlines have been providing first class service for a long time and they know how to get it right, so if you need to see what I am talking about fly first class and then start providing first class service.

If you build it they will come!

Have you seen the movie, “Field of Dreams” with Kevin Costner? Well, if not I highly recommended it because it is a classic. Now, the reason I mention this movie is because today is opening day for MLB. Every year my wife and I go to the Ball Park in Arlington to see the Texas Rangers on opening day. Today was a great day. Maybe a little cold, but the Rangers won 9-1 and it was their first win on opening day in over six years. I know, it is tough to cheer for a team that has only won a few playoff games in their entire existence as a team but opening day is a chance for a new season. A rebirth of sorts and what I want to talk to you today about is, today can be opening day for you and your training business.

You see, you do not have to wait until next year to start over and have a fresh year ahead of you to begin to change. Today, is an opportunity to change the way you have been approaching sales with your prospects. If you are tired of getting the same results then you need to change and I can help. How can I help? Well, I have been helping trainers build a solid training business for years now, and I can tell you that the days of high pressure sales are done. If you want to build a clientele that will pay you what you are worth then you need a system. A system that will have you determine which clients you want to work with and ones that are better left to someone else. A system in which every year you command more for your services. A system that will have client’s contacting you instead of you calling on them.

The game has changed and if you want to build a strong clientele then check out “Anatomy of Sales”. I personally guarantee you that if you do not increase your personal training I will give you your money back. However, I am confident that if you put the principles to work, you will start to build a clientele that will be with you for a long time. 

So in conclusion, I want to leave you with a scene from the movie “Field of Dreams”. At the end, James Earl Jones, tells Kevin Costner,” Ray, if you build it, they will come”, and although I am no James Earl Jones I can tell you, that if you take just one of my principles and put it to work for you they will come and you will realize your dreams!

It is Finally Done

Do you love the feeling of accomplishing something? Well, today I am stoked. My new website is finally ready and my new venture will be launched. Now, I have no clue what the results are going to be but one thing I am certain of and that is I have taken the first step. For a long time now I have talked about having an online business that involves fitness. Well, I am now combining two of my passions, fitness and business into one site. So, in the days,weeks,months, and years ahead I plan on doing my best to providing you a site that will help you reach your potential. I would love to hear your story and look forward to our journey together.

Coach Dave