Change your Attitude or else….

Having two kids under the age of six I find myself saying that phrase more often than not. If you have young kids I am sure you can relate, but what I found interesting the other day was I needed this phrase to be directed to myself. I have been told that one of my strengths is my “Attitude”. For the most part I would agree but I am human just like the rest of you and I was having a bad day. Those of you who own your own business know where I am coming from. Some days are great and you feel like you are on top of the world. And then some days you feel like you have crashed and burned. In life and business there are many things that you just can’t change or have control over, however, there is one thing that you always have control over and that is your “Attitude.” As I wrote in “Success Depends on You” the one thing you have total control over is your choice. Sure things can be bad at times but why make it worse by being negative about it. Change your attitude and realize that being positive is going to make a bad thing much easier to cope with!

And yes, it took me all day to get out of my funk but I did and you know what, had I not changed my attitude it might still be bad!

In health and wealth,
Coach Dave

Done for You WordPress Blogs

Hello everyone. I am so excited today and hope you are too! One reason is because today is March 1st and for those of that live in Texas, March and April are typically great months weather wise. I mean after this winter we sure could use some nice weather. The other reason I am excited is because I am going to be launching my new service, Done for You WordPress Blogs, on April 1st.

No, it will not be an April Fools joke. After several years of building and tweaking my own blogs I felt it was time to start giving back and helping others create one themselves. Let’s face it it is not rocket science but for most of us we are either one, too busy or two, just a little intimidated by SEO, FTP, Plugins, etc… So, starting on April 1st I will be offering a new service focusing on creating and supporting anyone who needs help with their WordPress blog.

I am still working out all the details but will have a follow up to this post real soon. If you already have a blog or are on the fence as to why should I create one go check out my FREE Report on “5 Ways to Monetize Your Blog.”

Forgive me but I have to go now. It is 70 degrees out and I am going to enjoy the outside before those 100 degree days get here!

In health and wealth,
Coach Dave

Do you know what your Financial IQ is?

Hello everyone! Happy Friday! I mentioned last week that I was going to start a new weekly post that talks about financial intelligence, so this week I have a simple question for you, but before I get to that let me answer a question I received from a reader on financial intelligence. Dave, “Why should I care about financial intelligence? I come in do my job get paid and make a decent living!” Making a great living is great and most of you probably are more interested in reading something else or more interested in seeing what your friends are doing on Facebook. That is fine but I have decided that my intent for this blog going forward is to help people create a life that allows financial freedom. For some of you having a good paying job is all you are gong to what out of life, but for a few of you I know you want to create a life that allows you to live your dreams and have the freedom to do what you want. So, with that being said, if you aspire to have financial freedom then these weekly posts are going to be helpful for you!

Okay, moving on to the topic today, Financial IQ. What is your Financal IQ? Don’t worry I had no idea what mine was until I started reading and studying Robert Kiyosaki. In his books he lays it out in a simple way, so I thought that instead of me trying to explain why don’t I let him explain it to you. Check out this link and read the short post. Once you have done that you will have a better idea of what the heck I am talking about when I say Financial IQ. If you are anything like I was when I first read it I was shocked at what I thought I knew and what I thought were assets.

Let me know what your Financial IQ is by posting your comments.

Until next week,
In health and wealth
Caoch Dave