7 tips on getting more personal training clients

How would you like to know seven tips to start doing today that will help you get more personal training clients? Now, my goal for you is over the next month try and implement two or three of these tips and six months from now you will start making more money and have more personal training clients. Today’s post is going to include the first of three posts that I will share with you on how to get more clients. Here are the first three.

1.) Get more knowledge – Yes, the first thing I tell new fitness professionals is to read, listen, and watch anything that is related to improving you as a trainer and business person. I am sure you have heard the phrase “Leaders are Readers”. This is so true if you want to be the lead personal trainer in your area you need to keep learning.

2.)Write articles – This is something I wished I would have done sooner. Newspaper and magazine editors are always looking for a great story and by being published it does two things. One, you become tagged as an expert and two, you get free marketing to hundreds of readers and potential prospects.

3.) Speak at local companies – In today’s economy, companies have had to dial back the perks they are giving out to their employees. So, having an expert come in and speak on health and fitness is something that employees want and value. You are doing the company a big favor and also yourself because it gives you a chance to market yourself.  Also, this will continue to build you up as an expert and give you the credibility you need to make the sale. If you do a good job you will be asked to come back and each time you speak you have the potential to get more clients.

Tomorrow I will share with you two ways to get more clients without physically training anyone. As for now pick up a book or listen to an audio of someone who can give you more knowledge, which will start you on a path to more money.

5 Steps to Successful Selling

I was on a website today and I saw a survey that was asking fitness professionals what they wanted to learn more about. Quite frankly, I was surprised to see that many of the voters were wanting to know more about multiple streams of income for fitness professionals over sales and marketing. Now, I understand that it is smart to want to know more about how to create multiple streams of income, but don’t put the cart before the horse. In order to be successful in any business venture you must learn how to sell and today I am going to start a series of posts that will tackle the 5 steps to successful selling, which I have adapted from Zig Ziglar. Here are the five steps that we will be digging into in the next couple of days:

I. The Importance of Personal/Professional Development

II. The Necessity of Prospecting

III. The Power of Planning

IV. The Art of Closing

V. The Fortune in the Follow-Up

In the next couple of days I will tackle each one of these steps and give you an action step to take, so stayed tuned and get ready to master the art of sales.

Coach Dave

Anatomy of Sales

Do you believe you are selling yourself everyday regardless of your profession? I do, and I have written the book “Anatomy of Sales” to help fitness professionals and personal trainers realize that everyday a sale takes place within your organization or with prospects, and if you want to be successful in your career then you need to master the art of sales. 

So, what will you learn by reading this book?

  • How to close your prospect?
  • How to make people realize they need you?
  • Why they don’t sign up after you explained the benefits?
  • How to change ‘maybe’ to “YES – I’LL START TOMORROW!”
Also within its contents, you’ll learn:
  • How to trigger your prospects to make on-the-spot decisions to hire you.
  • Overcome fear of price rejection.
  • The 5 major reasons people will buy training sessions from you.
  • Setting SMART goals to create a realistic six-figure income.
  • How to build a ‘buzz’ about your fitness training services.
  • How to cherry-pick the right clients who WANT and NEED personal training.
  • Undiscovered new technologies that will help grow your business.
I can promise you that I wrote this book with the fitness professional in mind and I know that the last thing you want to be referred to as is a “Sales” person. So, if you want to learn how to master the art of sales through a new approach then check out my book.
Please let me know if you have any questions or want some more info about the book.
Coach Dave


Hello and welcome to my site. In this post I want to answer a few questions for you.

Who am I?
I am a person who has a passion for fitness, business, and self-improvement.
Why am I here?
I have been in the fitness industry for over 13 years and throughout that time I was always looking for someone to mentor me. So, with all my experience and past mistakes I plan on helping fitness professionals grow in their career and have someone to look towards for answers.
What you can expect?
You can expect to get my personal insights and thoughts about the industry through my blog posts. Also, if you like what you see here in the blog posts and want more in depth training I will be available for coacing.
Why did I write the book “Anatomy of Sales”?
I wrote the book “Anatomy of Sales” after years of coaching all the new trainers that I was hiring and realizing that the skill that these new hires lacked the most were the ability to sell.
Do I plan to offer more products?
Yes, I am working on a monthly newsletter that will be loaded with information on how to become better at sales and business strategies to grow your business.

I hope that you will find my site and blog of interest and will decide to come join the journey with me in the pursuit of achieving greatness in our profession.