Do you devalue your services?

I am always amazed at how many fitness clubs and personal trainers follow the herd. Out of the hundreds of clubs I have visited over the years maybe only a handful of clubs do not sell packages for their services (i.e personal training). When I ask owners or managers why they sell packages the response I always seem to get is, “well that is what such and such club does, so we have to offer that.” Let me ask you this, “do doctors offer packages for seeing them multiple times?” No, and you shouldn’t either. I just read an article on Club Industry’s web site that talks about consumers ready to spend more in 2011. Go read it when you have a chance and realize this, if you provide a service that people value then you should charge what you think it is worth and that will lead me to my final point today.

I want to leave you today asking yourself this question, “why is 10 sessions worth $50, but one session is worth $65?” Are you providing the same value during each service? Does over ten sessions the time you spent learning Anatomy and Physiology diminish? No, and that is why you need to stop following the herd and devaluing your services. If you don’t have the ability to set your rates I understand but if you do, then you should feel confident in what you are charging and stick to it. You service is worth what you believe it is worth. If you don’t have that confidence you will struggle long term in the fitness business.

For more info on sales and how to charge what you are worht check out my book or join my coaching program here.

To your success,
Coach Dave

How to create internet independence

Are you looking to expand your fitness business by taking it online? If so, I have come across a new resource for you that will take you step by step.It is a blog totally dedicated to creating internet independence. The founder and contributor of this site is, Craig Ballantyne. Craig has been in the fitness industry for a long time now and has been real successful with his online adventures. He is the founder and creator of Turbulence Training and has written hundreds of articles on fat loss.

Now, Craig has started a mission to help people create their own internet empire. The blog just started a few days ago. So, don’t wait, start reading his posts today, so that you can get started on creating a passive income stream for yourself. Here is the link again to the site.

Make this the year you start doing something that is going to give you financial freedom. As Albert Einstein once said, ” To be different you will need to think different!”

To your success,

Coach Dave

Market and Sell your Fitness Business like the U.S. Marines

Happy 235th birthday to the United States Marine Corps. I have always had a deep respect for the military and for the United States Marine Corps. Several of my friends have served in the Marines and I am thankful for their service. Today, I want to talk to you about how to market and sell your fitness business like the U.S. Marines.

When we talk about marketing we typically are referring to one of the 4 p’s.

Positioning (Place)

One of the biggest mistakes personal trainers and fitness clubs make in their marketing is they fail to position themselves in the marketplace. Positioning, is critical to a successful marketing campaign. More often than not, personal trainers and fitness clubs fail at strategically positioning themselves in the marketplace. Typically, what happens is the fitness club or personal trainer wants to be for everyone. I understand that no one wants to turn down business but if you want to market and sell more you need to take a page out the Marine playbook.

Many people might not think that the Marines market and sell, however, that is far from the truth. Let me tell you about a great example of the Marines marketing an selling to potential recruits. One day I was at an event and  I remember hearing a Marine Recruiter get up in front of a crowd after several other branches of the military spoke, whom went on for ten minutes talking about their particular branch of service and the benefits of joining. When the Marine recruiter took the stage it was quite different.  The Marine recruiter said the following:
” Ladies and Gentlemen, I am not going to take up much of your time here. Many of you are not qualified to be a Marine, and my estimate, with a crowd this size, probably only a handful of you have what it takes to be a Marine. So, if you think you are one of the few and proud that can join my brotherhood, see me afterwards.”

How many people do you think went to visit that recruiter afterwards? More than half, but the lesson to be learned here is this.

The Marines position themselves as an elite group of the military. The Marines do not want just anyone. They want the best and bravest men and women this country has to offer. They are selective as should you be. You should not just be for everyone, as well. Decide what you stand for and position yourself in the marketplace as that.

Here are some examples.

You may be the best at providing services that market to adults or maybe you are best at working with post-rehab patients. The point I am making is you need to decide who you are best at serving and position and market yourself that way. Do this and people will flock to you. And yes, you will get people who might not fit that speciality but by standing for something as opposed for everything you create credibility. the funny thing also, is it is amazing sometimes when you tell someone that they are not suited for your business they want to be with you even more.

Go market and sell like the United States Marine Corps!

Happy 235th Birthday U.S.M.C.

Coach Dave

How to Build a Blog for your Fitness Business in 31 days

Have you been wanting to build a blog for your fitness business? Are you unsure of how to get started?

Well, let me just share with you one resource that I used to get started. About two years ago I was searching for books on how to build a successful blog and at that time there was some books out there that talked about all the nuts and bolts to blogging, but one stood out to me over the rest. Darren Rowse, at Pro, was the first book I purchased to get me started. The book was a good start for me and started me on the path to creating what is now However, shortly there after Darren came out with a step by step workbook on how to create a successful blog in 31 days! That changed everything for me. You see, I was just throwing things out there on my blog and from time to time really searched for what to write and post.”31 Days to better blogging” changed all that for me. Having a step by step guide to what to write and how to create a great blog was awesome. Actually, what I do now is when I am in a down cycle with my blog I take out the workbook and start the 31 day process all over again. Click here to view more details. Trust me it really took me to another level when it came to my blog. If you are serious about creating a blog for your fitness business then this is the tool for you. Go check it out and I promise you will not be disappointed by it.

Your guide on how to be a successful personal trainer

How Do I Become a Successful Personal Trainer?

If there’s one question that is the foundation for this blog it’s this one and since 2008 I’ve been writing post after post on the topic – to the point where it’s difficult for a new reader to find a place to start.

The following list of links are my suggestions on key posts on the topic of becoming a successful personal trainer from my blog archives. I hope you find them to be useful.

A Personal Guide to Become a Successful Trainer

The Answer to the Million Dollar Question  

– I am always asked the question of “How do I get more personal training clients? In this post I answer that question for you in this post.

It’s Not the Recession It’s You

– From time to time I have a few rants and I thought I would share this one with you. Read it for yourself and let me know your thoughts. 

Do You Really Want To Be a Personal Trainer?

– In this post I pose a simple question but the answer isn’t all that easy. Sometimes people think they are cut out to be a personal trainer and the truth be told they are not. I lay out the questions you need to answer to really know if personal training is right for you. 

Create Your Own Luck

– I have never believed in luck and I talk about what you need to do to be successful in personal training and life. 

The Fastest Way To a Six Figure Income

If it is your goal to make a six figure income through personal training then this post is a must read.


These posts are intended to serve as a guide towards your success as a personal trainer. They are not going to answer all your questions but will help you on your quest.


Coach Dave