Do you want to get paid for your expertise?

Hello fellow fitness professional,

If you are like me you know that people always want something for free. Listen, I am more than willing to help people out and I have written my fair share of articles for magazines. And yes, it has helped my business but why not get paid for writing small reports. You see, I believe that the book industry is dying and the new industry is going to be small articles and reports that experts sell online. I have recently purchased Jimmy D. Browns course on “Small Reports” and am launching mine within the next couple of weeks. Today, I have a better offer than I got when I purchased his course. See the email below:

Subject: Free report + 50% off coupon for a top-selling course

Hi David

This is going to expire in just a few days, so I wanted to let you know about it as quickly as possibly.

Jimmy D. Brown has prepared a free copy for you of one of his most influential reports.  It showcases how he turned tiny 7-15 page reports into a million dollar publishing business.

It's entitled...

     How To Turn 7-15 Page Small Reports Into A Six-Figure Information Empire

You can download your copy at:

No list to join.  No complicated process.  Just visit the site and click on the download link.  End of story.


While you're there, consider the special offer for his top-selling course of all-time.  It's called "Small Reports Fortune" and it's being retired in just a few days.

He's sold thousands of copies at $97 each, but as part of his "retirement" celebration, he's put together a special HALF OFF coupon for you.

There is a special offer link at the bottom of the page.  The cost for Small Reports Fortune is only $47 if you order from this pageÉ

Get all the details there.  Get your free report.  Get started building your business!

Coach Dave

Do Style Points Matter?

As most of you know by now I am a huge Gator football fan, and last week the Gators just barely beat the Arkansas Razorbacks. Now, when I say barely, I mean the game could have gone either way, but fortunately for the Gators they pulled off the victory. With the victory being so ugly everyone is talking about how Florida is not really good and they are just barely winning their games. Of course, this drives me crazy because regardless if they won in style they still won the game. I am sorry, but a W in the win column is still a W!

Alright, you may be asking what does this have to do with me being a personal trainer or fitness professional. Everything! I know too many personal trainers that try to get flashy and fancy with prospects and clients. Because of this behavior I see all too often personal trainers either lose the sale or lose the client. Remember, when it comes to closing a sale or keeping a personal training client for a long time you have to understand that the way to win is by being consistent and determined to do your best. If you stick to the fundamentals of solid training and showing the client that you have their best interest in mind then you will win 9 out of 10 times. So, the next time someone says, “well you did not win with style.” You tell them I still won!

Are You Managing the Game?

Last weekend the Florida Gators beat LSU in what most people are calling an ugly win for the University of Florida. According to most of the pundits and my friends the game was boring to watch and the common phrase I heard was all Florida di was manage the game. Here is the point I want to make, regardless of how exciting or flashy the Gators were on Sat night they won the game and in the end accomplished their goal. As for managing the game that is the key to success in business and life. Reflecting back on my life and career I would have to say that I have  “managed the game” because the success I have had has come from being conservative with calculated risk. I am no flashy celebrity trainer like Bob and Gillian from the “Biggest Loser” but I am a disciplined hard worker that has managed to be successful in business in life. Okay, so here is what you need to do to manage your “game” or carreer as a fitness professional. 

I. Understand that your life and career is a journey, not a race! Steady, daily improvement will add up to numerous success stories and accomplishments throughout your career

II. Continue learning! I have said this so many times I am beating it to death but in order to manage the game properly you need to keep improving your skills and learning new ones. Times are changing and you need to be poised to capitalize on new technologies and new information. 

III. Build trust! If you are going to be a leader or person off influence, which every fitness professional is, then you need to have those people that follow you have trust in what you say and do!

IV. Learn to adapt! You need to be like a chameleon. Adapt to your current surroundings. If the economy is sagging you need to figure out how to adapt to lower consumer spending. Learning to adapt to your surroundings is one of the biggest keys to managing your career.


These four tips are just a few ways that you can manage your career and life. Remember, there will be times that day to day activities seem boring but the steady, conservative, calculated risk approach will get you the success you deserve and want. On a final note, I can tell you that if the Florida Gators win the rest of their games by being boring and “managing the game” I know that I will be extremely happy Gator fan with another National Championship to our trophy case.

How to train like a “Navy Seal”, so that you can be a successful personal trainer

I just finished reading one of the best books I have ever read. The name of the book is “Lone Survivor” and it is about the true story of the Navy Seal that survived the battle of Red Hawk in the mountains of Afghanistan. I can tell you that while reading the book I experienced all kinds of emotions and left wanting to know more about the courageous and remarkable men who serve our country. With that being said, I wanted to write today to tell you how you can improve your training and life if you take just a small chapter from the attitude and trainig techniques the Navy Seals go through to become who they are. 

Let’s first start by looking at the Navy Seal’s philosophy:

“I will never quit…My Nation expects me to be physically harder and mentally stronger than my enemies. If knocked down, I will get back up, every time. I will draw on every remaining ounce of strength to protect my teamates…I am never out of the fight.”

Okay, I know the Navy Seals are extremely tough and on the other end of the spectrum but one thing is for certain and that is their resolve to never quit. If you want to take one thing away from the Seal philosophy it should be you believing that you are never out of the fight. I see it all the time, new trainers come in to the industry and don’t give themselves enough time to make it stick. They give in too soon and don’t stay in the fight long enough to give them a shot at winning. I will be honest I almost quit the industry but I remember reading a quote one day that said “When you think you are at the end of a rope tie a knot and hang on.” Boy, am I glad that I hung on because after a few years of personal training and working with my clients I came to realize my true purpose in life, which has led me to where I am today. So, if you adapt the philosophy of the Navy Seals and never quit! you too can become a successful trainer

It is Finally Done

Do you love the feeling of accomplishing something? Well, today I am stoked. My new website is finally ready and my new venture will be launched. Now, I have no clue what the results are going to be but one thing I am certain of and that is I have taken the first step. For a long time now I have talked about having an online business that involves fitness. Well, I am now combining two of my passions, fitness and business into one site. So, in the days,weeks,months, and years ahead I plan on doing my best to providing you a site that will help you reach your potential. I would love to hear your story and look forward to our journey together.

Coach Dave