Are You Making This Mistake With Your Small Business?

Okay, I am a little ashamed to admit this but I made one of the biggest mistakes that most small business owners make. The thing that bugs me even more about making this mistake is that in business school this is taught almost day one and I still did it. Well, lucky for me I decided to start working with a business coach to help me through some of the struggles I am facing with my business. More on that later, but have I got your curiosity to see if you are making that mistake in your small business? Alright, I won’t keep you waiting any longer. The biggest mistake most small business owners make is that when it comes to figuring out their Break Even Analysis they forget to include into the fixed costs section a line item that has the owner’s salary!

Yes, you heard me correct. Most small business owners when starting out figure that as long as they calcualte and cover all the fixed costs, which typically include things like rent, operations, marketing, employee payroll, etc. that the business can survive and they are making it. Well, after going back and seeing that for the past year all my calculations have been based entirely on just having enough members of my Working Mom Workouts site to cover all the fixed costs minus a salary for me has made me realize that my entire marketing and advertising strategy needs to change. Once I added in a monthly salary for me the number of clients I ned to have paying me a monthly subscription has gone up 2-3x of what I originally projected. So, let me ask you again, “Are you making this mistake in your small business?” If so, don’t beat yourself up over it, in a follow up post to this one I am going to show you how easy it is to calculate your Break Even Analysis with your salary in it, so that you have a true picture of what it takes to have a successful business!

To your success,
Coach Dave

Do you have a plan for 2011

I have a simple question for you today and that is. “Do you have a plan for 2011?” I am referring to a specific, detailed, goal approach to having a better year personally and professionally in 2011. I know what you are saying, “I have my goals for next year up here in my head.” Sorry, that does not work. If you really want to have a great year in 2011 you need to take some time over the next couple of days and reflect on what you accomplished this past year and what you want to accomplish next year.

Every year I use a technique that I learned from the great Jim Rohn. What I do is, I take all my journals and goals that I have written down and review them. I ask myself the following questions:

Why do I write that down as a goal?
Did I accomplish it? If not, why not?
What areas of my personal life do I want to work on?
What areas of my business career do I want to grow?
What are my income goals for the next year? 3 years? 5 years?
How do I become more?
What people do I need to meet and network with to achieve my goals?

Those are my top 7 questions that I ask myself before I begin to set up my plan for the next year. And yes, I write it down!

So, take the next couple of days before the holidays and reflect on what this past year has been like and set up your 2011 plan.

I will be sharing with you my 2011 predictions and my plan real soon, so come back to see the big things I have planned.

P.S. If you need some coaching on this I am available to help. We all need someone to help us from time to time and now is a great time to get some. Click here to join my coaching program.

Are you in Control of your Destiny?

From time to time I get some really good emails from a bunch of different sources and when I do I want to share them with you. Read this email from Steve Straus. It is insightful when thinking about risk. 


.S T E V E ‘ S….3  –  M I N U T E….C O A C H I N G 
Steve Straus – Coach  Subscribers: 1500+  Readers: 3000+  16SEP09 

Today’s Topic – PRINCIPLE: Risk 
    (Principles are basic truths that, when applied, 
    cause success to come to you easier and quicker.) 

New research on the topic of risk has surfaced some 
intriguing insights, namely that we have risk and control 

If you feel in control of a situation, you will take on a 
greater amount of risk than if you feel you are not in 

For instance, consider a skydiver. He or she clearly 
assumes a level of risk by jumping out of an airplane. 
That risk to life-and-limb is much greater than they 
have as a passenger in a modern commercial airliner 
in regular service, but they may be terrified to fly! 

The difference? In the skydiving activity they are (or 
at least believe they are) in full control of their destiny. 
As a passenger in the airliner they have given up all 
control to a stranger in the cockpit. 

Another example — an entrepreneur may have a higher 
risk of financial security than a corporate employee, 
but having greater personal control of their destiny 
may trump the “safety” of the corporate job. 

When you notice potential risk also notice possible 
control. Having a greater sense of control may let 
you take on much greater risk. 

Coaching Point: Do you control your destiny? Does it 
feel risky? 

Copyright 2009 Steve Straus. All rights reserved. 
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It is Finally Done

Do you love the feeling of accomplishing something? Well, today I am stoked. My new website is finally ready and my new venture will be launched. Now, I have no clue what the results are going to be but one thing I am certain of and that is I have taken the first step. For a long time now I have talked about having an online business that involves fitness. Well, I am now combining two of my passions, fitness and business into one site. So, in the days,weeks,months, and years ahead I plan on doing my best to providing you a site that will help you reach your potential. I would love to hear your story and look forward to our journey together.

Coach Dave

What causes you to Procrastinate

Being in the fitness industry we are all to familiar with people procrastinating. We have a hard time understanding why our clients just don’t do what we say and get moving. Well, what is causing you to procrastinate when it comes to reaching our business goals? For me I realized that mentally I was not disciplined and I was always waiting for the perfect time to act. I can honestly say that I have always had dreams of starting my own business but kept saying, “Oh it just isn’t the perfect time.” I guess this will be a true test since I launched this business during what some economists are saying is the worst economic times since the great depression. Okay, now let’s get back to the question at hand, “what causes you to procrastinate?”

As I mentioned yesterday I am reading a book by John Maxwell, “Talent is Never Enough” and at the end of each chapter he has some application exercises. One of the application questions asks the following and I want you to ask yourself this.

What causes you to procrastinate? 

  • Are you in denial about the consequences of not taking initiative and responsibility for yourself?
  • Are you waiting for others to motivate you instead of working to motivate yourself?
  • Are you waiting for everything to be perfect before you act?
  • Are you fantasizing about tomorrow instead of focusing on what you can do today?
Yes, I bolded the last question because I am guilty of this as well. As I mention in my book I was fortunate to have some of my wealthy and successful clients guide me, but it was not until recently I have sought formal coaching to develop my business. Take a moment and answer these questions and when you do write out a plan to take action on changing the actions that are causing you to procrastinate. 
Coach Dave