Help make a difference in health care reform

The other day I wrote a blog post,“It does not matter what Health Care Bill gets passed because they are forgetting an important component”, and today I just received this email from someone from IHRSA asking me as a former supporter and lobbyist for the WHIP ACT to write again to my Congressional leaders. Coincidence? At first I was like hmmm but after thinking about it there has not been a single piece of legislation in the past decade that means so much to this country and that is why everyone’s voice makes a difference. Please see the letter and follow the links to write to your Congressional leaders and ask them to support the WHIP ACT. 

Coach Dave


Dear David:

As a past attendee of IHRSA’s Legislative Summit, you’ve spoken to your members of Congress or their staff. You know that it is your voice, more than the voices of the paid lobbyist, they want to hear from and listen to.  I’m emailing now to ask you to exercise that power and reach out once more and ask for their support

As you know during the last ten months, IHRSA has been actively working to include exercise as prevention as a part of health care reform, including passage of the Workforce Health Improvement Program (WHIP) Act and the Personal Health Investment Today (PHIT) Act. 

Right now, we need your help to generate support for efforts to introduce the WHIP Act as a floor amendment when health care reform is voted on in the Senate.  We know that the lead sponsor of the WHIP Act, Senator John Cornyn, with support from Senator Tom Harkin,  intends to introduce the bill as a floor amendment. To make sure that happens, we need your help to generate support for the WHIP Act from the other members of the Senate.  

As someone that has previously lobbied your Senators for support of the WHIP Act, would you be willing to reach out again now? This may be the most crucial time. You can use the link at the bottom of the email to send them an email message or click here to find their Capitol Office phone numbers (talking points available online).

Thank you again for your continued support of our federal health promotion efforts. Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information.

Helen Durkin, J.D.
Executive VP, Public Policy

Your guide on how to be a successful personal trainer

How Do I Become a Successful Personal Trainer?

If there’s one question that is the foundation for this blog it’s this one and since 2008 I’ve been writing post after post on the topic – to the point where it’s difficult for a new reader to find a place to start.

The following list of links are my suggestions on key posts on the topic of becoming a successful personal trainer from my blog archives. I hope you find them to be useful.

A Personal Guide to Become a Successful Trainer

The Answer to the Million Dollar Question  

– I am always asked the question of “How do I get more personal training clients? In this post I answer that question for you in this post.

It’s Not the Recession It’s You

– From time to time I have a few rants and I thought I would share this one with you. Read it for yourself and let me know your thoughts. 

Do You Really Want To Be a Personal Trainer?

– In this post I pose a simple question but the answer isn’t all that easy. Sometimes people think they are cut out to be a personal trainer and the truth be told they are not. I lay out the questions you need to answer to really know if personal training is right for you. 

Create Your Own Luck

– I have never believed in luck and I talk about what you need to do to be successful in personal training and life. 

The Fastest Way To a Six Figure Income

If it is your goal to make a six figure income through personal training then this post is a must read.


These posts are intended to serve as a guide towards your success as a personal trainer. They are not going to answer all your questions but will help you on your quest.


Coach Dave

It’s not the Recession It’s You

I am tired of hearing from everyone saying it is the recession that is causing me not  to do as well in my business. Apple, the company that has changed the way we listen to music and use phones today is a prime example of businesses that are prospering during this recession. The company sold 2.6 million Macs, up 4 percent from a year ago, and 5.2 million iPhones, a 626 percent leap from a year ago. Totally Mind Boggling! Those numbers are from the previous business quarter and they tell me one thing and that is if you have a product or service that people want, it does not matter how bad the economy is they will seek it out and buy it.  So, stop blaming the economy and focus in on changing you. People are going to buy from people they like and trust. Pretty simple and the first thing you need to do is start becoming a person who is likable and trustworthy and you will break this bad economic cycle and will start to prosper. See you on the other side.

Coach Dave

Does the “Past” matter?

When it comes to getting more personal training clients does the prospect’s past experience with a personal trainer matter? Of course it does, and I was made aware of this again today when one of my newest trainers encountered a new member who told her a horrific story about the last time she met with a trainer. Listen, the fitness industry is notorious for creating negative experiences in people’s minds and it makes the job of changing that perception in the prospect’s mind much more difficult. Don’t worry, all hope is not lost, if you are going to have any chance of landing this prospect as a personal training client you are going to need to do the following:

1.) You need to establish trust with your prospect. Become a Trusted Advisor. I have said this before, but I can’t say it enough, ” clients buy because they trust you.” Now in order to establish this trust you need to listen to them and find out what their needs are and show them how you can help them achieve their goals.

2.) Create a memorable experience. Once you have established trust it is important to create a memorable experience. It is so important that the initial experience that a client has is something they enjoy and have fun. Yes, I mean make it fun for your client because if there is one thing that is missing with the “gym experience” is that we, as health professionals, sometimes forgot to have fun and make the experience memorable.

Let me be frank here and tell you that you have an uphill battle when it comes to changing the past of a current prospect but it can be done with the establishment of trust and an experience that leaves the client wanting more. Focus on these two sales strategies and you will win over the past and create a new future for your client. Good luck!

Coach Dave

What it takes to be Customer D…

What it takes to be Customer Driven by Tony Alessandra I came across Tony’s principles awhile ago and have used them ever since. The Platinum Rule, which is his book on how to determine the four different personalities a person may possess is a must read. In the book you find out if a person is a socializer, relater, director. or thinker. Using this you can tailor your actions to meet the dominant personality style your client possess. By understanding the dominant style of personality you will be able to meet the needs of the client more easily and establish a relationship that will bring a win-win for everyone. Go check it out and apply this to all of your personal training clients!

Coach Dave