Dave McGarry’s Goals for 2011 Part II

Okay, the other day I talked about the process I use for setting my goals, so today to wrap things up I am going to be revealing my 2011 goals to you.

Here are my top ten goals for 2011 (in no particular order)

1.) Help 500 working and busy moms lose weight and create a healthy lifestyle through my Working Mom Workouts training program.

2.) Help 100 personal trainers get 100 clients into their business through my coaching program.

3.) Read 2 books a month (24 total) for the year.

4.) Train, fundraise, and complete the Dallas MS 150.

5.) Take several trips with my family.

6.) Create a Master Mind group of 10 like minded people that focuses on building passive income streams.

7.)  Strengthen and create 4 relationships with previous friends and new ones.

8.) Spend 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the evening preparing and reflecting on what I need to accomplish.

9.) Create a new service that is geared around creating and building blogs for Fitness Professionals

10.) Continue to grow in my spirituality and become more involved in my church.

These are my top ten goals for the year. As you might notice if I was to label each one  with the symbols that I described in the first part of the series, you will see I am pretty heavily skewed towards business goals.  I recognize that and if I was to included all 32 goals I set for myself you will see I have a better overall balance. Balance is what you should strive for but in some cases, depending on where you are in life, your goals might be dominate in one or two areas. That is okay, but make sure you realize the imbalance and strive to focus on all 8 areas that I initially described.

To your success,

Coach Dave

How to create internet independence

Are you looking to expand your fitness business by taking it online? If so, I have come across a new resource for you that will take you step by step.It is a blog totally dedicated to creating internet independence. The founder and contributor of this site is, Craig Ballantyne. Craig has been in the fitness industry for a long time now and has been real successful with his online adventures. He is the founder and creator of Turbulence Training and has written hundreds of articles on fat loss.

Now, Craig has started a mission to help people create their own internet empire. The blog just started a few days ago. So, don’t wait, start reading his posts today, so that you can get started on creating a passive income stream for yourself. Here is the link again to the site.

Make this the year you start doing something that is going to give you financial freedom. As Albert Einstein once said, ” To be different you will need to think different!”

To your success,

Coach Dave

Dave McGarry’s 2011 Goals

Wow, I did not realize that I would have had such a response from my post yesterday but I appreciate all the feedback. Anyway, as I was saying yesterday I do not set resolutions but set goals for the year. Also, I said that I would be sharing my goals for the 2011 fiscal year and I will later this week but today I want to share with you the process I go through in case you would like to set up goals instead of resolutions. Below you will see the process.

The first thing I do when I set my goals for the year is, I break them up into specific categories. The following categories are the ones I use. Feel free to use all these for your goals or pick 4 or 5 to start with.

  • Business
  • Financial
  • Physical
  • Mental
  • Spiritual
  • Relationships
  • Family
  • Lifestyle

Now, I go through each catagory and come up with four goals for each one. From there, I then go through the list and pick my top ten goals for the year. Next to each goal I mark the corresponding symbol from each category.  Ex.) If I say work out 4x a week, I mark a (P) next to the goal. I do this for each of the ten I listed.

Once I have my top ten and they are marked with the corresponding symbol, I then go back and look to see which areas I am focusing more on and make sure that sits well with want I really want to accomplish for the year. Sometime it will take me a few drafts to get my goals refined but it is well worth it in the end. If you are new to goal setting don’t get overwhelmed by it. These are your goals, so just start by setting some up and you can always go back later and change them, which I will be writing about later this year.  If you are stuck and want more info on how I do this send me an email and I will help you out.

Coming up part 2 of Dave McGarry’s 2011 Goals. I will be reveiling my goals for the year! See you then!

Coach Dave

My First Radio Appearance

Well, I just got off the phone with the host from Fit4Life Radio! I almost messed up and missed the show completely, however, I figured it out and made it on! If you missed it I have posted it here on the blog for you to listen. Enjoy!

Listen to internet radio with Fit4Life Radio on Blog Talk Radio

In health,

Coach Dave

A Turkey Sized Marketing and Sales Tip for You

Happy Thanksgiving Eve to everyone! Today I want to bring you a quick video blog that has a turkey sized marketing and sales tip to help your business. Be safe in your travels and we will see you on the flip side.

Coach Dave