Done for You WordPress Blogs

Hello everyone. I am so excited today and hope you are too! One reason is because today is March 1st and for those of that live in Texas, March and April are typically great months weather wise. I mean after this winter we sure could use some nice weather. The other reason I am excited is because I am going to be launching my new service, Done for You WordPress Blogs, on April 1st.

No, it will not be an April Fools joke. After several years of building and tweaking my own blogs I felt it was time to start giving back and helping others create one themselves. Let’s face it it is not rocket science but for most of us we are either one, too busy or two, just a little intimidated by SEO, FTP, Plugins, etc… So, starting on April 1st I will be offering a new service focusing on creating and supporting anyone who needs help with their WordPress blog.

I am still working out all the details but will have a follow up to this post real soon. If you already have a blog or are on the fence as to why should I create one go check out my FREE Report on “5 Ways to Monetize Your Blog.”

Forgive me but I have to go now. It is 70 degrees out and I am going to enjoy the outside before those 100 degree days get here!

In health and wealth,
Coach Dave

A Minute with John Maxwell

I have been following John Maxwell for over a decade now and when it comes to leadership you will not find a better person to learn from than him. Recently, he has started what he is calling, ” A Minute with Maxwelll.” Each day John presents the word of the day and gives you a great insight into what that word means in just a minutes time. I have embedded today’s word for you here on my blog. The word is courage. Go listen and think about what he has to say and how you can implement his teachings into your life.

Make it a great day!
Coach Dave

Blizzard of 2011 will not stop the Super Bowl

I am sitting in a hotel room in FT. Worth snowed in. We are going through the blizzard of 2011 and trying to celebrate Super Bowl XLV. Dallas is not set up for this crazy weather, however, as bad as it has been due to closings and cancellations of Super Bowl events one common theme has emerged down here. That theme is sometimes you just have to deal with the circumstances and make the best of it. So, let me ask you what issues are you dealing with that are out of your control? Recognize what those circumstances are and move forward. Quit letting things you can not control keep you from becoming better. Well, that is it for this edition of “Open Blog Friday” because the snow has ended and the sun is out. We are off to meet some of the ESPN guys. I will hopefully have some pics to share of my fabulous weekend, sleet or snow the game will go on!

Coach Dave

Jack Lalanne a Fitness Icon will be missed

Yesterday, a true fitness icon passed away at the age of 96. He will be missed dearly! Now, most of us know him as a fitness icon but he was also a philosopher and great motivator. The video below is from one of his TV shows. Take a look and his message applies just as much today as it did back then.

Jack Lalanne, thanks for paving the way and being a great role model for fitness professionals as well as all the people you inspired to become healthier.


Do you devalue your services?

I am always amazed at how many fitness clubs and personal trainers follow the herd. Out of the hundreds of clubs I have visited over the years maybe only a handful of clubs do not sell packages for their services (i.e personal training). When I ask owners or managers why they sell packages the response I always seem to get is, “well that is what such and such club does, so we have to offer that.” Let me ask you this, “do doctors offer packages for seeing them multiple times?” No, and you shouldn’t either. I just read an article on Club Industry’s web site that talks about consumers ready to spend more in 2011. Go read it when you have a chance and realize this, if you provide a service that people value then you should charge what you think it is worth and that will lead me to my final point today.

I want to leave you today asking yourself this question, “why is 10 sessions worth $50, but one session is worth $65?” Are you providing the same value during each service? Does over ten sessions the time you spent learning Anatomy and Physiology diminish? No, and that is why you need to stop following the herd and devaluing your services. If you don’t have the ability to set your rates I understand but if you do, then you should feel confident in what you are charging and stick to it. You service is worth what you believe it is worth. If you don’t have that confidence you will struggle long term in the fitness business.

For more info on sales and how to charge what you are worht check out my book or join my coaching program here.

To your success,
Coach Dave