Motivational and Successful Tips|Daily Dose of Dave – Alignment

Every Entrepreneur struggles from time to time and it is important that they are always hearing motivational tips to help them stay focused on their goals and dreams and to ultimately be successful. Well “Daily Dose of Dave” was designed exactly for that purpose and Dave McGarry, who is an entrepreneur himself  knows the importance of having daily motivation. In today’s Daily Dose of Dave the word that is examined is “Alignment.” Who we go through life is way more important than any assignment we might have or who we work with. If you are not aligned with the right people you are going to struggle. As Charles Jones says, “In ten years from now you are the summation of the books you read and the people you experienced.” Ask yourself, “Who are you aligning yourself with?” Do they add value to you or do they suck energy from you? Finding and aligning up the right people in your life is up to you. You get to choose so make sure that you have people in your life that believe in you and add value to you! I hope that helps and until next time make it a great day! Also, please “LIKE” and “Share” with someone who may need to hear this. Finally, if you like this and want more from Dave McGarry follow him at or htpp://


Motivational and Success Tips for Entrepreneurs

How to Build a Blog for your Fitness Business in 31 days

Have you been wanting to build a blog for your fitness business? Are you unsure of how to get started?

Well, let me just share with you one resource that I used to get started. About two years ago I was searching for books on how to build a successful blog and at that time there was some books out there that talked about all the nuts and bolts to blogging, but one stood out to me over the rest. Darren Rowse, at Pro, was the first book I purchased to get me started. The book was a good start for me and started me on the path to creating what is now However, shortly there after Darren came out with a step by step workbook on how to create a successful blog in 31 days! That changed everything for me. You see, I was just throwing things out there on my blog and from time to time really searched for what to write and post.”31 Days to better blogging” changed all that for me. Having a step by step guide to what to write and how to create a great blog was awesome. Actually, what I do now is when I am in a down cycle with my blog I take out the workbook and start the 31 day process all over again. Click here to view more details. Trust me it really took me to another level when it came to my blog. If you are serious about creating a blog for your fitness business then this is the tool for you. Go check it out and I promise you will not be disappointed by it.

The Importance of Personal/Professional Development

I wrote the other day about how important it is to master the art of sales and I said I would share with you in more detail the 5 steps to successful selling that I adapted from Zig Ziglar. So let’s tackle the first step. The first to step to successful selling is the importance of Personal/Professional development. Okay, let’s get started.

A.) Personal

  1.  Phyiscal – are you keeping your end of the deal? What I mean are you practicing what you preach? I know sometimes trainers get burned out and the last thing they what to do after a session is workout, but remember your clients are watching to see if you are doing what you tell them to do.
  2. Mental – what type of books are reading? Are you staying around positive people? What type of thoughts are you thinking? It is important to feed your mind with positive thoughts and ideas.
  3. Spiritual – Up until a few years ago this is an area I let slip away but since my father’s passing a few years ago I have found my purpose in life. Remember each and everyone of us was put here for a purpose. Find your purpose and live it!  
  4. Financial – I added this point because as a trainer you will have fluctuations in your income from week to week and month to month, so it is important to understand the value in financial planning. Also, one thing for trainers to consider is what would you do if you were hurt or injured and could not train? Long Term Disability Insurance is something you should think about in case you were laid up for a long period of time do to an injury or illness.

B. Professional

  1.  Information – What sources are you getting your info from. Make sure it is a credible and reliable source if you are going to share it with clients.
  2. Experience – The hardest part initially for a trainer is gaining that experience. As you continue to grow you can use the experiences that you learned to enhance your credibility. 
  3. Knowledge – Technology and research has really changed the way we conduct personal training today. I tell all my trainers that the way we train today is totally different than we trained 10 years ago and it will be totally different 10 years from now. It is important to continue to grow and become an expert in your niche. As I tell interns and new trainers the best piece of advice I can give you is never stop learning! Invest in your knowledge on a daily basis!