Happy New Year! No, I am not crazy. Let me explain. Ever since I started in the fitness industry some 14 years ago I always thought Sept 1st seemed a little different. What I mean is typically Labor Day weekend falls right about now and once the holiday is over you get a ton of people into the gym. I am not exactly sure why but I can bet you that most people took the summer off and now after several months of laying around they are ready to get moving. With all this new motivation it tends to be just like the New Year in terms of people setting goals and getting back into shape. The question I have for you is what have you done to prepare for this new wave of prospects back into the gym? Have you looked at your goals you set at the beginning of the year? ( You did set and write down your goals, right?) If you have not reached the financial goals you set back in January you have 4 months to reach them and don’t forget you have several holidays that will get in your way. The main point I want you to take away from this post today is that you can bet on the fact people are motivated to start personal training again and you need to also look at the goals you set for yourself back on one of those cold January days.