Do you want to get paid for your expertise?

Hello fellow fitness professional,

If you are like me you know that people always want something for free. Listen, I am more than willing to help people out and I have written my fair share of articles for magazines. And yes, it has helped my business but why not get paid for writing small reports. You see, I believe that the book industry is dying and the new industry is going to be small articles and reports that experts sell online. I have recently purchased Jimmy D. Browns course on “Small Reports” and am launching mine within the next couple of weeks. Today, I have a better offer than I got when I purchased his course. See the email below:

Subject: Free report + 50% off coupon for a top-selling course

Hi David

This is going to expire in just a few days, so I wanted to let you know about it as quickly as possibly.

Jimmy D. Brown has prepared a free copy for you of one of his most influential reports.  It showcases how he turned tiny 7-15 page reports into a million dollar publishing business.

It's entitled...

     How To Turn 7-15 Page Small Reports Into A Six-Figure Information Empire

You can download your copy at:

No list to join.  No complicated process.  Just visit the site and click on the download link.  End of story.


While you're there, consider the special offer for his top-selling course of all-time.  It's called "Small Reports Fortune" and it's being retired in just a few days.

He's sold thousands of copies at $97 each, but as part of his "retirement" celebration, he's put together a special HALF OFF coupon for you.

There is a special offer link at the bottom of the page.  The cost for Small Reports Fortune is only $47 if you order from this pageÉ

Get all the details there.  Get your free report.  Get started building your business!

Coach Dave

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