How to Make Money as a Blogger in 3 Easy Steps

How to Make Money as a Blogger in 3 Easy Steps


You’ve heard of people turning their blogs into six-figure income centers. And you’ve heard of others who’ve started a blog, worked hard at it, and then eventually abandoned it because it didn’t make them a dime.


I’m sure you’d like to be in the former category rather than the latter.


You can increase your chances of doing so but following these three easy steps for making money as a blogger…


Step 1: Create quality content in a hot niche.


People aren’t interested in reading ads or “spun” articles that are nothing more than gibberish. They want solutions to their problems. And that means they need quality content. In other words, they want useful information that solves their problems.


Here’s the key, though: While the information you provide should be useful, it should also be incomplete.


That is, it shouldn’t completely solve your prospects’ problems. After all, if you completely solve your prospects’ problems, then they really have no need to buy what you’re selling.


One way to provide useful but incomplete solutions is by sharing articles that tell people what to do, but don’t go into detail about how to do it.


Example: A marketing blog might have the instruction “buy a good domain name at,” but it doesn’t get into the details of what it means to buy a “good” domain name. Then the blogger can point to a short report that tells people how to build a website (which includes how to choose a good domain name).


Step 2: Monetize your blog.


You’re already providing useful content. Soon you’ll have plenty of readers eyeballing this content. So before you bring in the traffic, you need to find ways to monetize the traffic. Here are three ways:


  • Promote products and services. These could be your own products or affiliate products.


  • Sell advertising space.


Example: You can sell a rotating banner ad on the home page of your blog. You can even sell plain text links.


  • Get people on your list. Instead of focusing on getting people to buy products or click on ads, you can focus on getting them on your list. Then you can build a relationship with them, which makes it easier for you to sell products on the backend.


Step 3: Drive traffic to your blog.


Your blog is ready to make some money – now you just need traffic! Here are three ways to get traffic:


  • Start a Facebook Fan Page.


  • Get JV (joint venture partners). Then co-promote each other on your blogs, such as by guest blogging.



There’s not enough room in this article to share with you all the tips you need to know to make a killing with your blog. That’s why you need the 31 Day Guide to Making Money as a Blogger. Get your copy at 

3 Ways to Make Money As A Blogger

Would you like to use your expertise and use your words to make money?

There are several ways for you to do this online. But one of the fastest, easiest ways is to start up a niche blog. And since a blog is so flexible, there are also plenty of ways to monetize it.

Here are the top three ways:

1. Sell your products.

This is the most obvious way to make money with a blog: If you have products or services to sell, then promote them on your blog.

You can put permanent banners and text ads in the sidebar. You can also weave your product links into your actual blog posts.

Example: Let’s suppose you’re selling a weight loss book on your blog. You can post a “Top 10 Tips for Losing Weight” article on your blog. And then at the end of the article you can include a link to your book, “101 Tips for Losing Weight.” If people like your 10 tips, then they’ll be eager to buy your book.

Why does this work so well?

Because blogging gives you the opportunity to showcase your expertise. When you establish yourself as a trusted expert, people are more likely to buy from you.

2. Sell affiliate products.

Don’t have your own products?

No problem: You can sell affiliate products. That means that you get a commission every time someone buys a product or service through your affiliate link.

There are plenty of big companies that have affiliate programs. One of the most popular affiliate programs for physical products is the program, simply because your buyers already know and trust

But if you’re going to sell downloadable information products, then one of the best affiliate programs is via, where you’ll find thousands upon thousands of products to sell. Best of all, the commission rates are generous. You’ll see them as high as 50% and even 75%!

3. Insert AdSense ads.

Still another way to make money on your blog is by showing Google AdSense ads on your site. You make money every time someone clicks on your ad!

Here’s the biggest benefit of this method:

You don’t have to sell a thing. You don’t have to convince anyone to buy.

All you have to do is post good content on your site to attract prospects… and you get paid every time they click on an ad. It’s easy!

What’s  the next step so I can make money you ask?

I’m sure by now you can see that there’s a world of profitable opportunities waiting for anyone who wants to start up a blog.

If you’d like to know what the Net’s wealthiest bloggers know about making money with a blog, then look no further than the 31 Day Guide to Blogging For BUcks.

Make Money Blogging

Get your copy here: – and do it now, because this make money guide will really open your eyes to the possibilities!

Happy New Year

I know you must think I am crazy if I think it is the New Year but hear me out before you pass judgement! Since I can remember Labor Day always seemed to spark a new sense of commitment and energy with me and around me. Maybe I have felt this way for a long time because of my love for football. Or maybe it is because my wedding anniversary is usually on Labor Day Na, it has to be more than that and I believe that it is, but first let me just take a few moments and share with you what I experienced this past Labor Day!

Over the weekend I had the privilege of going back stage to meet the College Game Day. They were in town at Cowboys Stadium for the LSU vs. Oregon game. Oh, and I have to mention guys, I got to hang out with Erin Andrews!

Let me tell you it was an experience I will always remember! Everyone was so cool and friendly to us, and believe it or not, not a single LSU fan said anything to me about being decked out in my Gator gear!

So, how does this have anything to do with a new sense of energy and commitment. Well, if we look at the calendar we have roughly 16 weeks till the end of the year. For many of us  summer is all about sitting around, swimming in the pool, and pretty much being lazy all day!

Then, Labor Day comes around and school is back in session and people start to realize that they have either done nothing to reach their goals for the past 9 months or the summer wiped out all the hard work.

Suddenly, there is a new sense of urgency to do something. Plus, how can you not get excited and pumped up about the fall season. Even if your not a football fan, Fall brings about change and makes people feel good.

With that being said what should you do about this new sense of energy and commitment? If you haven’t figured it out yet I want you to take action. The first thing  you need to do is implement a 90 day plan. Go here to read how you can set up a plan of attack to reach your goals in 90 days!

In health,

Coach Dave

Knowing your Break Even will Help You Make A Profit

Yesterday, I wrote a post entitled ” Are You Making This Mistake in Your Small Business” and I revealed to you a shameful mistake that I made and pointed out that I believe many small business owners do as well. Today, I want to talk to you about the main reason we do business. First of all, let me ask you a question, “Why are you in Business?” Now, I assume your answer is to make money or a make a profit. With that being said let me ask you another question and that is do you know how many units or services you need to sell to Break Even and eventually make a profit? If we agree that we are in business to make a profit then it is equally or even more important to know when the business will become profitable.

Let me tell you finding this number out for me and with my business has been the best thing that could have happened to me. Like I said in yesterday’s post they teach you this the first day in business school but I, like most of us, just pushed ahead because we are ambitious to make things happen and start our business. This is a mistake though because not knowing when the business is going to be profitable leads to the business failing. Knowing when you become profitable allows you to plan how much cash you will need to have on hand to stay afloat until the business can generate positive cash flow.

Going through this with my business has been a life saver. I know now exactly when I will start making money and can plan sales and lead conversion goals around the number of sales I need to make to be profitable. Before I just started each day doing random things that needed to get done and did not have a planned approach on how many sales calls and lead conversions I would need to make my monthly, quarterly, and yearly goals.

So how do you calcualte your Break Even point?

First, you need to figure out all your Fixed Costs (FC). These include line items such as, rent, marketing, salaries, utilities, operating costs, etc… These items are consistent month in and month out.

Next, you need to figure out your variable costs (materials). Typically this will be the cost of selling each product or the cost to produce.

Then you need to take the price of your product or the average selling price of all your products if you sell more then one and make an assumption of how many sales you can make in a time period. For this exercise let’s say a year.
Now multiply the total number of units times the price of the product to get the total sales.

Below you will see the equation

Total sales(TS) -(VC)=Gross Income

Then take your gross income and divide that by Total sales to get your gross margins

To find your Break Even point you then do the following step:
(FC)/Gross Margin

Here is an example:
FC 5422
VC 200
Product Price 19.95

Units sold 100

Total Sales 1995

Gross Income 1795

Gross Margin 90%

Break Even Sales 6026.95

BE Transactions 302

In this example you can see that my fixed costs are $5422 and variable costs are $200 (you base the VC on # of units sold so for this example I used 100 units and each unit costs me $2 to sell)

Then do all the other calculations and you get to the following result.
I need to sell 302 units at the current price to get a total sales of $6026.95. Once I hit that level everything else is going to be profit.

So, can you see how helpful it is to know your Break Even point. Listen, if you ever want financing or investors that is one of the first things that they are going to ask for.

Go figure yours out now and if you need help you can contact me.

Stay tuned for the next post where we talk about your “Score Card!”

To Your Success,

Coach Dave

Change your Attitude or else….

Having two kids under the age of six I find myself saying that phrase more often than not. If you have young kids I am sure you can relate, but what I found interesting the other day was I needed this phrase to be directed to myself. I have been told that one of my strengths is my “Attitude”. For the most part I would agree but I am human just like the rest of you and I was having a bad day. Those of you who own your own business know where I am coming from. Some days are great and you feel like you are on top of the world. And then some days you feel like you have crashed and burned. In life and business there are many things that you just can’t change or have control over, however, there is one thing that you always have control over and that is your “Attitude.” As I wrote in “Success Depends on You” the one thing you have total control over is your choice. Sure things can be bad at times but why make it worse by being negative about it. Change your attitude and realize that being positive is going to make a bad thing much easier to cope with!

And yes, it took me all day to get out of my funk but I did and you know what, had I not changed my attitude it might still be bad!

In health and wealth,
Coach Dave