Daily Dose of Dave – Try

Daily Dose of Dave is brought to you by Dave Mcgarry who is an entrepreneur and passive income coach. Everyday Dave brings you a quick tip or something motivational to get you to take action to help you reach your goals and dreams of being a successful entrepreneur. Today the word is “Try.” If anything you need to hear around the :40 mark my interpretation of a Master Jedi Knight! Also, if you want to follow me you can at http://www.twitter.com/davemcgarry, http://www.facebook.com/internetmarketingadvisor.


Daily Dose of Dave – 400

Daily Dose of Dave is brought to you by Dave Mcgarry who is an entrepreneur and passive income coach. Everyday Dave brings you a quick tip or something motivational to get you to take action to help you reach your goals and dreams of being a successful entrepreneur. Today I want to talk the number 400. What the heck does the number 400 have to do with anything? Well find out around the :50 mark of the video. Until then make it a great day! Also, if you want to follow me you can at http://www.twitter.com/davemcgarry, http://www.facebook.com/internetmarketingadvisor

Dave McGarry

God Bless The U.S.A.









First of all, I wanted to wish everyone a Happy 4th of July!
This holiday is one of my favorite holidays that we celebrate here in America. Had it not been for the brave men and women that fought for our independence and signed the Declaration of Indpendence  236 years ago I would not be sitting here writing this blog post.So as we celebrate our independence I just want to say how thankful I am for living in a “Free” country and although times may be tough this country is still the best land in the world to live in! God Bless the USA!

God Bless the USA and You!

7 Ways To Find Profitable Membership Site Ideas

7 Ways To Find Profitable Membership Site Ideas
By Jimmy D. Brown of Membership To Go

Some ideas burst into the air like a rocket.

Others quickly fizzle off into the night like a bottle rocket.

There’s a big difference between an “idea” and a “great idea”, right?

Fortunately, there’s also a simple process that you can follow to get great ideas for your membership site. If you’re unsure how to begin and are stuck for ideas, try out these tips. Your next membership site may not be that far away.


Begin by brainstorming your own life. Get personal! Creating your membership site is going to be much easier if you know a little bit about the market. That’s why it’s a great idea to start your ideas list with hobbies, interests and activities from your own life. Write down everything that you and your family members are passionate about or interested in. This list could be a goldmine for your membership site.


Ebook and video course creators have done a lot of niche market research in order to create their products. You can piggyback on this research specifically by keeping an eye on “product launches”. For example, if you see a lot of products being produced on article marketing you can safely assume that a membership site on the same topic would do well. Subscribe to email lists in your potential market to watch for product launches and get ideas for your site.


Persuse means “to examine in detail”. It also begins with “p” so it fits my outline.
If you want a comprehensive list of existing electronic products that are selling well, Clickbank.com/marketplace is the place to go. Search through the marketplace to find out what topics your market is interested in learning about. You’ll be able to find new market ideas, content to fill your site as well as affiliate offers to create some backend sales.


Visit Amazon.com’s best-seller list. Amazon is the top bookseller online so it makes sense to search their marketplace for membership site ideas. The bestseller lists in various categories will help you see what topics are popular. You can easily gather membership site ideas from these lists. Hint: Go with the topics that are popular.


Forums are the pulse of your market. You can be sure that a market has members that would be willing to pay if there is an active forum dedicated to that topic. Track down some popular forums in your potential market and spend some time browsing through the topics. See what the market is talking about. Pay close attention to the FAQs section and the threads that have a lot of activity. These are indicators of the kinds of topics which might serve as a topic for your next membership site.


You gotta go to Magazines.com! This website is full of membership site ideas. If a market has a buying audience, there is probably a magazine out there dedicated to it. Magazines don’t get started without advertising dollars to back them up. If advertisers are paying to get to a market, it’s a safe bet that you can create a membership site for the same market. On Magazines.com you can search by category to find membership site ideas. I love this place!


The final stop I want to mention is Yahoo groups. These free e-mail discussion lists cover a wide variety of topics. Subscribe to a few groups in your potential market to look for ideas. The benefit of using groups like these is that you’ll often be able to see problems in the market that aren’t currently being met by other products.

By going through these simple outlets you are sure to find a great idea for your next membership site.

If you’d like a shortcut for finding a great idea — and an even bigger shortcut to getting a membership site setup and taking orders, grab a copy of the Membership To Go package.

Membership To Go is a complete, one-year membership site that you can license for your own use. This has never been offered before and it includes EVERYTHING you need to get started, including private label rights to the membership content, its sales letter, presell report, articles and other marketing materials.

Set it up at your site, sell as many memberships as you want, keep 100% of every sale.

Get all the details at: http://imstitute.com/go.php?offer=texasdmcgpid=2

Plus, the topic is related to one of the most popular niches in the world. A market that has had multiple million dollar launches, countless sales every single day and a huge marketplace of potential buyers.

Jimmy D. Brown is the founder of the PLR industry and creator of Membership To Go, an “everything included” membership site package that you can setup at your site and keep 100% of every sale you make. Details at http://imstitute.com/go.php?offer=texasdmcgpid=2

The one thing you need if you have a website

If I asked you today what is the ONE thing you’d like to have

more of that would help you build your business, chances are

the answer you’d give me is this:

*** Traffic ***

Ask around and the average internet marketer is after more

traffic to their sites.  In fact, unless you have a weenie

server hosting your site, there is no such thing as “too much”

quality traffic.

It’s what everyone wants.  Number one on the wish list!

In Jimmy D. Brown’s ground-breaking course, Sales Army Secrets,

he explains how to get traffic — and a lot of it — for FREE.

That is, how to get other people — a lot of them — sending it

to you at no cost to yourself.

Now, for the first and only time, he’s offering a limited number

of resale rights licenses to sell this course.

*** Now YOU can sell the course that

teaches what everyone wants!

You can sell the course for $97 per order and keep 100%!

(This is not another $20 ebook to sell … it’s a PREMIUM course

that sells for almost a hundred bucks a pop!)

-> License details are at


With your license, you receive …

1. A copy of the product to distribute. This includes both the

audio MP3 version (10 audio files … over 3 hours of meaty

audio!) and the text PDF version (105+ pages).

2. A copy of the bonuses to distribute. You will be able to

include the five bonuses ( SPECIAL REPORT: 8 Irresistible Ways

To Get ‘Super’ Affiliates To Enlist In Your Sales Army!,

AFFILIATE MAILINGS: 8 Autoresponder Mailings You Can Modify

And Send To Your Sales Army!, RECRUITING CHECKLIST: 20 Actions

You Can Take Today To Get New Affiliates For Your Program. ,

SPECIAL REPORT : Snail Mail Profits: How To Easily And

Affordably Use Snail Mail To Make Your Affiliates Love You!,

SPECIAL REPORT : How To Generate More Profit For Both You And

Your Affiliates In One Easy Step!) with every order.

3. A copy of the professional sales letter. Simply plug in your

own order link at the bottom of the page, upload it to your

site and you’re ready to take orders with this high-converting

sales letter.

The original course itself sells for $97 (or only $67 when it is

on sale).  You’d expect to pay at least $297 for a license to a

“premium” course like this, but Jimmy’s making them available to a

select few for the cost of the regular, personal use version!

That’s right, sell just ONE copy of the course and you’ve made

your entire resale rights investment back!

All the details are at…



Only a limited number of licenses are being sold on a “first

come, first served” basis.  This is going out to tens of thousands

of subscribers, affiliates and joint venture partners.

The point is this:  if you want a license to a product that

everyone wants which you can sell for $97 per order, you’d better

go grab this license now!  Once they are sold out, they are gone

for good.

If you’ve ever bought a resale rights license from Jimmy before,

then you know that his materials are FIRST RATE and you’ll almost

certainly recoup your investment with your very first promotion.

Get one while it lasts…


Best regards,

David McGarry

P.S. If you’ve been around internet marketing for any amount

of time at all, then you’ve heard the name “Allan Gardyne”.

Allan has been making a good living from affiliate programs

since 1998.  That’s well over a decade, folks.  His flagship

site, AssociatePrograms.com is widely recognized as the top

affiliate marketing sites period.  And he’s one of the most

influential marketers of the entire existence of marketing

on the Internet.

Here’s what Allan said about Sales Army Secrets in his

official review at his site…


“Just ONE tip from the book on how to recruit super affiliates

has had a dramatic impact on our affiliate program. Thanks,


“It zeroes in on the MOST IMPORTANT things you must know.

It’s an up-to-date manual on affiliate program management.

A superb book – fantastic value.”

“We’ll be reading and re-reading it. You should, too.”
