What Kind of Choices Are You Making in Your Small Business

Happy Friday everyone!

Today, I wanted to bring you a quick video from one of my mentors. John Maxwell is an expert on leadership and has written a number of best selling books. He also puts out these short videos in which he calls them ” A Minute with Maxwell.” I really like these short videos because in them he communicates a powerful lesson in just a minutes time. So, today I wanted to introduce to his “Minute with Maxwell.” Plus, I wanted to share with you this particular one he talks about because as a small business owner we do this everyday.

So, let me ask you, “What choices are you making today that will enhance your business?” Has the economy brought you done and have you blaming it for your lack of success? Trust me, I know how easy it is to fall into that trap, but as Maxwell says, “It is your personal responsibility for the choices you make.”

Think about that over the weekend and we will see you next week. Until then remember it is the choices you make that will determine your success!

To your success,
Coach Dave

A Minute with John Maxwell

I have been following John Maxwell for over a decade now and when it comes to leadership you will not find a better person to learn from than him. Recently, he has started what he is calling, ” A Minute with Maxwelll.” Each day John presents the word of the day and gives you a great insight into what that word means in just a minutes time. I have embedded today’s word for you here on my blog. The word is courage. Go listen and think about what he has to say and how you can implement his teachings into your life.

Make it a great day!
Coach Dave

Blizzard of 2011 will not stop the Super Bowl

I am sitting in a hotel room in FT. Worth snowed in. We are going through the blizzard of 2011 and trying to celebrate Super Bowl XLV. Dallas is not set up for this crazy weather, however, as bad as it has been due to closings and cancellations of Super Bowl events one common theme has emerged down here. That theme is sometimes you just have to deal with the circumstances and make the best of it. So, let me ask you what issues are you dealing with that are out of your control? Recognize what those circumstances are and move forward. Quit letting things you can not control keep you from becoming better. Well, that is it for this edition of “Open Blog Friday” because the snow has ended and the sun is out. We are off to meet some of the ESPN guys. I will hopefully have some pics to share of my fabulous weekend, sleet or snow the game will go on!

Coach Dave

Are you one of the 47 percent?

We are a couple of weeks into the New Year and I know some of you are still getting around to setting those resolutions. As I said in an earlier post, ” New Year’s Resolutions are a Wast of Time” I do not set resolutions I set up a plan for the year that has my top goals. Well, I guess I am not the only one that doesn’t set goals resolutions anymore. According to a recent survey by the Opinion Research Corp. only 45 percent of Americans now say they make New Year’s resolutions, which is down from 88 percent from the past. At first thought I was thinking maybe they read my post and have decided to turn over a new leaf and start setting up goals and a plan for the new year. Nope, the study goes on to say that people just don’t set them anymore because they are tired of hurting themselves and call the whole thing off. Pretty sad if you ask me but I am not really all that shocked about the finding. The survey had some other interesting findings but one in particular stood out to me. The one that stuck out in my mind was that 47 percent of those responded to the survey said, ” they will set a resolution related to their head” (i.e, a self improvement goal). Now maybe because I love self improvement but this was encouraging to me. So, today I want to ask you, do you fall into the 47 percent category?

I hope you answered yes to the question above, because if you want more out of life or career you have to become more. I learned that from the great Jim Rohn. What happens to most of us is, we get so caught up with all the daily nuances we neglect working on becoming a better person. I know for me I need to work on time management and finishing projects I start. I get so caught up with new ideas that I let projects go unfinished. I have made that a goal of mine this year and I hope by the end of the year I can look back and say I became better.

What is it that you need to get better at? Maybe it is time management or maybe organization skills. Whatever it is, make it one of your goals this year to get better at, because I can promise you this, if you work harder on yourself you can become more and be more!

Well, I am off to D.C. for the weekend to attend a good friend’s wedding. I just love going to our Nation’s Capitol, because it always reminds of how great it is to live in the best country in the world.I will be back next week with some more inspiring stuff, so until then, make it a great weekend!

Coach Dave

What has been holding you back?

Hello everyone!

Welcome to another edition of “Open Blog Friday.”

Today I want to briefly talk to you about barriers. This post probably is more for me than anyone else but I know there are many of you who struggle with some of the same things I do. I guess what I am trying to get at today is, what are the thoughts that you have in your mind that are holding you back? Do you believe that anything is possible with hard work and determination or do you believe that you could never achieve that because of reasons such as, I do not have enough money, enough time, enough resources, etc… I know first hand how these thoughts can creep into your head and how destructive they can be, but if you want to be successful you need to develop mental toughness. Many of us work on being physical tough but we do not focus on challenging our brains to be mentally tough.

Here are some ways to train your brain to be mentally tough:

Set a goal to do something that is totally opposite of what you are currently doing. An example might be to learn how to set up a fully functional blog. For those of us in the fitness area we typically focusing in on learning about Anatomy and Physiology, so getting into the tech world will challenge your brain to learn something new.

Volunteer to speak. People rate public speaking as the second most fear to dying. Get up and speak in front of crowd and you will see that you develop courage and mental toughness.

Become a “What’s Next Kinda Thinker.” When something goes wrong try thinking about what can you do now or think okay what is next for me. Always, be looking forward and leave the past behind.

Finally, get around the right people. If you constantly are surrounded by people who do not believe anything is possible and are always negative than you will not grow and will more than likely get sucked into their negative state of mind. Get around people that cause you to think and grow.

If you are having troubles moving forward take some time and think about what is it that is causing you to not move ahead. Embrace it and then you some of the above strategies to become mentally tough!

In health,

Coach Dave