Monthly Archives: January 2013
Daily Dose of Dave – Impact
Success and motivation is something we need daily. Some of the best known coaches and motivational speakers would tell you that and that is why Dave McGarry created Daily Dose of Dave. In this short video Dave McGarry will discuss with you the word impact. Everyone wants to make an impact and the key to making a successful impact in your life, community or your family is to do something daily. It does not have to be huge it can be small. Mother Theresa would have loved to have been able to feed all the hungry people but because it is almost impossible to help everyone she focused her efforts on helping one person at a time. And that is what you need to do. Focus on something small and do it daily. Until tomorrow make it a great day!
Also, feel free to follow me on FB or at my new blog
Make it a great day!
Dave McGarry
The $100 Startup: Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love, and Create a New Future
Daily Dose of Dave – Health
If you want to be successful then you need to be motivated everyday. Every day Dave McGarry brings you a unique word that he gives you some simple and useful tip to implement into your life to help you achieve your goals and dreams. It does not matter whether you are a begging entrepreneur or one that has been at it for a long time everyone needs someone to keep them motivated and give them encouragement to keep reaching for their goals. In this episode of “Daily Dose of Dave” Dave McGarry talks about the 5 p’s to excellent health. Find out what they are and how you can implement them. Also, if you want to learn more about Dave McGarry and his coaching you can go to or to learn more. Make it a great day!