Daily Dose of Dave – Voice

Daily Dose of Dave is brought to you by Dave Mcgarry who is an entrepreneur and passive income coach. Everyday Dave brings you a quick tip or something motivational to get you to take action to help you reach your goals and dreams of being a successful entrepreneur. Today the word that I would like to talk to you about is “Voice.” No, I am not talking about singing because Lord knows I could not carry a note to save my life but what I am talking about is how to find your inner voice to influence others! Find out a simple way to project an communicate your voice to others. Also, if you want to follow me you can at http://www.twitter.com/davemcgarry, http://www.facebook.com/internetmarketingadvisor or at the blog http://www.davemcgarry.com


Daily Dose of Dave – Election Day

Daily Dose of Dave is brought to you by Dave Mcgarry who is an entrepreneur and passive income coach. Everyday Dave brings you a quick tip or something motivational to get you to take action to help you reach your goals and dreams of being a successful entrepreneur. Today is an amazing day as it is Election Day here in America. Find out why I love this day and why it does not matter who wins the election when it comes to your prosperity. Also, if you want to follow me you can at http://www.twitter.com/davemcgarry and http://www.facebook.com/internetmarketingadvisor.