If You Want More Sales Create More Credibility

One of the most critical aspects to getting more personal training clients and more sales with either your products or services is to build credibility with your prospects and clients.

CREDIBILITY – Some people might say it is the most important characteristic for a personal trainer to have and establish. Because of all the infomercials and the get fit fast scams, the fitness industry lacks credibility. That’s why it is essential from the second you meet a prospect to establish credibility with them. You must no longer look as yourself as just a trainer or sales person, but also as a consultant. You see, people view consultants as problem solvers and experts.

Action Item – Ask yourself this question: “In the eyes of the prospect, what have I done to establish credibility?”

Now, there are many ways to do this and especially with the explosion of social media and technology but there is no better way to help with credibility then to have other people build it for you. Check out this article that was published in the Orlando Sentinel, which sites a publication from the Harvard Medical School saying that, ” A personal trainer can be a great investment.” This is a great article to tweet to your followers or hand out to prospects to help build that credibility.

Coach Dave

Weight Loss for Working Moms…Free Membership

Hello everyone! As many of you know I mentioned yesterday that I was going to be launching my new project today. For almost 3 months now I have been diligently getting this membership site ready to go. I am choosing today, election day, because I believe anytime you decide to take control of your life it is an important decision. Just like voting for President or your Congressmen is. I have a short video and then I am going to ask for your help. Of course, I have some treats to go with those of you that help me.

For the first 25 people who do one of the following they will be given a free six month membership to Working Mom Workouts.com. Here is how you can claim your six month membership.

1.) Tweet to all of your followers the following: You need to check out this new membership site www.workingmomworkouts.com

2.) Post this to your FaceBook status feed:You need to check out this new membership site www.workingmomworkouts.com

3.) Or Retweet this blog post. You can find the button below to do that.

It is first come first serve so once the 25 spots are filled that is it!

Once you have completed one of the following from above, please go to my contact page and send me an email so I can get you into the membership.

Thanks to everyone for all the encouragement and support!

Coach Dave

Are you making these mistakes with your boot camps?

Are you making these mistakes with your boot camps? Expert Georgette Pann, owner of  and authof of NutriFitness LLC, shares her 20+ years of experience and expertise on how to create successful boot-camps.
Fitness Boot Camps 101

Avoid these 8 Mistakes to Ensure Satisfied Customers and Maximum Profits

Everyone wants their fitness boot camp to be successful and profitable. But there are some mistakes frequently made by trainers that sap the life and profit from an otherwise excellent program. Avoid these eight mistakes to make the most out of your boot camp:

1. Not giving yourself enough time for preliminary planning – not planning well enough in advance!

When you are thinking of starting a camp or group training you must plan well enough in advance. Even though you may have the best bootcamp starter kit on the planet, like Sure Victory 8-)http://thefitnessbootcamp.com you still need to do your own planning…here are the specifics:

Who? Who are you targeting? Women? Athletes? Baby boomers? etc.

Where? Where are you holding your camps? Indoors? Outdoors? You need to find a place!

If it’s a park…do you have permission from local parks and recreation?

If it’s indoors have you secured a spot? Yoga studio, gymnastic center, martial arts studio, church basement, your back yard…etc.

When? What times are your camps and what days are your camps. Are they 3 x’s a week? 2 x’s a week? Are they 6 AM or 6 PM?

How Much? What are you going to charge? You must charge enough to be profitable and competitive in your area.

Do you have your workouts planned? See number 2 below.

Now you can start marketing…and putting your business model or bootcamp kit into practice.

2. Not planning your next session before your current one starts

Do you have your workouts planned? This is my suggestion – plan at least a month of workouts in advance if not two months,written out…meaning on paper.:) Do not wing it.

If you run your boot camps in sessions, like a four-week boot camp for example, you should have the next month session scheduled and planned before the current one starts. This way your bootcampers know what to look forward to, which increases retention rates. But more importantly,You will also feel more prepared and ready especially if you are new to group training. I recommend new trainers to have a month or two of workouts pre written even just to use as a guide. http://fitnessbootcampworkout.com

3.. Failure to promote your boot camp often and regularly and far enough in advance

Running your ad once or only a week ahead of your next boot camp or sending out one round of flyers or postcards is not marketing. It is a waste of money. Your prospects need to see your promotions three to five times before they begin to notice you. Send out marketing regularly and often. Start marketing four to six weeks before your boot camp begins.

4. No back-up plan

What happens when your outdoor boot camp gets cancelled by inclement weather? What if you’re too sick to show up yourself? Do you have a back-up location? Can you get someone else to run your camp? Do you have a plan to make up cancelled classes? How do you contact bootcampers to let them know what’s going on?

5. Failing to evaluate customers’ fitness and help them set goals and objectives

If you can’t show customers how their fitness and health have improved by attending your boot camps, retention rates will be low. Measure customer fitness at least once a month and help them establish fitness goals so you can show them the success they’re experiencing.

6. Not having a niche or Unique Selling Proposition that makes your boot camp stand out in marketing

Give your boot camp a personality that is memorable or specialize in a certain type of exercise, like TRX system workouts or circuit training. Or specialize in boot camps for certain goals or sports, like a bridal boot camp or runners’ boot camp. Find a way to differentiate your program from other fitness programs and stand out.

7. Nothing to sell satisfied customers besides the next session

There’s no bigger waste than a satisfied customer with nothing else to buy. Always have something else to sell besides the next session. Here are some suggestions:

T-shirts, water bottles and related items with your logo and boot camp name

Books or journals—either your own, even if it’s a hardcopy of your eBook, or some you recommend (but be sure you buy them at wholesale prices). Blank journals are another excellent choice at low cost.

Training gear, like TRX systems or exercise mats or resistance bands, they can use at home.

Individualized personal training sessions that “fit” the customer’s goals better.

Bottled water and meal replacement bars for use during or after class.

If your boot camps are at your personal studio or gym, have a store or table of items for sale. If your boot camps take place in a park or other outdoor setting, take along a crate of merchandise and let customers know what’s available.

8. Not locking in your location for at least a year

If you don’t hold boot camps in your own gym or studio, make sure your location is available and dedicated to your boot camps for at least a year. Having to move your boot camp because the location is being used by someone else is unprofessional and will diminish your reputation among customers.

Bottom line is know matter what bootcamp business model you have or purchase. If YOU don’t plan, you will fail. No bootcamp product or workout program or any other magic will get your camps running and packed if you do not plan ahead.

About the Author

Georgette Pann: owner of NutriFitness LLC. http://thenutrifitness.com She has 20+ years experience in the Health and Fitness field with expertise in fitness bootcamps.She is author and creator of the best selling “Sure Victory Fitness Bootcamp Kit” at http://thefitnessbootcamp.com and The Fitness Bootcamp Inner Circle community for fitness bootcamp trainers at http://thefitnessbootcampinnercircle.com

And she is the co-creator of Sure Results:The Ultimate Book Of Boot Camp Workoutshttp://fitnessbootcampworkout.com and Customized Fitness Bootcamp Marketing Materials at http://fitnessbootcampmarketing.com