
“Behind me is infinite power, before me is endless possibility, around me is boundless opportunity, why should I fear?”

I was just reading something that was referring to discovering the power of belief and it made me really think. Basically, the story was about the four minute mile. You see, for more than a hundred years, runners tried to break the four-minute mile. It was considered the “Holy Grail” of track and field. Doctors wrote articles and published research in medical journals about how it is physically impossible to run a mile in less than four minutes.

Well, that changed in 1954, when a British medical student named Roger Bannister ran the mile in 3:59.4. It made headlines around the world and you know what happened next. The four minute mile was broken the next month and then again and again. More than 700 people have broken the four minute barrier.

You know why? Because people finally believed it could be done. It is extremely amazing how the mind works. If today you are struggling in some fashion of your life and you just think this is how it is always going to be remember Roger Bannister. He believed it could be done. Start believing and things will happen.

Coach Dave


“Beautiful Light is Born of Darkness, So the Faith that Springs from conflict is often the strongest and the best.” R. Turnbull

I really liked that quote and it reminds me of father. Today would have been my Dad’s 71st birthday! I always remember him telling me to put my faith in God and everything will be okay. Thanks dad for raising me with a strong faith because it is coming in handy right now! Happy Birthday and I miss you!

Your Son,

Special Offer if you want to build a list

Can A Listbuilding System Be TOTALLY Automated?

I know we’re all a bit sick and tired of promises of “automated software” that will make us rich before dinner.

And I’m always the first to be skeptical of these kinds of outrageous claims.

But today I may have to actually eat my words.

Because I just picked up a listbuildilng system that really is incredibly fast…,

And the traffic actually does keeps flow in on auto-pilot.

It’s a pretty new tactic on the scene that I’ve heard of.

But I never really knew how to implement it.

Then I found this:

Free Plug N Play Listbuilding System

At that link 7 figure marketer Bill McRea is GIVING AWAY this listbuilding system totally free…

It’s his way of getting some buzz going for his upcoming product launch (apparently he’s go another system up his sleeve that’s even better than this)

In any case..

I went and got this myself and it’s totally legit.

There’s nothing scammy about it all.
It’s just a way to instantly create a win-win offer that potential JV partners can’t refuse.

Bill hand you EVERYTHING you need to make it work. And I mean EVERYTHING.

So if you know the power of having a mailing list..

Do yourself a favor and go get this.

Do it now: Free Plug N Play Listbuilding System

I mean…you can’t beat the price, right?

P.S. There is one catch to this…you’ll have to help spread the word. But that’s easy for me because I’ve seen this strategy in action and know that it works.
You should get Free Plug N Play Listbuilding System now!

Get the Loser out of You!

I just got back from having one of the best workouts I have had in a really long time. I guess you can say I have been living in a comfort zone for some time now. Three weeks ago that all changed and now I left to set my own course in the next stage of my life. For those of you who have been through a serious change in your life you know how some days are great and others you are left to wonder will things be different, be better, and will I make it. It is human to go through these thoughts and emotions, but it is times like these we see our true abilities.

Okay, so you might be asking why was my workout so great. Fair question. Lately, I have been reading and studying Robert Kiyosaki. In his book “Conspiracy of the Rich” he talks about a time when he was getting ready to go fight in Vietnam and he was introduce to his Captain. Captain Denny was a decorated vet for his bravery in Vietnam. Now, before I lose you here and you start wondering what does this have to do with my great workout you need to read this story of how Robert talks about getting the loser out of you. Yes, he might be referring to money but the lesson can be applied to any part of your life. While I was running today I did not quit until I got the “Loser out of Me!”

You are going to have to register to read it but trust me it will be worth it. Once you register the story is the online exclusive story #3

Coach Dave