Legally Copy This Business To Create Your Own Work From Home Income!
I'll Show You Exactly What's Been Working For The Past 10 Years To Earn Money Online
* Beginner Friendly * |
Revealed: How to begin "copying" every aspect of a
successful internet business to create your own.
Dear Friend,
Have you ever watched the movie Remember The Titans starring Denzel Washington? It's one of the best feel-good sports movies of all-time.
In the movie there is a great scene that really encapsulates the entire internet business success model that I want to share with you.
scene is a neatly packaged, 30-second exchange between Coach Boone
(Washington) and his assistant coach (played by Will Patton) at the
beginning of their first season together.
Boone walks in with a very thin playbook and hands it to his assistant. This is the exchange that follows...
Boone: Just wanted to let you know what the offense is doing.
Assistant: Awful skinny playbook, ain't it?
Boone: I run plays, split veer. It's like novocaine. Just give it time, it always works.
over ten years, the success of this model has been predicated on
"running plays, split veer". Like Coach Boone, this model has found
success in keeping things as simple and effective as possible. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. And if it can be kept simple, don't complicate it.
model has never involved in strategies that have Twittered or
Butterflied. No bum marketing here, and no stompernet stuff either.
Further, the success of this model has nothing to do with huge
product launches or sneaking in the backdoor at the search engines
wearing a black hat.
If none of that makes sense, then you are probably a beginner and don't
recognize some of the most popular "marketing" concepts of the past few
years. That's a good thing, believe me!
And, despite all of this. . . this business model has produced a huge amount of money for those who have used it, all while spending more time doing doing what they love than
in front of their computers. The lack of work and time that goes into
making this model work often dumbfounds others, frustrates workaholic
affiliate managers and has been the source of making many
families as happy as can be because of the many opportunities it
creates for travel, vacations and adventures!
Why is it that those who use this model don't have to scramble like everyone else seems to? Why
is it that those who practice these strategies don't get caught up with
this craze and that craze, and all of the new ideas and software and
schemes that come along? Why is it that only a few ever really make a lot of money working so few hours each week?
It's quite simple actually -
They have a skinny playbook.
It's like novocaine. It always works.
This playbook has been working for well over a decade. And the results
are staggering. What I'd like to do, is open that playbook up to a few
people and show them the x's and o's so they can put the same game plan
into practice in their own business.
That should greatly interest you if you agree with logic and good old-fashioned common sense...
If You Throw A Football As Hard As You Can At Your
Neighbor's Living Room Window, What Happens?
It requires very little brain cell usage to figure out the answer to that one. The football is going to shatter the window upon impact.
Unless your neighbor has some kind of government issue, military grade,
protect-the-president glass, that football is going to break the
Every single time!
In other words, there is a duplicatable result.
That is, you can reasonably expect to see the same result from the same
action because past evidence backs up the theory. It proves the theory.
I want you to think about something for just a minute...
- Why do surgeons refer to the same protocol every time they perform a particular operation?
- Why do professional golfers swing the same way every time they want to hit a particular shot?
- Why do do mechanics follow the same procedure every time they repair a particular problem?
anyone finds a method for achieving a desired result, they simply
repeat the method any time they want to duplicate the result.
There is a reason why
the same people continue to use the same system to generate sales that
worked years ago (and every day since!) even though so much has
changed on the Internet.
It works. End of story.
model generates a duplicatable result. Just like throwing a football
through a window. Just like novocaine. Give it time and it always
That's good for them. But, it's also good for you. Here's why...
I'm Giving YOU Permission To Legally "Copy" this
Entire Business And Keep The Money As Your Own
to that playbook that works every time. Wouldn't you like to get your
hands on it for just a few minutes to check out what's inside?
-> Better still, wouldn't you like to get your very own private copy of it for permanent use?
the first time ever, everything that is involved in this success model
has been arranged into ONE duplicatable system that even beginners can follow.
This incredibly successful skinny playbook is being made available to YOU!
You can begin "copying"
this entire business system today. You will be shown how to start
from scratch (just like others have!) and build your own internet
business over the days, weeks, months and years to come.
You will see EXACTLY how you can duplicate this business. You get access to the exact system used by a select few so you can "copy" your way to success. The exact system!
Just remember, everyone starts out as a beginner,
just like you. The lessons in this model take into
account exactly what you're facing and what you need, because at
some point everyone had to do what you have to do. That's why these
lessons are going to speak from the personal experiences of those
who have had success and explain everything to you in simple terms...
- How to start with absolutely nothing!
- How to grow a mailing list from zero subscribers!
- How to generate sales without "guru" buddies!
- How to create your own products without writing a single word!
- How to set everything up even if your not a technical "whiz kid"!
- How to advertise your business without a massive budget!
- How to overcome newbie barriers to wealth!
- How to make money online even if you haven't made a dime so far!
you need to realize is that all internet marketing success
stories stood exactly where you stand. The difference is they
didn't have any of those things. They had nothing but a desire to start
an Internet business so they could free up my time for more important
things in my life.
I know what it's like to be a beginner. I haven't developed
"newbienesia" -- that's a disease that many "gurus" are afflicted with
-- it's forgetting what it was like to be a confused and struggling
And that's why I sincerely want to help you. That's what this course is all about.
Does Anyone K.I.S.S. And Tell Anymore?
is an age-old acronym that stands for "keep it simple, stupid". While I
don't necessarily approve of the "stupid" part, there is certainly
something to be said for keeping it simple!
There's absolutely no reason for you to get bogged down with all of the
"strategies" and "systems" and "schemes" that are out there. There's
absolutely no reason for you to try this fad and that craze and the
next hot thing. It really doesn't need to be that complicated at all.
What you need is a skinny playbook!
That's what you'll find with The Intenet Copy System. What you'll discover (to your relief and excitement!) is that there are only three "plays" in this playbook. This system involves three things you do every week to run your business. To be sure, there are a lot of smaller parts involved, but the basic game plan involves just three things.
You don't need to go cross-eyed reading thousands of pages trying to do everything!
This system has simplified things. It's very "uncomplicated".
****** A "sneak peek" at the SKINNY PLAYBOOK ******
I've eluded
to the "skinny playbook" throughout this letter and many want me
to reveal the "three plays", so I thought I'd just be completely
transparent here and tell you what they are. That is, if you are the
slightest bit interested. :-)
Note: Bear in mind that this playbook has remained UNCHANGED for a Decade!
Here they are...
Play #1: Create An Offer. It
all begins with creating a new offer. This is almost exclusively an
"information" based product or service and includes small reports,
ebooks, membership sites, physical products, coaching programs and
software applications. It all hinges upon writing tiny, 7-15 page
special reports. That's all! And, if you don't feel comfortable writing
even these bite-sized reports, I'll show you how to hire a
"ghostwriter" to do it for you!
Play #2: Build A List. With
a new offer created, you then send out multiple mailings to all of your
lists. This, as you can imagine, creates a flurry of orders instantly
... literally within minutes of sending out the mailing orders begin to
arrive. Some who use this system have tens of thousands of subscribers
on their lists and more coming in every single day. (You'll learn how
to get your own lists!)
Play #3: Notify Partners. Want
to know what to do to generate "traffic" to your site? It's simple: I
notify my affiliates and partners of my new offers ... and THEY do all
of the work for you! Whether it's a full-time affiliate manager, a
member of an affiliate program or limited joint venture partners,
almost 100% of the traffic in this system is generated by OTHER PEOPLE.
And -- get this -- the lists that I mentioned earlier ... those are
built through partner traffic as well!
What it all comes down to is this:
You create information products and marketing materials
(I.E. Ezine articles) and have other people do all of marketing for you.
How "uncomplicated" is that?!
This system has been working for over ten years now and the novocaine never stops working!
Listen up:
you're gonna learn how to do this for yourself. It's not complicated.
You need your own information products and people to promote them for
you to build your list and sales on your behalf. That's end. Game over.
Look at the scoreboard -- your team won.
You need three plays...
1) You need your own information product. You need digital products (IE Downloadable "ebooks") that you sell to generate revenue. ***
Don't worry - you won't have to write anything longer than 7-15 pages
... and you can even get someone else to do this for you!
2) You need your own list.
You need a growing list of responsive subscribers you can notify
anytime a new product is created so they can buy again and again.
3) You need your own affiliate program. You need affiliates out there working hard to promote your products for a commission.
That's it.
And, withThe Internet Copy System training
program, you'll learn *exactly* how to get all three of these things in
place. And you'll learn it in a step-by-step system that was designed FOR BEGINNERS.
Introducing The Intenet Copy System: A Step-By-Step,
"Beginner Friendly", Training Program For
Making Money Online With Information Products
This system is basically three top-selling courses assembled into one comprehensive, "everything you need" course.
When you download your copy of The Internet Copy System training program you'll receive these three modules...

Module #1: Create A Product
(Step-By-Step System for Creating An Information Product)
Start with a 7-15 page report and snowball
it into an entire information empire!
101-page manual is your complete, step-by-step system for creating
information products on virtually any subject imaginable and selling
them online.
Here are a few highlights of what you'll learn in each chapter of this module...
Chapter 1 -
How To Choose A Highly-Profitable Market.
Chapter 2 -
How To Find The Perfect Idea For A Small Report.
Chapter 3 -
How To Write P.A.G.E.S. Of High Demand Content.
3 questions to ask in choosing the title for your small report. Hint: Your title is absolutely critical to the success (or, gulp, the failure) of your project and can literally mean the difference between so-so sales and a best-seller! (Page 16)
The proprietary P.A.G.E.S. system for brainstorming, outlining and writing your small report - more than teaching you just "what" to write, It will show you "how" to write faster, easier and better! (Page 17)
Chapter 4 -
How To Package, Price and Position Your Small Report.
Chapter 5 -
How To Create A Small Report Mini-Salesletter.
5 ways to use preheadlines, 3 keys to your primary headline, 2 ideas for winning postheadlines, 6 ways to introduce your product, 3 ways to prove your results, 3 keys to effective use of bullet lists, 3 rules for creating a call to action, 3 ways to use a postscript and much more! (Page 47+)
Chapter 6 -
How To S.E.T.U.P. A Web Site To Sell Your Small Report.
My unique S.E.T.U.P. system: Select a domain name, establish web site hosting, think about the order process, upload your files and prepare for your first order - you'll learn every step in non-technical terms anyone can understand! (Page 61+)
Simple, user-friendly explanations of how to update nameservers, get order buttons, create download links, upload files and other order-processing steps to completely automate your small report business. (Page 64-68)
A free copy of the video tutorial set, Internet Business Basics,
that actually shows you how to do many of the basic webmastering steps
(in addition to the tutorials in the manual!) - these videos are sold
for $67.00 at (Visit the site for a detailed description).
Chapter 7 -
How To Turn Small Reports Into A Six-Figure Business.
As important and relevant as all of the other information in this
course is, this final session (23 jam-packed pages of
never-before-revealed information!) is a proven strategy for
developing a $100K+ a year small report business.
The secret of creating a series of small reports and 4 ways to automatically cross-promote
all of them with zero-budget advertising. Hint: This is how you double,
triple, quadruple (and even more) your profit! (Page 78)
The mother lode of the small reports business - phase 6
- how to spiral tiny, 7-15 page reports into an ever-growing empire of
physical products, live events, coaching programs, membership sites and
more. (Page 90)
Over 1,000 copies of this manual have been sold at $97.00 each, but it's yours as just ONE of THREE manuals inThe Copy System™! |

Module #2: Build A List
(Step-By-Step System for Getting Subscribers)
The best way to sell your reports is to build a list of
subscribers and "presell" them on your offer.
94-page manual is your complete, step-by-step system for building a
list of subscribers, sending them content that "presells" them on your
offer and getting them to buy your small reports.
Let me just share a few highlights of what you'll learn in this comprehensive course...
- The ONE and only "system" for making money with lists - that's right, every successful list marketer uses this same basic system! (Page 6)
- The most important list-building decision
you'll ever make - and how most people are wasting money on traffic,
ads and promotions because they have overlooked this amazing principle.
(Page 7)
- 5 simple ways to benefit from your list
without becoming an "offer harlot" -- instead of bombarding your list
with "must have" offer after offer, learn to maximize your most
important asset without driving them to the "unsubscribe" button! (Page
- How to automatically create a huge swipe file of successful email marketing subject lines
from the top marketers in the world, see how to apply subject lines to
niche marketers, spy on your competition's subject lines and plug-in
proven market research for your own subject lines ... without spending a penny! (Page 13)
- The #1 technique
for getting your own subscribers to RESPOND to your mailings and take
action on the messages you send them ... and how you can put this
technique to work for you on your very next mailing! (Page 15)
- The fastest way to begin promoting your list for free - you can literally begin exposing your list to potential subscribers within 5 minutes!
Note: While you won't get an "explosion" of new subscribers, it IS a
way to get almost instant promotion for your list. (Page 20)
- How
to get a steady trickle of new subscribers by using "forum marketing",
including 2 ways to add 5-10 new subscribers to your list every single
day ... in a month's time that's up to 150-300 fresh list members without spending a penny! (Page 20)
- 10 safe and simple ways to get new subscribers
from your favorite forum, including how to create the PERFECT response
to questions so readers head straight to your opt-in page to join your
list! (Page 29)
- An
easy-to-follow (I.E. "newbie friendly!"), 7-step system for creating
your own "opt-in page" (AKA "squeeze page") for convincing as high as
75% of your visitors to join your list! Everything is broken down into "bite-sized" steps. (Page 36)
cover a lot of information in these 94 pages, but I've intentionally
tried to make it as beginner-friendly as possible so anyone can put
these tactics into practice for successful list marketing.
Same thing goes for these things you'll find included...
- 7 opt-in triggers that get subscribers to join your list like crazy including
8 simple ways to increase the "perceived value" of your list + the one
thing that every single subscriber wants RIGHT NOW that can convince
them to instantly subscribe! (Page 44)
- One
of the most important lessons you'll ever learn about your list --
about your business! -- that most marketers never realize. It's the
difference between making money and making a LOT of money ... without hype, deceit or a gazillion mailings! (Page 45)
- How
John Reese convinces people to join one of his lists by using Opt-In
Trigger #3 ... and how you can parlay this into new subscribers to your
own list by simply adding a few words to your opt-in page! (Page 47)
- 3 proven-effective ideas (along with examples)
for targeting specific demographics in your list-building for
laser-precision results - plus how this allows you to broaden your
marketing and promotions to niches not normally on your radar! (Page 49)
- 9 easy-to-use ideas for creating urgency
so subscribers enter their name and email address now (Page 52) + how
to use "natural" urgency to get an instant boost to your opt-in
conversion rate! (Page 50)
- A
powerful and profitable way to make money from your list WITHOUT asking
your subscribers to buy anything ... this simple, 3-step system is one
of my most lucrative methods of getting others to generate revenue for me! (Page 60)
- 6 "new" ways to use subject line personalization
that virtually no one has ever heard of before, including how to get
the subscriber to take "ownership" of your message! Note: There is MUCH
more to personalizing a subject line than the standard, "Dave, here's
another message for you to read" nonsense that most people use! (Page
- How to write mailings that get your subscribers to take action,
including the #1 "skill" you need as a list owner in order to generate
results from the messages you send to your list! (Page 72)
- 4 highly effective ways to get your emails past the spam filters and into the inboxes of your subscribers ... it's simple math, the higher your delivery rate, the higher your profit! (Page 80)
- 7 ways to take your list marketing to the "next level" of productivity and profitability including 7 weekly list marketing activities to complete and 10 ways to analyze your competitor's list marketing to perfect your own! (Page 87)
Thousands of customers have ordered their own copy of this manual for up to $127, but it's yours as just ONE of THREE manuals inThe Internet Copy System! |

Module #3: Get Website Traffic
(Step-By-Step System for Driving Visitors To Your Site)
Without people visiting your site,
you'll have no subscribers nor sales!
105-page manual is your complete, step-by-step system for getting
people to visit your website so your salesletter (created in module #1
above) convinces them to buy your information products.
Let me just share a few highlights of what you'll learn in this comprehensive course...
- Setting up your affiliate program.
In the shortest chapter of the manual, You'll get a quick
recommendation for getting your affiliate program up and running within
48-72 hours. (Note: If you already have your own affiliate program, you
can skip this initial chapter.)
- Creating an affiliate center. You'll learn the exclusive Affiliate C4™
method for igniting explosive sales from your sales army. This is
where 85% of affiliate program managers blow it and never see the sales
they desire.
- Finding motivated affiliates.
If this isn't THE largest list of ways to find affiliates, then it
certainly is one of the largest lists. You get a whopping 20 different
ways to find affiliates (even "super" affiliates) to recruit into your
affiliate program.
- Getting affiliates to say "yes".
You'll discover exactly how to get affiliates to agree to join your
affiliate program and begin promoting your offers. This is THE hardest
part of the process, but we make it super easy for you by sharing the
proven effective methods that really work.
- Keeping affiliates active.
It's never enough to find and recruit affiliates ... you want them to
remain actively involved in promoting your products and services for
months and even years to come. In this section, You get multiple
proprietary ideas for keeping affiliates active in your program instead
of your competition's program!
- Expanding your program automatically.
In this section of the course you'll learn some creative ways to
recruit affiliates "indirectly" as you continue to multiply both the
number of new affiliates coming in and the number of sales coming in!
- Working with an affiliate manager. We will mention more about this shortly, but an entire
chapter is devoted to this (well worth the price of the course by itself!) on the subject
of hiring an affiliate manager (without investing any out of pocket
expense) to run your entire program for you!
- A proven-effective, 9-step system for getting other people to promote your products like crazy...explained in simple, easy-to-follow language. (Page 8)
- The beginner's guide for finding, hiring and working with an affiliate manager ... including 5 keys to finding an affiliate manager and 5 keys to succeeding with an affiliate manager. (Page 85)
- The top 5 methods of equipping your affiliates to produce the maximum number of orders possible from their marketing efforts. (Page 58)
- 5 extraordinary ways to use incentives to convince fence-setters (even "super" affiliates) to join your affiliate program now. (Page 34)
- 5 effective strategies to "force" your affiliates to promote you NOW ... use these methods anytime you want a quick boost in traffic and orders. (Page 53)
- The biggest mistake affiliate managers make with their affiliate centers that *literally* will cause affiliates to abandon your program about 99% of the time. (Page 18)
- 6 key elements of your affiliate "signup" page to cover yourself legally and ensure affiliates know all the details of your affiliate offer prior to joining. (Page 28)
- 20 super-simple, highly-effective ways to find affiliates for your program ... to my knowledge, this is THE most comprehensive index of ways to recruit affiliates available anywhere. (Page 41)
- 5 "extras" that get affiliates to push even harder in their efforts to promote your offers, including the popular "viral" affiliate marketing tactic. (Page 72)
- The #1 priority
for successfully keeping affiliates actively promoting your offers
instead of concentrating their efforts on your competition. (Page 12)
- How to run contests, use incentives, unadvertised bonuses and other ethical "bribes" to create an order-producing frenzy among your affiliates. (Page 62)
- 3 "affiliate magnets" that should easily distance your program from those of your competitors and get more affiliates in your "sales army". (Page 30)
- 5 ideas for using the most "boring" method of getting affiliates to promote your offers ... these aren't "sexy", but they are very effective in producing activity among affiliates. (Page 55)
- 5
little-known, results-producing methods of recruiting affiliates
"indirectly" -- including the ONE idea that you can literally build
your entire business around for greater results than ever before. (Page 77)
- The proprietary Affiliate C4™ method of igniting explosive sales from your sales army. (Page 13)
- 5 absolute "musts" for creating satisfied and loyal affiliates who stick with your program indefinitely instead of running from "program of the week" to "program of the week". (Page 68)
- A complete bonus interview with world class affiliate manager, Nicole Dean (no, she's not available! :). (Page 93)
- How to keep affiliates A.C.T.I.V.E.™ in your affiliate program, including the 6 keys to transforming dormant, passive affiliates into aggressive, involved affiliates. (Page 52)
- The hands down, easiest way to setup your own affiliate program to track orders, pay affiliates, process orders and run your entire operation on autopilot. (Page 10)
- 7 things that attract affiliates, along with the #1 thing affiliates look for in determining which program they'll be spending their time on. (Page 29)
- How to create your own "affiliate attack plan" for your sales army to carry out your order to promote your offer. (Page 19)
- 4 ways to ensure that affiliates make more money in YOUR affiliate program than anyone else's so they not only join you, but continue to promote you long term. (Page 31)
- The real key to training your affiliates so they get started immediately bringing in sales for your products. (Page 24)
- 7 parts of professional, personal and profitable contact letters, including a sample letter you can modify for your own use in contacting potential affiliates. (Page 38)
This course by itself has been selling for $67, but it's yours as just ONE of THREE manuals inThe Internet Copy System! |
Get Your Hands On A Complete, But Easy-To-Understand
Set Of Step-By-Step Instructions For Earning Income Online
is laid out in newbie-friendly steps to take you from absolutely
nothing to a business that is actually making money online. Just a few
of the things you'll learn include...
- How to create your own information products to sell online! We'll cover everything from choosing a topic to getting ready-made content
to setting up a website to fulfilling orders ... and everything in
between! Did I mention -- no writing on your part! (More on this in
just a moment...)
- How to build a list of qualified, responsible subscribers to buy from you!
Things you'll learn include setting up a form to build your list,
convincing people to join, getting people to your list page, turning
subscribers into paying customers and more!
- How to get targeted visitors to your website around the clock! You'll
learn free (lots of these!) and low-cost ways to get "traffic" to your
website ... and then how to get those visitors to buy your information
- How to create multiple streams of income!
The initial information product you create is just the beginning as
you'll also learn how to create "sister products", tap into residual
income, produce "high-ticket" sales, generate affiliate commissions and
much more!
It's all included ... a complete "education in a box"!
Can't I Just Be An "Affiliate" And Skip
The Whole "Create Your Own Product" Thing?
There are a lot of people out there who are selling "how to make money
promoting other people's stuff as an affiliate" courses. And, it's
true, affiliate income is a great source of revenue. BUT, in my
opinion, it's a HORRIBLE business model.
Let me give you 3 reasons why you do NOT want affiliate marketing to be your primary source of income...
- Problem #3: Vulnerability. You
are completely at the mercy of someone else when you're an affiliate.
What happens if someone accuses you of spam and your affiliate link is
disabled? What happens if the owner decides to go out of business? What
happens if they provide horrible customer service or get lots of
refunds? There are so many variables involved in fully relying on
someone else -- even if they come highly recommended and have a good
track record. One misinterpreted move on your part and you could be
- Problem #2: Competition. Everything
you do as an affiliate is going to be equaled or exceeded by dozens, if
not hundreds or even thousands of other people. If you want to purchase
a PPC ad, write an ezine article, buy a solo mailing or do any other
kind of advertising to promote an affiliate program, get in line. Think
about the sheer numbers for a moment. X number of copies of a product
will be sold. Divide that up by possibly thousands of other people and
how much do you think you'll be getting? Do you have a bigger budget
than your competition so you can place highly in ppc listings? Are you
a better and faster ezine article writer than the others? Do you have
bigger existing lists? Does your site get more traffic than the others?
What about all of the guru buddies who promote the offers? It's not as
easy as it sounds to make full-time money as an affiliate.
- Problem #1: Potential. The
biggest problem (as if the first two ... especially number two ...
aren't enough) that I see is the lack of potential when you use
affiliate revenue as your primary business foundation. Think about
this: why would you want to be one of thousands of people promoting
someone else's offer, when you could have thousands of people promoting
YOUR offers!? Why would you want to grow someone else's lists (which
they can use to promote affiliate offers from other people and you'll
never earn a penny from it!) instead of having other people send you
subscribers for YOUR list!? Why would you want to build someone else's
business when you could have them building YOURS!? There is virtually a
100% probability that you'll not make anywhere near as much money as an
affiliate as you would by having your own products.
an affiliate to promote other people's products is best to do as a
"backend" for supplemental income, not as your primary source of income.
around for a moment. Open up another browser window and go to Or go to the marketplace. And I want you to
identify those who are very successful within any given market. What
makes them so successful?
Let me save you some trouble.
What you'll find is this: they have their own affiliate programs. You'll find that other people are promoting their products for them in those ads, ezine articles, websites, blogs and more.
Search for any well known Internet Marketer and let me know what you find. You'll find
tens of thousands of websites out there promoting all of the products
and services for that one marketer. They are not doing it ... other people are.
That's what this system is going to teach you. You are going to discover...
How to create your own information products and get other people
do all of your list-building and marketing for you!
you get that "skinny playbook" into practice you'll find the same thing
that Coach Boone said of his offense is true of your business: "It's like novocaine. Just give it time, it always works."
A Word Of Truth About How
Much Money You Will Earn...
is the part where most so called "marketers" will flash up dollar signs
and insert pictures of fancy cars and big houses. They'll make all
sorts of outlandish claims such as how you can make X number of dollars
in X number of days (or sometimes HOURS).
They do this for one simple reason: it's effective.
That's how you get people to buy from you. At least that's what they seem to teach at "guru school".
You're not going to find that here. Sorry, but I'm going to shoot straight with you even if it means you decide not to buy from me and you end up falling for the sales pitch of those who make outlandish claims.
Here's the truth...
I do not and cannot guarantee that you'll make any specific amount of money in any specific amount of time. In fact, I do not and cannot guarantee that you'll make ANY money at all, ever.
don't know you. I don't know how much effort you will put into this. I
don't know how well you'll follow instructions. I don't know what
business decisions you'll make. I don't know what kind of people you
will align yourself with. I don't know a lot of things about you. How
can I possibly guarantee you'll make an extraordinary amount of money?
I can't. And I don't.
that -- it's borderline (and maybe across the line) illegal to make
such claims anyway. It's asking for trouble with the FTC.
Now, for some people that will be a deal breaker. They'll walk away
from this site because there aren't any "guarantees" that they want to
hear. Their ears weren't tickled and there wasn't an emotional
experience for them, so they'll go elsewhere to find people more
persuasive than me. I'm cool with that.
But, for many (if not most) it's a breath of fresh air. It's honest and truthful and forthright. And that may not be what gets a ton of people to buy, but it IS what creates a loyal customer base.
That's why after ten years this internet marketing model is still working and so many other marketers and models have gone away. That's why the same system that you are about to learn still brings in sales around the clock.
Provide quality products with truthful claims -- that's how to do it. That's how We teach it. If that sounds like you, then let's get you started.
No More Paying Thousands Of Dollars ...
Even If It Is In "4 Easy Payments"!
been making money on the Internet for a long time now, and I know how things work. I could easily do
what some of my contemporaries have done and make this some kind of
high-ticket coaching program that sells for $1,997.00.
And, in doing so, I'd make a lot of money. But, many good people wouldn't be able to take advantage of the offer simply because it wouldn't be in their budget.
Listen, I know. I know what it's like to live paycheck to paycheck. I
know what it's like to be deep in credit card debt. I know what it's
like to sink more and more money into empty promises. I know what it's
like to be suckered into buying a high-priced item on an "easy"
installment plan. I've been there and I know. Trust me, I know.
is for that reason that I am not going to charge the thousands of
dollars that I could charge for this program. Instead, I'm going to
make it a no-brainer, and I'm going to make it downright affordable for every budget.
The price for a subscription to the The Internet Copy System program is a ONE-TIME payment of just $97.
We both know that the price is a drop in the bucket. Think about this for a moment...
-> You'd pay thousands for a one-year college course!
-> You'd pay thousands for a specialized one-day workshop!
-> You'd pay thousands for a four-week coaching program!
It would be unthinkable to get any of those things for this kind of budget-friendly investment. That's why this is such a "no-brainer".
"Ok, I get it, that's a bargain ... seriously ... what's the catch?"
Believe it or not, there is no catch. No deadlines. No limits. No perceived scarcity. No games. Period.
Your Money Will Be Returned At The Click
Of A Mouse Button If You're Unhappy
Listen, here's the thing:
I sell this course through Clickbank, which means I play by their
rules. And their rules state that I've got to offer you an 60 day,
money back guarantee. I'm fine with that. I stand behind my materials
completely and know you'll be completely thrilled with the content and,
more importantly, the results.
for your peace of mind, know that a refund is available anytime for the
next 8 weeks by simply emailing me or Clickbank if you are dissatisfied
for any reason. |
When you place your order today you will receive NINE incredible bonuses that were custom-created for the three modules included in The Internet Copy System ...
Bonus #1: The 7-Day Checklist For Creating A Small Report.
In this 16-page report, you'll get a systematic checklist broken down into daily activities for you to complete.
Assignments appear in chronological order, completely cover the entire process of creating a small report from start to finish and refer to specific pages of the main manual and bonuses to provide complete, detailed instructions for completing each assignment.
Bonus #2: 27 Red Hot Ideas For Your Next Small Report.
In this 18-page report, you'll learn 27 different categories for your next small report, along with 158 different title topics you can modify for your own use in generating ideas.
By mixing and matching from this one-of-a-kind index (you won't find anything like this available anywhere else for any fee!) you'll be able to quickly choose red-hot ideas anytime you choose without time-consuming research!
Bonus #3: How To Improve Your Information W.R.I.T.I.N.G.
In this 24-page report, you'll be given 7 incredible techniques for writing faster, easier and better!
Included in this invaluable reference (this is *literally* worth more than the cost of the course by itself!) are 9 kinds of "content enhancers," 50 different idea catalyst templates, dozens of writer prompts and invaluable writing techniques to help you improve both the quantity and quality of your finished product.
With this report you'll have more ideas to write about and it will be easier to write about those ideas!
Bonus #4: Your Step-By-Step Checklist For Building A List Of Subscribers.
In this short, 10-page file you'll have a quick "overview" look at the entire system in a brief "checklist" style presentation.
Print this report out to mark your progress and stay on track
in achieving the steps of the system. This is a great extra resources
for easy reference that you'll use again and again as you build a list
of subscribers and then convert them into paying customers.
Bonus #5: Ten Subject Line Templates That Will Get Your List Messages Opened.
In this 14-page file you'll receive a pack of subject line templates, along with complete examples on how to use them.
Instead of trying to craft the perfect subject line to get the attention of your subscriber, simply plug in your details into the ready-made template and insert it into your mailing system.
These templates have been tested by a lot of people- and they get great results. Learn this lesson now: you can have a large list, but if they don't read your emails, you don't make sales!
These fill-in-the-blank templates are perfect for calling attention to the mailings that you send to your list.
Bonus #6: How To Triple Your Optins.
In this 19-page report you'll discover how to scientifically use capture boxes in your site's salesletter or content pages in order to get more people to join your lists.
It's another technique (in addition to the "landing page") for collecting permission based subscribers.
Many students of this course have used this strategically to dramatically increase
the number of people who sign up for their lists. In this report I'll
give you a step-by-step look at how to use this simple technique at your own site.
Bonus #7: Affiliate Recruiting Checklist: 20 Ways To Get New Affiliates
In this 10-page file you'll find a handy checklist is ideal for printing out and then systematically working your way through (or have your affiliate manager do this) in order to recruit affiliates into your program.
The information in this checklist is an abbreviated form of the content shared in the main Sales Army Secrets™ manual.
To my knowledge, this is the most comprehensive listing of ways to find affiliates to promote your product that is available today.
Bonus #8: Autoresponder Mailings You Can Send To Your Affiliates To Get Them Actively Promoting You.
In this 15-page file
you'll get your hands on some exclusive mailings that you can send to
your affiliates to get them actively promoting your offer.
Nicole Dean (expert affiliate manager) has created a series of 8 affiliate mailings that we're making available with private label rights (you can modify them in any way you like for your own use, but you can't sell them) for you to load to your autoresponder system and automatically send out to your affiliate team.
These mailings are specifically designed to get your affiliates active in your program. Some have already used personalized versions of these mailings in their own affiliate programs, so we're not sending you any junk here.
Bonus #9: 8 Irresistible Ways To Attract Super Affiliates To Promote Your Product.
In this 18-page report
you'll learn how to get affiliates to promote you once you've located
them. Let's face it, not all affiliates are created equal. Sure, you
want as many affiliates as possible in your program, regardless of how "super" they are or are not. But, in being honest, all affiliates aren't created equal. Some have larger lists, greater traffic to their sites and noteworthy reputations just to name a few assets.
And it would be very beneficial to your affiliate program to have them involved in promoting your product. The question is "how can you attract 'super' affiliates?"
In this special, 18-page report I outline 8 powerful ways to convince these "in-demand" affiliates to promote your offer. To my knowledge, there isn't another report out there like this one.
these are just the "bonuses". These are the "icing on the cake". The
training program itself is the real gold-mine here. The bonuses just
make the decision to join so 5-year-old simple that it's harder to say
"no" than it is to say "yes". So, what are you waiting for?!
To recap, you receive...
- The three main manuals
(Product, Prospects, Promotion) teaching you how to create your own
product, build a list of customers and get free traffic to your site! (This is your core training and just ONE of the manuals has sold over a thousand copies at $97 by itself!)
- The NINE bonus reports
which are perfect companions to the main manuals providing you with
quick glance overview, checklist steps and additional ideas! (These could easily be sold for $150-$200 on their own!)
Let's get you going here...
Join Now For Instant Access
Yes, I want The Internet Copy System training course and bonuses!! I have read and agree to the legal disclaimers below. I understand that I am making just a ONE-TIME payment of $97.00 for all of these materials.
Here to Order Now!
(Even if it's 2:00 AM on a Saturday)
your order has been processed you will immediately be taken to a
download page where you will be able to access ALL of the course ...
the main manuals and all bonus materials.
Every effort has been made to accurately represent
this product and its potential. Please remember that
each individual’s success depends on his or her
background, dedication, desire and motivation. As
with any business endeavor, there is no certain guarantee
that you will earn any money.
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Of Service | Earnings Disclaimer | Privacy Notice
Best regards,
Dave McGarry
Remember, you get all three main manuals (teaching you how to create a
product, build a list of buyers and get free traffic to your site) plus
all of the bonuses when you order now!