Motivational and Successful Tips|Daily Dose of Dave – Alignment

Every Entrepreneur struggles from time to time and it is important that they are always hearing motivational tips to help them stay focused on their goals and dreams and to ultimately be successful. Well “Daily Dose of Dave” was designed exactly for that purpose and Dave McGarry, who is an entrepreneur himself  knows the importance of having daily motivation. In today’s Daily Dose of Dave the word that is examined is “Alignment.” Who we go through life is way more important than any assignment we might have or who we work with. If you are not aligned with the right people you are going to struggle. As Charles Jones says, “In ten years from now you are the summation of the books you read and the people you experienced.” Ask yourself, “Who are you aligning yourself with?” Do they add value to you or do they suck energy from you? Finding and aligning up the right people in your life is up to you. You get to choose so make sure that you have people in your life that believe in you and add value to you! I hope that helps and until next time make it a great day! Also, please “LIKE” and “Share” with someone who may need to hear this. Finally, if you like this and want more from Dave McGarry follow him at or htpp://


Motivational and Success Tips for Entrepreneurs

Daily Dose of Dave – Joy

Daily Dose of Dave is brought to you by Dave Mcgarry who is an entrepreneur and passive income coach. Everyday Dave brings you a quick tip or something motivational to get you to take action to help you reach your goals and dreams of being a successful entrepreneur. Today I want to talk to you having “Joy” in your life and business. It is two weeks from Christmas when I recorded this and although it is a time to celebrate and rejoice I explain to you why you should have joy throughout the year! If you like what you hear from me please “share” it with your friends, family or co-workers. Also, you can follow me on FB @InternetMarketingAdvisor, Twitter @davemcgarry  or @YouTube

Daily Dose of Dave – Adversity

Daily Dose of Dave is brought to you by Dave Mcgarry who is an entrepreneur and passive income coach. Everyday Dave brings you a quick tip or something motivational to get you to take action to help you reach your goals and dreams of being a successful entrepreneur. Today I want to talk to you about Adversity. It is not a matter of if, but when you will have adversity in your life or business. Find out what was one of the biggest adverse times I went through.

Also, I would love to connect with you so please follow me at, or at the blog


Daily Dose of Dave – Zig Ziglar

Daily Dose of Dave is brought to you by Dave Mcgarry who is an entrepreneur and passive income coach. Everyday Dave brings you a quick tip or something motivational to get you to take action to help you reach your goals and dreams of being a successful entrepreneur. Today what I want to talk to you about is not a word but a legend. Yesterday Zig Ziglar passed away and a true American icon will be missed. I learned many things from studyin Zig Ziglar but learn the two most important ones I think you need to implement into your life an business to be successful Watch the short video to see the two that I learned from Zig. Also, I would love to connect with you so please follow me at, or at YouTube.


Daily Dose of Dave – Reflection

Daily Dose of Dave is brought to you by Dave Mcgarry who is an entrepreneur and passive income coach. Everyday Dave brings you a quick tip or something motivational to get you to take action to help you reach your goals and dreams of being a successful entrepreneur. Today the word that I would like to talk to you about is “Reflection.” Typically two times a year I like to take time to reflect on what I have achieved for the year and what I want to continue to strive for. Watch the short video to learn how to change your thinking. Also, I would love to connect with you so please follow me at, or at YouTube.