Motivational Tips and Success|Daily Dose of Dave – Resistance

Everybody needs motivation and success whether you are a small business owner, entrepreneur, or just an everyday person trying to struggle and fight through resistance and tough times. In today’s “Daily Dose of Dave” Dave McGarry talks about resistance and how tempting it is to take the path of least resistance. However, he points out that everyone needs a little bit of inspiration and you should look to those people who should have quit but despite being rejected and having a lot of resistance to their product or service kept pushing on and achieved greatness! You to can do that. Also, remember the quote from Jim Rohn who said, “don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better.” So, what type of resistance are you facing? What is it that you need to get better at to achieve greatness for yourself. Work on that one thing today and never quit! Until tomorrow make it a great day. Also, you can follow me on FB or at my new blog


Motivation and Success

10 great happenings from last year

The holidays are just about here and every year around this time I begin to reflect on the year that was. This year is unique because not only do we finish another year, but also wrap up the first decade of the new millennium. I can not believe that another decade of my life is complete. I’ll focus on that later, but today I want to talk about reflecting back on the past year. Last year I was introduced to Darren Hardy’s “How to have your best year ever” ebook and I have to admit I made some better strides in achieving the goals that I had set for myself. Maybe it was his system or maybe after all the years of me reading about people becoming successful I decided it was time for me to actually quit reading and thinking about being successful and actually start doing. Regardless of why I made better strides the real point I am going to make here is that one of the exercises Darren recommends to do is to write down 10 great happenings from last year.

The first time I did this exercise I had a difficult time coming up with 10 great things that had happened. I have to admit it really bothered me that I could not write down 10 great things that had happened throughout the year. However, what I walked away with after this exercise was really insightful. The light bulb finally went off and I realized that like most of us we tend to remember and dwell on the negative things that happen to us instead of the positive things that we experience. Once I had my list complete I realized what an amazing year it really was. Because of this exercise I came to the understanding that when something great happens you need to celebrate and also write it in your journal, so that when you reflect back you can realize that no matter how tough times might be there are plenty of things to be grateful for. So, as we wrap up this year take some time and write down 10 great happenings that you have occurred in your life. Once you have them written down reflect back monthly, quarterly, and at the end of the year to remind yourself of the great things that you have done in the year. Stay tuned for my next posting because I am going to share my 10 great things from this past year.

Coach Dave