I love Back to School



 Today was the first day of school for us here in Texas! I always loved the first day of school. For me I always felt like I had another shot at doing better and making better grades. Unfortunately, I seemed to always care more about sports and friends. Well, I guess I do not feel that bad for me because I had some great times and would not change it for the world. I do however, wished I would have spent more time learning back then. The funny thing is I did not start really studying until after college. Okay, I am sure you are wondering what am I getting at so I will get to my quick point today.

Today is the first day of school and for the most part kids are starting over and have the opportunity to make things right for the year but for you and me we do not have to wait until the next school year to make things right. Each day we can approach our career and day as a brand new start. If there is something you want to get better at then set a goal to become better. if you want to change a bad habit that start practicing the discipline you need to break it. Don’t wait until next year to get better and start fresh. Start today and live the life you have always wanted to live.

The Consumer is DEAD!

I don’t know about you but I am sick and tired of hearing in the media that consumer spending is over. Let me ask you a question, “Did you go all weekend without spending?” I am pretty sure that about 99.9% of you are going to answer the question with a “No”! But Dave, I had to buy food or I bought something I needed. Well, that brings me to my point, people are going to continue to spend, but they will spend on what they feel is of value to them. As I have written in my book “Anatomy of Sales” one of the reasons your clients will buy is value.

VALUE Value is different from person to person. Value is relative to the service you are offering, what the client has paid in the past, how bad the client wants it, and how your client perceives the price between you and your competitors.  It is imperative to demonstrate a value that seems equal to or greater than the price your client is paying.  If you create a perceived value greater than the price you are charging; you are more likely to have your client buy more.

So, remember the next time you hear someone say, “The consumer is DEAD” they are wrong. What you need to say to yourself, “No, consumers will spend, but I need to create value.” You see, if the value is greater than the price you are charging your clients will continue to buy. If you need to add value start today and you will amaze everyone else when you tell them my training is going strong!

Coach Dave