Why I chose Nutrilite

Several people have asked me why I chose to endorse and sell Nutrilite products on my site. Well, the simple answer is because I fell in love with one of their protein bars. To be exact it is the Chocolate Nut Roll bar that I love. Now, I know some of you are saying that it must have a ton of sugar in it for it to be good. Well, I am not going to lie to you it does have sugar in it but according to the product comparison chart the nut roll has less sugar  than the Power Bar. Remember, if you are working out then the sugar should off set itself, so my disclaimer is that you should not just eat any protein bar and not have the exercise to back it up.

Okay, another reason why I am endorsing Nutrilite is their history and reputation. The company has been around since 1934. After 75 years of business I felt comfortable offering the products on my site knowing that Nutrilite was not just some start up company that could go out of business.

My final reason for endorsing and offering the Nutrilite products on my site comes down to the science and research that is put into their products. Nutrilite from the beginning strived to study how to extract the proper nutrients from plants in order to get the best nutrients into their products. As the company grew they developed the Nutrilite Health Institute , so that they can continue to provide the best products possible to the public.

Please do me a favor and do your own research but if you are looking for some great dietary supplements then check out my site www.davemcgarry.com and click on the nutrition link. If you want to go directly to the site to order products click on this link.

If you have any questions about any of the products please send me an email or leave me a comment.

The Answer to the Million Dollar Question

So how do you get more personal training clients?

This is the million dollar question that every personal trainer asks at some point in their career and I have a simple answer for you today. If you want more personal training clients then you need to create raving fans. Yes, I mean clients who at every chance they get they talk about you and brag about how great their personal trainer is. Now not every client is going to be a raving fan so the key here is to find the ones who are and get them out there talking about you. Okay so you are asking how do I create raving fans? Well it is not as hard as you think and by the end of this post you will know what constitues a raving fan and how to create them.


So what defines a raving fan?

First of all a raving raving fan comes often. In our profession they personal train 2-3x a week and come week in and week out throughout the year.

Second, a raving fan pays full price. You do not need to give them free sessions or give them a package deal.

Finally, a raving fan is someone who tells people and tells us about it. You will absolutuely know who your raving fan is because they will tell you that they talk about you to all their friends and family and at the same time tell you how much they LOVE you!

Now, let’s assume you are just getting started or maybe you need some more raving fans well this next section is going to be about how to create Raving Fans. 

I have said this before but the single most important way to attract and build a raving fan is to build trust with them. They need to trust you as much as the trust their closest friends and family.

Deliver 2nd Mile Customer service. Matthew 5:41 in the bible states ” If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles.” Essentially, what this passage is referring to is do the unexpected don’t just reciprocate go beyond. Going the second mile can make the difference between a normal client and a raving fan. It does not have to be something totally crazy but surprise your client by doing something they would have never thought you would do. It could be as simple as sending them a gift card to their favorite retail store after they reached a weight goal. You don’t have to give a lot but you need to give something your client would not ever thought you would do.

The final step to creating a raving fan is to create an emotional experience with your personal training client. If it is all about reps, sets, and exercises you will not connect with them. You need to make it personal and find that emotional hot button that really gets your personal training client engaged. Also, I cannot tell you how important it is to conduct your personal training sessions with enthusiasm. There is nothing more troubling to me then to see a personal trainer stand there with their arms crossed and lips shut throughout the entire session. Show your enthusiasm and energy towards your client.

If you build trust, dekiver 2nd mile customer service and create an emotional experience with your personal training client then you will succeed in building raving fans and ultimately you will get more clients!! Now go get some raving fans!!!