Are you going to be spooked forever?

I am sitting here the eve before the eve of Halloween and watching all the scary ads from the politicians on TV. As much as we hate the political ads that are constantly running on TV before the election, the truth of the matter is, politicians know they work and that is why the blast them nonstop.

Now, I am not going to talk politics today, but what I want do want to talk to you about today is, your mind set. Let me ask you a simple question, “Do you dwell on the fact that things are not going to get better?”  The reason I am asking this question is because I saw a poll that said people are less optimistic today then a few years ago about whether or not they would be able to live the America Dream. I was kinda baffled by this. I mean we live in the greatest country in the world and the potential for greatness has never been better. We have so many more advantages then are grandparent and parents did that it is unconscionable to me to think that the American Dream is dead! And for those of you that are hoping that the election will change that then think again. It doesn’t matter what political affiliation you have government is never going to be the answer. If you want a better life or better career it is up to you!  You have to choose whether or not you are going to continue to be spooked by all the negative things around you or whether or not you are going to step up today and decide to move forward with your career, life, and relationships. I believe things are going to get better, but that is my choice in believing that. I once heard a quote from someone who said, “Any day above ground is a great one!”

So, let me challenge you today! Decide today is going to better, start dreaming again!

Okay before I go let me tell you a little something about me that you may not know. Several years ago I started doing this with my clients and it worked for them and myself. Typically this time of year people start to check out and put everything off until the New Year. Well, what I did was set my New Year’s goals and start my New Year on Nov 1st! Yes, two months before everyone else. The main reason I started this was to help me get through the holidays when sometimes it is tough to stay focused. This approach also worked well with my health and fitness goals because it helped me keep a balanced approached on my eating.

Now, this might not work for you, but do me a favor and don;t wait until election day to start believing in bigger and better things. Start believing that things are going to be great today!

As we say in the fitness industry it is never too late to start exercising and changing your lifestyle. That principle is the same for you personally.

On Monday I am going to be sharing with you a few things  I have planned for my New Year! See you then!

Coach Dave

It does not matter what Health Care Bill gets passed because they are forgetting an important component!

I have one word that hardly ever gets mentioned when politicians talk about “Health Care Reform” and that is prevention. Now, I do not agree at all with President Barack Obama’s proposal and the democrats push for a public plan, but I will say that when they mention prevention being a  big part of the reform they get my attention. You see, I strongly believe that if we are ever going to change the “Health Care” in America then we need to change what our primary mission and message should be. Instead of each political party worrying about their special interest groups we need to make the message and mission to be all about prevention. 

 Our leaders talk about the fact that the issue of health reform has been being talked about for years and nothing has been done. Well, I am sorry to inform them but there has been good legislation (WHIP Act and PHIT Act) that has been introduced by IHRSA (International Health Racquet and Sport Association) and has had members of both parties sign on to the bill but the frustrating part is every time it is introduced it gets stripped out. You have to be kidding me. These pieces of legislation will help start us on a path to making exercise a key component in the changing of our health in America, so don’t me that nothing has been done because if these two bills would have been passed we would be a lot further along in putting prevention as a key reform element.

Also, let me make this clear, prevention is not a Democrat or Republican issue, prevention is something that every American can get on board with and if Americans are concerned about their health then they need to change their mindset and think of prevention as the key in this whole Health Care debate.

Finally, my take home point for you as a  fitness professional is that you need to learn more about the two legislative bills I mentioned earlier and write your congressmen and tell them to support it. Also, if you are looking to get more personal training clients you need to create relationships with physicians. I have started to see a shift in the medical industry and have noticed doctors prescribing exercise as a way to treat some of these preventable diseases. Start figuring out how you can make whatever Health Care Bill comes out of Congress, profitable for your business. Remember, I do not care what Health Care Bill they pass, real change is going to come from fitness professionals providing lifestyle changes for Americans.

Stay the path!

Coach Dave