The Power of Planning

With college graduation approaching it reminds me of a time in my life where I had no real clue as to what I was going to do after I graduated. Up until this point I had a goal of being the first person in my family to graduate college. I was stoked that I had just finished an internship at the Cooper Fitness Center and was now ready to graduate and head into the real world. The only problem I was not sure if I wanted to work with athletes or wanted to do personal training. As you know by now I went the personal training route; however, when I first started I had no plan. It was not until I read Stephen Covey’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” that I started to plan. Also, I wrote a post awhile back titled “The Fastest Way to a Six Figure Income, which summarizes the study conducted by Harvard and showed the power of planning. I suggest you read it and see for yourself the remarkable results. Okay Dave, if planning is so important show me what I need to consider for my individual plan.

A.) Yearly – You need a plan for the entire year and the following should be included:

  1. desired annual income
  2. personal development
  3.  professional development


  1. needed monthly income
  2. planned events
  3. unplanned events
C.) Weekly
  1. needed weekly sessions
  2. adapt and overcome
D.) Daily
  1. DMO – Daily Method of Operation
  2. Consistency

The fastest way to a six figure income

I am sure you have heard the saying, “If you fail to plan then you are planning to fail!” Don’t just take my word for it see what a study from Harvard showed on the benefits of planning.

Plan The best sales people review every detail and plan in advance. There was a study conducted at Harvard Business School that showed how important it is to a business to have a written plan.  The study was conducted over a twenty-five year period and tracked 1,600 businesses.  These were the results:

·      70% of the businesses in the study had no written plan or verbal plan

·      27% of the businesses in the study had verbal goals only

·      3% in the study had them written down

·      98% of the wealth was held by those 3% of businesses who had them written down

the proof is in the pudding. Start planning today even if it is a plan for the next 90 days. Doing something is the action step here.

Coach Dave

Excerpt from “Anatomy of Sales”