The Top 3 Business Principles I Learned from my Daughter selling Girl Scout Cookies!

Everything you need to know about basic sales and marketing for your small business can be learned from observing the selling of Girl Scout cookies. Yes, you heard me right I am talking about those cookies that are sold only one time a year, which if you are like me you could eat a whole box in one sitting if you tried 🙂

This past year happened to be my daughters first year in Girl Scouts. Now, throughout the years I have bought many boxes, probably more than I care to share with you, but I never really saw the power and insight behind the actual selling.

In case you do not have daughters or have not been associated with something similar to Girl Scouts I will give you a brief overview of my understanding, which I am not totally in on the inside so I may have a few facts wrong but here is the overview.

The first step that the girls take is to pick a charity that they want to raise and donate money to. Then, each troop is asked to set a goal of how many boxes of cookies they want to sell as a troop and also individually. Now, if you are health conscious like me and do not want to gain weight from eating so many cookies they have an awesome way to get around that by  donating cookies to the troops. Finally, a small portion of the proceeds go back to the troop and the girls use that money to do some team outings. It really is a great way to teach our young girls entrepreneurship, teamwork,philanthropy, and many more great skills.

Okay, so that is a brief overview of the Girl Scouts and now I am sure you are asking yourself, ” how can I learn everything I need to know about sales and marketing from selling Girl Scout cookies?” Well ,that my friend is going to be easy, so let me explain.

First of all, if you have a product that people want, then selling it will be easy. I know  what you are thinking, “well duh, that makes sense.” And yes, all of us keenly understand that basic concept in theory but when you look around and study businesses that have failed you see that sometimes the entrepreneur believes in their mind that they have a product people want but in actuality the market does not. Now, I am not saying everybody is going to by Girl Scout cookies but anyone who has ever had a thin mint is not going to say no to buying some boxes, which goes to my argument that the product is great and people want it 🙂

Key #1 have a product or service people want and need and you will have no problem making sales!

The second key concept is to have an irresistible offer. Now, I know I am biased but my daughter is the cutest thing to ever walk this planet and how could anyone turn down a little girl walking up to you in her Girl Scout uniform. Shoot before I had my daughter I could remember getting out of my car and seeing the girls sitting outside the grocery store selling cookies. Every time they got my order because I could not resist the offer of a little girl selling a great product.

Key #2 is to have an irresistible offer that a prospect can’t refuse!

The final key concept to learn is the call to action. The Girl Scout cookies are only sold once a year, around the Jan-March time frame, so if you don’t get them during that time period you have to wait until next year. Shoot, the other day a gentlemen bought enough to almost make it the entire year. That is of course if you don’t eat entire sleeve in one sitting like I have done before 🙂

Key #3 is to have a call to action that will prompt the client to buy. We as human beings tend to put things off until the last minute but if you set the urgency in their mind you have a better chance of getting the sale.

So, just to recap the key points here:

#1 create a product or service people want

#2 create an irresistible offer

#3 have a call to action

If you just implement those three concepts into your online or offline business you will have no problem attracting leads and making sales.

If you want to learn more principles to growing your business check out this FREE webinar at


The one thing you need if you have a website

If I asked you today what is the ONE thing you’d like to have

more of that would help you build your business, chances are

the answer you’d give me is this:

*** Traffic ***

Ask around and the average internet marketer is after more

traffic to their sites.  In fact, unless you have a weenie

server hosting your site, there is no such thing as “too much”

quality traffic.

It’s what everyone wants.  Number one on the wish list!

In Jimmy D. Brown’s ground-breaking course, Sales Army Secrets,

he explains how to get traffic — and a lot of it — for FREE.

That is, how to get other people — a lot of them — sending it

to you at no cost to yourself.

Now, for the first and only time, he’s offering a limited number

of resale rights licenses to sell this course.

*** Now YOU can sell the course that

teaches what everyone wants!

You can sell the course for $97 per order and keep 100%!

(This is not another $20 ebook to sell … it’s a PREMIUM course

that sells for almost a hundred bucks a pop!)

-> License details are at

With your license, you receive …

1. A copy of the product to distribute. This includes both the

audio MP3 version (10 audio files … over 3 hours of meaty

audio!) and the text PDF version (105+ pages).

2. A copy of the bonuses to distribute. You will be able to

include the five bonuses ( SPECIAL REPORT: 8 Irresistible Ways

To Get ‘Super’ Affiliates To Enlist In Your Sales Army!,

AFFILIATE MAILINGS: 8 Autoresponder Mailings You Can Modify

And Send To Your Sales Army!, RECRUITING CHECKLIST: 20 Actions

You Can Take Today To Get New Affiliates For Your Program. ,

SPECIAL REPORT : Snail Mail Profits: How To Easily And

Affordably Use Snail Mail To Make Your Affiliates Love You!,

SPECIAL REPORT : How To Generate More Profit For Both You And

Your Affiliates In One Easy Step!) with every order.

3. A copy of the professional sales letter. Simply plug in your

own order link at the bottom of the page, upload it to your

site and you’re ready to take orders with this high-converting

sales letter.

The original course itself sells for $97 (or only $67 when it is

on sale).  You’d expect to pay at least $297 for a license to a

“premium” course like this, but Jimmy’s making them available to a

select few for the cost of the regular, personal use version!

That’s right, sell just ONE copy of the course and you’ve made

your entire resale rights investment back!

All the details are at…


Only a limited number of licenses are being sold on a “first

come, first served” basis.  This is going out to tens of thousands

of subscribers, affiliates and joint venture partners.

The point is this:  if you want a license to a product that

everyone wants which you can sell for $97 per order, you’d better

go grab this license now!  Once they are sold out, they are gone

for good.

If you’ve ever bought a resale rights license from Jimmy before,

then you know that his materials are FIRST RATE and you’ll almost

certainly recoup your investment with your very first promotion.

Get one while it lasts…

Best regards,

David McGarry

P.S. If you’ve been around internet marketing for any amount

of time at all, then you’ve heard the name “Allan Gardyne”.

Allan has been making a good living from affiliate programs

since 1998.  That’s well over a decade, folks.  His flagship

site, is widely recognized as the top

affiliate marketing sites period.  And he’s one of the most

influential marketers of the entire existence of marketing

on the Internet.

Here’s what Allan said about Sales Army Secrets in his

official review at his site…


“Just ONE tip from the book on how to recruit super affiliates

has had a dramatic impact on our affiliate program. Thanks,


“It zeroes in on the MOST IMPORTANT things you must know.

It’s an up-to-date manual on affiliate program management.

A superb book – fantastic value.”

“We’ll be reading and re-reading it. You should, too.”


How to Make Money as a Blogger in 3 Easy Steps

How to Make Money as a Blogger in 3 Easy Steps


You’ve heard of people turning their blogs into six-figure income centers. And you’ve heard of others who’ve started a blog, worked hard at it, and then eventually abandoned it because it didn’t make them a dime.


I’m sure you’d like to be in the former category rather than the latter.


You can increase your chances of doing so but following these three easy steps for making money as a blogger…


Step 1: Create quality content in a hot niche.


People aren’t interested in reading ads or “spun” articles that are nothing more than gibberish. They want solutions to their problems. And that means they need quality content. In other words, they want useful information that solves their problems.


Here’s the key, though: While the information you provide should be useful, it should also be incomplete.


That is, it shouldn’t completely solve your prospects’ problems. After all, if you completely solve your prospects’ problems, then they really have no need to buy what you’re selling.


One way to provide useful but incomplete solutions is by sharing articles that tell people what to do, but don’t go into detail about how to do it.


Example: A marketing blog might have the instruction “buy a good domain name at,” but it doesn’t get into the details of what it means to buy a “good” domain name. Then the blogger can point to a short report that tells people how to build a website (which includes how to choose a good domain name).


Step 2: Monetize your blog.


You’re already providing useful content. Soon you’ll have plenty of readers eyeballing this content. So before you bring in the traffic, you need to find ways to monetize the traffic. Here are three ways:


  • Promote products and services. These could be your own products or affiliate products.


  • Sell advertising space.


Example: You can sell a rotating banner ad on the home page of your blog. You can even sell plain text links.


  • Get people on your list. Instead of focusing on getting people to buy products or click on ads, you can focus on getting them on your list. Then you can build a relationship with them, which makes it easier for you to sell products on the backend.


Step 3: Drive traffic to your blog.


Your blog is ready to make some money – now you just need traffic! Here are three ways to get traffic:


  • Start a Facebook Fan Page.


  • Get JV (joint venture partners). Then co-promote each other on your blogs, such as by guest blogging.



There’s not enough room in this article to share with you all the tips you need to know to make a killing with your blog. That’s why you need the 31 Day Guide to Making Money as a Blogger. Get your copy at 

#1 Google Ranking in 24 Hours! (Just a PLUGIN)

Wow I have just tested Daniel Tan’s SEOPressor

WordPress Plugin and I can only say,

it is a revolutionary! Not only revolutionary,


I think if you are serious about making money with

your WordPress Websites by scoring

high GOOGLE Ranking, you need this plugin, period.


Daniel has got #1 Ranking in Google for a keyword

against 219 million competition! That’s how

powerful on-page SEO can be!


I just did a search on Daniel and surprisingly, this guy

is really a hidden gem. People buying his product is

saying this:

“Daniel, I did not read your sales letter, I just bought.

Your past products have been so good, that I don’t

even need to know what you’re offering.”

This is no joke.

Listen, Daniel has always OVER-DELIVERED! I tested

his customer support and it is REAL fast! So rest assured,

you will get the best support from Daniel!


(A video showing you what the plugin does)

To your success,

Coach Dave

How to Stop Your Emails From Ending Up in the Trash

If you are like me you probably get a ton of emails everyday. Now, I will be the first to admit that this is my fault because I sign up for everyone’s “free report!” Well, if you are also like me you probably check the box next to the emails you want to delete and throw them in the trash with out reading them.So this brings me to my point today, and that is as more and more small business try to use internet marketing as a way to connect with customers how do you prevent a client from deleting your email without ever reading it? The answer is email filtering!

As I mentioned above I get a ton of emails from businesses and people all day and everyday. It really became overwhelming until, I started using an email filtering system. Most email systems like Yahoo, Gmail, Outlook, and others give you the ability to filter your emails into categories or priorities. This has been a great productivity and time saver for me because I only look at the priority mail first and save the other mail for a later time or day to look at, but how do you get your customers to make your emails a priority?

In order to maximize your emails and get your customers to filter you into their priority inbox you need to do several things and in order to better understand the strategies fully take a look at this article from Aweber’s help center on “How to get your emails filetered.” Now, regardless if you use Aweber or not this article is helpful in giving you some simple tips to get your clients to filter your emails and put you on their priority list.

To your success,
Coach Dave