Change your Attitude or else….

Having two kids under the age of six I find myself saying that phrase more often than not. If you have young kids I am sure you can relate, but what I found interesting the other day was I needed this phrase to be directed to myself. I have been told that one of my strengths is my “Attitude”. For the most part I would agree but I am human just like the rest of you and I was having a bad day. Those of you who own your own business know where I am coming from. Some days are great and you feel like you are on top of the world. And then some days you feel like you have crashed and burned. In life and business there are many things that you just can’t change or have control over, however, there is one thing that you always have control over and that is your “Attitude.” As I wrote in “Success Depends on You” the one thing you have total control over is your choice. Sure things can be bad at times but why make it worse by being negative about it. Change your attitude and realize that being positive is going to make a bad thing much easier to cope with!

And yes, it took me all day to get out of my funk but I did and you know what, had I not changed my attitude it might still be bad!

In health and wealth,
Coach Dave

How to make money personal training online

Hello everyone. Today is day three of me posting a video blog. I figure I am well on my way to creating a habit by doing a blog for the past three days! In this video I talk briefly about entrepreneurship. I know there are a lot of fitness professionals who would love to have their own business but the financial constraint holds them back. Well, I found something that can work for anyone and is pretty much risk free for you. Go listen and tell me what you think.

Here is the link:

In health,
Coach Dave

Live Like You Are Dying

May is the worst month and best month of the year for me. Today, marks the 4 year anniversary of my father’s passing and tomorrow will be the one year anniversary of my grandfather’s passing. If that isn’t enough, my brother and cousin passed away in the following weeks. So, you can see why the first part of May is not so good for me. My wife actually would like to lock me up and keep me quarantined until June, but I am not scared and I am pressing on.

Okay, so where does the good part come into play for me, you might ask? Actually, every year when I am reminded of my family members who are no longer with me  I get a sense of rejuvenation and a spirit of re-birth. I use their passing as a way to motivate me to do the things that I have said I want to accomplish before it is my time to leave.

I am just curious, how many of you say to yourself,  ” I will do that tomorrow or I will experience that next year because I am too busy.”  Let me tell you, don’t put off what you can do today for tomorrow because tomorrow might never come. I spoke to my dad hours before he passed away from a heart attack and we were talking about how in a few months he was going to come out to see me in Texas! That day, sadly, never happened and it always sits hard knowing that we should have gotten him out sooner to see us.

I hope you understand what I am trying to say here. I want you to realize that we only have a certain amount of time on this planet to make a difference, and  if you have goals that you want to accomplish or have always wanted to start your own business, today is a great day to get started.

Now, with that being said, I want to make sure I am leading by example here. So, here is what I am going to stop putting off.  For the longest time now I have had a goal to start a membership site for my business ,and today I am going to start taking action by announcing to you that, How to Train and Grow Rich has officially been started. I am working on the specifics, but initially the site will be geared towards fitness professionals, personal trainers, and group exercise instructors, however, the site can help just about anybody who wants to learn how to create passive revenue streams and develop the lifestyle they want to live. Once  I have everything mapped out I will give an update ,but for now I wanted to take action and announce my intentions.

So, what can you do today that you have been putting off? Take action, because tomorrow may be too late. As for me, I will celebrate the lives of my family by striving to become  a better father, husband, and business coach. Also I will strive to live out each day to its fullest.

In memory of you Dad, Gramps, Kevin, and Sheila. I will always love you!

Coach Dave

I hate to lose…but…

On Saturday it all came to an end. The Florida Gators lost the SEC Championship game to the Crimson Tide. The Gators 22 consecutive game winning streak, which was the longest in the country, came to an end as well. Now, I am going to be the first to tell you that I hate to lose. I am a very bad loser and typically take it really hard, however, this time was different. I am not sure why, maybe it is my age, maybe it is that after losing a father and brother you realize there is more to life, or maybe it is the fact that at some point you realize everyone is going to lose and losing can provide valuable insight. let me tell you if you are not failing then you are not pushing hard enough. You are probably sitting in a comfort zone. I remember when I  first started my career in the fitness industry and everything came pretty easy. My boss, who owned the gym, handed me clients without me having to drum up my own business. However, it wasn’t until I moved to Dallas and started all over again that I learned about failing. I would meet with new members as part of their incentive to join the club and time an time again all of those new members were thankful for the program I had designed for them, but they wanted to work on their own. I couldn’t close a sale to save my life. I tell you that first summer I spent in Dallas was eye opening and depressing. I was failing and was miserable, but I learned from it. I realized I needed to learn more about sales and business. It was that summer that I started reading and learning about sales, success, and business. Each time I would lose out on a client I would evaluate what I did during my encounter with the prospect. I analyzed what I thought went wrong and made sure not to do it again. You see, losing can bring out the best in you if you are willing to learn from the loss. Take notes and write down in a journal what mistakes you are making and learn from them. The really cool thing about writing it down is years later when you are looking through your journals you see how successful you have become because of the mistakes that you made.

Now, don’t think I am saying to go out and lose because you play to win, but when you lose, and trust me you will lose at some point, learn from the loss. As John Maxwell says, “Fail Forward.” Learn from your loss and move forward. Keep pushing the envelope and make it your goal next year to aim high and guarantee yourself some losing lessons.

Your “Big Idea”

I just got back from vacation and I am refreshed and all fired up again. It is amazing what happens to you mentally when you get away from the daily grind and recharge the batteries. Okay, well what I want to talk to you about today is creating your “Big Idea”. What I am referring to is Donny Deutsch’s show and book called “The Big Idea.” I have seen the show many times and read the book over the holiday weekend. The stories are motivational and inspiring for anyone who wants to be more and create their own business. So, here is my question for you. What is your “Big Idea”? If you want to make a difference in this world and be more than “just a trainer” then you need to find what you can contribute to this world. Once you find your ‘Big Idea” start moving to create it and just by moving you will start down the path of greatness. Here is how to start thinking about your “Big Idea”:


What are you passion about?

Maybe it is working with kids, and if so, maybe you can create a healthier snack for kids or maybe create a pre-school that focuses on physical education and rudimentary skills, as well as the other skills kids need. My point is create something that really gets your blood boiling.

What need is missing in the industry? 

What can you improve that already exists?

What segment of the market is being undeserved?

These are some questions for you to answer to get you to start thinking about your “Big Idea”. Quit sitting around waiting for something to happen. Use your skills and strengths to create something big. Each and everyone one of us was put here to make a difference. So get moving and if you ned some help feel free to post or email me.