How Being Fired Saved My Life

Yes, as the title says being fired from my job saved my life and this post is going to explain to you exactly why I believe that. You see it has been almost 2 years since that day that I heard the new GM say to me, “We are going to let you go “ I was shocked, pissed, scared and probably every other emotion that we have when it happened. I mean how could this happen to me and what was my life going to be like now that the job and career I had worked hard for was now gone. Little did I know that I was on a new journey that I believe has saved my life and has given me a clear picture as to what my purpose in life is all about. My goal for telling you this story some two years later is if there is someone out there who might be struggling after losing there job don’t lose hope because just maybe you too will be saved and found your true calling.

Now I am not going to go into all the details as to how and why I was fired but I do want to start with maybe a little foreshadowing event that happened when I first graduated from college. I have to admit I was not a big reader in college but soon after I graduated people who had created big companies and appeared to be successful fascinated me. So, one day I was at Barnes and Noble and picked up a book about the guys who started Home Depot. In it I found out that one of the founders of Home Depot was fired from his job. He said it was the best thing that had happened to him; little did I know that would be the case for me too.

So here is why I feel that way:

Probably the single most reason I have come to believe that being fired has saved my life I feel is because I have not spent enough time developing my spirituality. You see, for years I worked on building my career, my health, my wealth and my family, but the one area of my life that was out of balance was my spirituality. Now I had been attending church but wasn’t really growing and maturing in my spirituality. What I came to realize is that I had been going at everything alone and was fighting what my true purpose here on earth is all about. Through reading Scripture and the “Purpose Driven Life” I have a renewed sense of trust in my faith and my savior, Jesus Christ. It is strange how the good Lord works but I now know that me being fired was his way of saying it is time to get closer to me and stop doing things on your own. Understanding and realizing this has brought a sense of calm and peace to my life. I now have a clear picture of what I am called to do and no matter have tough things get I know I am not alone.

Another reason I feel it has saved my life is because I am able to use this as a teaching moment. I know it sounds strange but being fired has given me the opportunity to show my kids that life is going to hit you and knock you down, but the important part is how you react to life’s struggles that matters. Hopefully by me showing them that dad did not quit and had faith throughout will help make them stronger.

My final breakthrough and realization that my life has been changed comes from being an entrepreneur. For starters being an entrepreneur has taken me out of my comfort zone. I no longer have the luxury of having a paycheck delivered to my bank account any more, but making a sale and knowing that a person has trusted in one of my products or services gives me such pride and more personal satisfaction than any paycheck has ever brought me. Also, by being my own boss (Oh, the real boss is my wife J) I have had opportunities to do the things I like and take the chances on projects and ideas I am interested in.

As I wrap up my story I am going to admit to you that finally coming to this understanding has not been easy and I hope you don’t have to go through tough times to find out your true purpose but if you do embrace the struggle and realize that the old cliché “Everything happens for a reason” is true. There is a plan for us and part of that plan is to learn from your struggles.

So, my goal moving forward is to use my blog and this platform to help and encourage others to live the life they always wanted. I will also begin to share more about my struggles and insights as I continue down this path of entrepreneurship. I hope you will join me on the journey.

To your success,

Dave McGarry

P.S. If you know someone who needs a little inspiration please share this with him or her. Also, I would love to get your feedback and learn your story by having you comment below.

How to Create a Membership Site that Generates Passive Income #5

Simple Membership System






If you’ve followed the How to Create a Membership Site to Generate Passive Income article series, then you already know that there’s a truckload of profits waiting for you on the backend of your site. That is, you can make extra money by offering more products and even more expensive complimentary products to your members.

Now, one option is to be an affiliate for related products and services. The better option is to create these products yourself. That way, you keep 100% of your profits.

Here’s what I suggest: While you’re planning your first membership site, you should also simultaneously plan what complimentary products you’ll sell on the backend. And one way to make money on the backend is by creating a family of related sites and linking them together.

Let me give you an example from my own business. I run and use the following membership sites:

  • Simple Member System – This is my signature product that teaches marketers how to start and run a fixed-term membership site in as little as 48 hours from now.
  • – Here’s another membership site. This one teaches marketers how to make money selling other people’s products and services.
  • – This site teaches how to get completely free traffic to any website.

You can see why linking these sites together (cross-selling them on the backend) works. Any marketer needs to learn how to create content, so they join Contentnaire™.

Most marketers – even if they create their own products – will make additional money as affiliates, so they’ll join Affiliatenaire™ to learn how to get bigger affiliate paychecks.

Finally, most marketers will want to learn how to incorporate residual income streams into their business, which Simple Member System teaches them how to do.

Tip: The advantage of creating a family of sites goes beyond merely having something to sell on the backend. A family of sites also helps you develop your brand and grow your brand recognition. And that means more sales, more customers and more profits.

Now let me give you a few examples of how you can create a family of membership sites around a related niche (or even around a singular topic):

  • Let’s suppose you run a health site on the topic of lowering one’s blood pressure. You might also create sites around similar problems, such as lowering cholesterol levels and leading a heart-healthy lifestyle.
  • Maybe you run a training site that teaches people how to housetrain their new puppy and teach him basic manners (sit, stay, etc). You might create another site focused on getting rid of problem behaviors such as jumping, biting, digging and similar. Your third site might be for those who want to teach their dogs tricks. You might even create another sites centered around dog agility.
  • You run a homeschooling site that focuses on delivering lesson plans and ideas for math. You can create a family of sites on other topics such as science, English and history. Or, you can offer homeschooling lessons by grade (e.g., 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade, etc).

When you’re building your first membership site, ask yourself: What ELSE do my customers want?

Do your market research to find out what other products they’re currently buying. Then create a family of sites around related topics. It’s the quick and easy way to tap into the backend profits… on autopilot!

So I hope you have enjoyed this series of articles and have decided to start your own membership site. If you want a simple and fast way to get started then I recommend trying the Simple Member System to get your membership site up in the next 48 hours!

To your success,

Dave McGarry


An introduction to an Online Entrepreneur and my very first Podcast!

After 6 years of procrastinating I have finally uploaded a podcast to the site. This podcast will briefly discuss the following:

My story

Inspiration for you to start your own business

What to expect from future podcasts

An introduction to an online entrepreneur

I hope you enjoy this podcast and I look forward to bringing you more. My goal is to do one a week!


Can I teach you Internet Marketing for free?

I’ve got a quick question for you…

Have you ever wanted to work from home…?

Own your own business…?

Come on… you know you want that lifestyle… the one that everyone talks about…

where you can “work from home in your underwear…”

or on a “beach with your laptop…”

So… why hasn’t it happened for you yet?

Come on… admit it.

This isn’t the first time you’ve been looking for a proven way to make money… is it?

When it is your turn?

My guess is this…

You saw someone online promising you riches untold…


There was a catch… (doesn’t it seem like there’s always a catch?)

You have to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars to get started, right?

BEFORE you make any money… (Don’t they know that’s why you’re there…? Because you NEED money?)

Doesn’t it seem like if all those “guru’s” courses and software worked so good…

and they REALLY believed it them…

Why won’t they just GIVE you their money making system…

and then AFTER you’ve made your money… then they would get paid…

Well, I always thought it was too good to be true too…

Until this: Internet Marketing System

Ya… this guy will coach you… on HIS dime. And you only have to pay AFTER you’ve made money.

Sound too good to be true?

Check it out here: Internet Marketing Coaching for Free


P.S. – it’s about time that somebody “got it,” don’t you think?

Internet Marketing Coaching


Have you heard of Facebook Webinars?

I know most of you at some point in the last few months have either been on a webinar or has had someone invite you to a webinar. Also, you have probably heard all the buzz about automated webinars. Now, I have to admit I have been struggling with what webinar system I want to use to promote my , until now.

As most of you who own or run your own business it is not uncommon to be working on Saturday or Sunday. Well, my wife and the kids were out shopping and doing the girly stuff, so I decided to sit down at the computer and read through some emails. I think probably one of the best decisions I have made in a long time and here is why.I follow quite a few internet marketing “gurus” but as of lately I have been real selective on who’s email I actually open up and read. Well, one of the guys who I am following is, Keith Baxter of Affiliate Radio. I am so glad I did because I have now decided on which webinar system I am going to use to promote my products.

Listen, I can not do it justice by writing about it. You need to take the next 30 minutes and turn everything off and go watch it. Here is the link . If you are serious about taking your business to another level and webinars are not part of your marketing strategy, you are going to be losing a lot of money! Plus, when you see how this webinar uses facebook to promote your products or services you are going to flip out! Go check it out NOW!


Let me know what you think when it is over!

Coach Dave