Do you know what your Financial IQ is?

Hello everyone! Happy Friday! I mentioned last week that I was going to start a new weekly post that talks about financial intelligence, so this week I have a simple question for you, but before I get to that let me answer a question I received from a reader on financial intelligence. Dave, “Why should I care about financial intelligence? I come in do my job get paid and make a decent living!” Making a great living is great and most of you probably are more interested in reading something else or more interested in seeing what your friends are doing on Facebook. That is fine but I have decided that my intent for this blog going forward is to help people create a life that allows financial freedom. For some of you having a good paying job is all you are gong to what out of life, but for a few of you I know you want to create a life that allows you to live your dreams and have the freedom to do what you want. So, with that being said, if you aspire to have financial freedom then these weekly posts are going to be helpful for you!

Okay, moving on to the topic today, Financial IQ. What is your Financal IQ? Don’t worry I had no idea what mine was until I started reading and studying Robert Kiyosaki. In his books he lays it out in a simple way, so I thought that instead of me trying to explain why don’t I let him explain it to you. Check out this link and read the short post. Once you have done that you will have a better idea of what the heck I am talking about when I say Financial IQ. If you are anything like I was when I first read it I was shocked at what I thought I knew and what I thought were assets.

Let me know what your Financial IQ is by posting your comments.

Until next week,
In health and wealth
Caoch Dave

Your “Big Idea”

I just got back from vacation and I am refreshed and all fired up again. It is amazing what happens to you mentally when you get away from the daily grind and recharge the batteries. Okay, well what I want to talk to you about today is creating your “Big Idea”. What I am referring to is Donny Deutsch’s show and book called “The Big Idea.” I have seen the show many times and read the book over the holiday weekend. The stories are motivational and inspiring for anyone who wants to be more and create their own business. So, here is my question for you. What is your “Big Idea”? If you want to make a difference in this world and be more than “just a trainer” then you need to find what you can contribute to this world. Once you find your ‘Big Idea” start moving to create it and just by moving you will start down the path of greatness. Here is how to start thinking about your “Big Idea”:


What are you passion about?

Maybe it is working with kids, and if so, maybe you can create a healthier snack for kids or maybe create a pre-school that focuses on physical education and rudimentary skills, as well as the other skills kids need. My point is create something that really gets your blood boiling.

What need is missing in the industry? 

What can you improve that already exists?

What segment of the market is being undeserved?

These are some questions for you to answer to get you to start thinking about your “Big Idea”. Quit sitting around waiting for something to happen. Use your skills and strengths to create something big. Each and everyone one of us was put here to make a difference. So get moving and if you ned some help feel free to post or email me.

What causes you to Procrastinate

Being in the fitness industry we are all to familiar with people procrastinating. We have a hard time understanding why our clients just don’t do what we say and get moving. Well, what is causing you to procrastinate when it comes to reaching our business goals? For me I realized that mentally I was not disciplined and I was always waiting for the perfect time to act. I can honestly say that I have always had dreams of starting my own business but kept saying, “Oh it just isn’t the perfect time.” I guess this will be a true test since I launched this business during what some economists are saying is the worst economic times since the great depression. Okay, now let’s get back to the question at hand, “what causes you to procrastinate?”

As I mentioned yesterday I am reading a book by John Maxwell, “Talent is Never Enough” and at the end of each chapter he has some application exercises. One of the application questions asks the following and I want you to ask yourself this.

What causes you to procrastinate? 

  • Are you in denial about the consequences of not taking initiative and responsibility for yourself?
  • Are you waiting for others to motivate you instead of working to motivate yourself?
  • Are you waiting for everything to be perfect before you act?
  • Are you fantasizing about tomorrow instead of focusing on what you can do today?
Yes, I bolded the last question because I am guilty of this as well. As I mention in my book I was fortunate to have some of my wealthy and successful clients guide me, but it was not until recently I have sought formal coaching to develop my business. Take a moment and answer these questions and when you do write out a plan to take action on changing the actions that are causing you to procrastinate. 
Coach Dave