Daily Dose of Dave – Abundance

Daily Dose of Dave is brought to you by Dave Mcgarry who is an entrepreneur and passive income coach. Everyday Dave brings you a quick tip or something motivational to get you to take action to help you reach your goals and dreams of being a successful entrepreneur. Today the word that I would like to talk to you about is “Abundance.” I know we all know what abundance means but find out what it means to have an abundance mindset when it comes to your business. Watch the short video to learn how to change your thinking. Also, I would love to connect with you so please follow me at http://www.twitter.com/davemcgarry, http://www.facebook.com/internetmarketingadvisor or at YouTube.


Dave McGarry

Daily Dose of Dave – Sales

Daily Dose of Dave is brought to you by Dave Mcgarry who is an entrepreneur and passive income coach. Everyday Dave brings you a quick tip or something motivational to get you to take action to help you reach your goals and dreams of being a successful entrepreneur. Today the word that I would like to talk to you about is “Sales.” Regardless of what profession you are in or who you are you are always selling. Watch the short video to understand why you need to change your mindset about sales. Also, I would love to connect with you so please follow me at http://www.twitter.com/davemcgarry, http://www.facebook.com/internetmarketingadvisor or at YouTube.


Dave McGarry

9.5 Reasons I am Grateful for

When I first started out on my journey to become an entrepreneuer things were great but there were times when I was unsure and did not know whether or not I should continue down the path of the unknown. One day though I was reading a blog post by Craig Ballaytane, one of the first people who inspired me to create Working Mom Workouts, and in the post he talked about how he would write a thank you journal ever day, so when he started feeling sorry for himself he would look back to this journal and it would change his mindset. That inspired me to start writing down things I was grateful for and today I want to share a few that I believe have been instrumental for my success.

1.)  I am grateful for the unique talents and skills my creator gave me. Each and every one us have our own unique skills and talents that were given to us. Once I began to understand and hone in on my unique skills and talents I started to realize what I was called to do.What are your talents and have you begun to fully use them?

2.) I am grateful for the fact I saw the sun rise this morning and that I am able to get out of bed and conquer the day ahead of me. Every day we are presented with the choice of being great and making a difference in this world or just being part of this world.Are you going to make a difference today?

3.)  My wonderful family and friends. Any entrepreneur will tell you that their ultimate success lies within the support of their family and friends. Sure people can and have succeeded on their own but you need a support system and I can’t thank my family and friends enough for being behind me and having faith in me!

4.)  Mistakes that I make today. It may sound crazy but I am thankful for the mistakes that I know I am going to make each and everyday. I have the best intentions to be more productive, contact more leads, write better blog posts, but no matter how hard I try I am going to make mistakes and I am okay with that because it allows me to get better and grow as an entrepreneur.

5.)  I am also grateful for my flaws. Having areas of weakness helps me to get better and develop my skills, plus it allows me to seek out others that can help me balance my weaknesses.

6.)  My will to become more. Since I was a kid I always wanted to be great and although I believe I may be above average in certain areas I still have a will to become and do more with my life!

7.)  As crazy as this may sound I am grateful for the people who have stabbed me in the back. Whenever I have had situations like this occur I learn who my real friends are and whom I can trust no matter what.

8.)  I am grateful for the problems I encounter daily. Having problems and being able to work through them makes you stronger and develops your skills.

9.)  I am grateful for the people reading this post and following me. Without having people to help educate and teach them what I have learned would leave a void in my life!

9.5) I am grateful for the ability for me to click send.

P.S. I would love to hear what you are grateful for and if you liked this post pleas “Like” it, Google + it and share with your friends!

To your success,

Dave McGarry

It does not matter what Health Care Bill gets passed because they are forgetting an important component!

I have one word that hardly ever gets mentioned when politicians talk about “Health Care Reform” and that is prevention. Now, I do not agree at all with President Barack Obama’s proposal and the democrats push for a public plan, but I will say that when they mention prevention being a  big part of the reform they get my attention. You see, I strongly believe that if we are ever going to change the “Health Care” in America then we need to change what our primary mission and message should be. Instead of each political party worrying about their special interest groups we need to make the message and mission to be all about prevention. 

 Our leaders talk about the fact that the issue of health reform has been being talked about for years and nothing has been done. Well, I am sorry to inform them but there has been good legislation (WHIP Act and PHIT Act) that has been introduced by IHRSA (International Health Racquet and Sport Association) and has had members of both parties sign on to the bill but the frustrating part is every time it is introduced it gets stripped out. You have to be kidding me. These pieces of legislation will help start us on a path to making exercise a key component in the changing of our health in America, so don’t me that nothing has been done because if these two bills would have been passed we would be a lot further along in putting prevention as a key reform element.

Also, let me make this clear, prevention is not a Democrat or Republican issue, prevention is something that every American can get on board with and if Americans are concerned about their health then they need to change their mindset and think of prevention as the key in this whole Health Care debate.

Finally, my take home point for you as a  fitness professional is that you need to learn more about the two legislative bills I mentioned earlier and write your congressmen and tell them to support it. Also, if you are looking to get more personal training clients you need to create relationships with physicians. I have started to see a shift in the medical industry and have noticed doctors prescribing exercise as a way to treat some of these preventable diseases. Start figuring out how you can make whatever Health Care Bill comes out of Congress, profitable for your business. Remember, I do not care what Health Care Bill they pass, real change is going to come from fitness professionals providing lifestyle changes for Americans.

Stay the path!

Coach Dave

The Necessity of Prospecting

Last week I started a serious called the “Five Steps to Successful Selling” and wanted to continue this week with step number two. Step two is about the “Necessity of Prospecting.” In this step we will break down the difference between prospect vs. suspect. Also, we will talk about the prospecting/sales ratio. So without any more delay let’s get  our teeth around step number two.

A.) Prospect vs. Suspect – What is the difference between the two?

     Prospect – someone who may be a potential client.

     Suspect – someone who you have an 80% chance to close on.

The difference here is that a prospect is all the available people who you can market to and a suspect is someone who is pre-qualified and someone who is already in the behavior mindset to buy training. Focus on suspects!

B.) Prospecting/ Sales Ratio

1.) poor sales ability – numbers game. If you are willing to continously try and determine who is a prospect or suspect and market to them than you can be great.

2.) great sales ability – if you can identify a suspect and close then you will be successful at sales. You need to measure your closure rate to determine if you have a great sales ability.

In order to be successful at sales you need to know the difference between a prospect and a suspect. Make sure you close on every suspect you come into contact and try and increase your closure rate on prospects. Also, if you don’t track or measure your closure rate you will be unable to determine whether or not you have a good or poor sales ability.