Daily Dose of Dave – Self-Disciplined

Daily Dose of Dave is brought to you by Dave Mcgarry who is an entrepreneur and passive income coach. Everyday Dave brings you a quick tip or something motivational to get you to take action to help you reach your goals and dreams of being a successful entrepreneur. Tonight will be the second Presidential Debate and there will be plenty of people debating afterwards who won but today I want to talk to you about debate in regards towards your life and business. The word today is “Leadership.” I make reference to the 3rd Presidential Debate and as John Maxwell says, “everything rises and falls on leadership.” Also, if you want to follow me you can at http://www.twitter.com/davemcgarry and http://www.facebook.com/internetmarketingadvisor.


Daily Dose of Dave – Leadership

Daily Dose of Dave is brought to you by Dave Mcgarry who is an entrepreneur and passive income coach. Everyday Dave brings you a quick tip or something motivational to get you to take action to help you reach your goals and dreams of being a successful entrepreneur. Tonight will be the second Presidential Debate and there will be plenty of people debating afterwards who won but today I want to talk to you about debate in regards towards your life and business. The word today is “Leadership.” I make reference to the 3rd Presidential Debate and as John Maxwell says, “everything rises and falls on leadership.” Also, if you want to follow me you can at http://www.twitter.com/davemcgarry, http://www.facebook.com/internetmarketingadvisor.

Time Management is a Waste of “Time!”

Is Time Management books a waste of time?

Before you go out and buy another book or sign up for another seminar on Time Management listen to what my mentor John Maxwell has to say about time management. Listen as a small business owner myself I understand the value of time and I am constantly looking for ways to be a better time manager that was until I listened to John. Watch the video and let me know what you think!

So, do you think time management is a waste of “time?”

John Maxwell says a profound statement in his “Minute with Maxwell” that I believe is true!

I would love to hear your thoughts and hear what you think about time management.


What Kind of Choices Are You Making in Your Small Business

Happy Friday everyone!

Today, I wanted to bring you a quick video from one of my mentors. John Maxwell is an expert on leadership and has written a number of best selling books. He also puts out these short videos in which he calls them ” A Minute with Maxwell.” I really like these short videos because in them he communicates a powerful lesson in just a minutes time. So, today I wanted to introduce to his “Minute with Maxwell.” Plus, I wanted to share with you this particular one he talks about because as a small business owner we do this everyday.

So, let me ask you, “What choices are you making today that will enhance your business?” Has the economy brought you done and have you blaming it for your lack of success? Trust me, I know how easy it is to fall into that trap, but as Maxwell says, “It is your personal responsibility for the choices you make.”

Think about that over the weekend and we will see you next week. Until then remember it is the choices you make that will determine your success!

To your success,
Coach Dave

A Minute with John Maxwell

I have been following John Maxwell for over a decade now and when it comes to leadership you will not find a better person to learn from than him. Recently, he has started what he is calling, ” A Minute with Maxwelll.” Each day John presents the word of the day and gives you a great insight into what that word means in just a minutes time. I have embedded today’s word for you here on my blog. The word is courage. Go listen and think about what he has to say and how you can implement his teachings into your life.

Make it a great day!
Coach Dave