3 Simple Ways to Leverage Your Expertise to Make Passive Income

Do you remember the song “Party Like it is 1999” by Prince? Man, I remember that song and the year like it was yesterday! As they say, “Those were the Good Old Days” and it was also the time period that I first started thinking about how to leverage my expertise as a personal trainer with the Internet. I mean if you had a dot com (name.com) you were bound to strike it rich and retire young back in those days. Shoot I remember all my friends telling me that they were going to cash in on their stock options and retire by the time they were 30. I was so jealous and wanted to come up with a way to leverage my knowledge and expertise and use the Internet but how was I going to do it. Well, unfortunately it was still a little to early to fully use the Internet to leverage your expertise but that is not the case today! It has never been easier and my dreams and goals of having a successful Internet business have finally come to fruition. Yours can too and if you follow these 3 steps you will be on your way to using your knowledge and expertise to make passive income online!

The Internet Copy System

Here are the 3 simple ways to leverage your expertise to make passive income:

#1: Create An Offer. It all begins with creating a new offer. This is almost exclusively an “information” based product or service and includes small reports, ebooks, membership sites, physical products, coaching programs and software applications. It all hinges upon writing tiny, 7-15 page special reports. That’s all! And, if you don’t feel comfortable writing even these bite-sized reports, you can hire a “ghostwriter” to do it for you!

#2: Build A List. With a new offer created, you then send out multiple mailings to all of your lists. This, as you can imagine, creates a flurry of orders instantly … literally within minutes of sending out the mailing orders begin to arrive. Some who use this system have tens of thousands of subscribers on their lists and more coming in every single day.

#3: Notify Partners. Want to know what to do to generate “traffic” to your site? It’s simple: I notify my affiliates and partners of my new offers … and THEY do all of the work for you! Whether it’s a full-time affiliate manager, a member of an affiliate program or limited joint venture partners, almost 100% of the traffic in this system is generated by OTHER PEOPLE. And — get this — the lists that I mentioned earlier … those are built through partner traffic as well!

Simply put if you want to leverage your expertise and make passive income  online all you need to do is implement these 3 simple ways. The beauty of this is it can be done in any niche and for any subject. I have always believed that if you have valuable information and want to reach a mass of people to help them with a particular problem they face, then it is your responsibility to get it out there. So, what are you waiting for get started today leveraging your knowledge and make some passive income online!

If you are want a complete step by step system to show you everything you need to know to have a successful Internet business where you use your knowledge then check out my Internet Copy System.

To your success,

Dave McGarry

How to Start a Successful Internet Business in 7 Steps

It is rare to find someone that you can trust these days when it comes to the latest Internet Marketing product out there but without a doubt Jimmy D Brown is the person who I have invested in time and time again to help me with my online ventures and today’s post is an article he has written that I believe can get you started building an online business today. I hope you enjoy this article on “How to Start a Successful Internet Business in 7 Steps!”


It’s exciting to think about how much money you can make online.

But if you’re new to online marketing, it can also be overwhelming
to try to figure out which business model is right for you.

The solution? Keep it simple.

Just follow these seven surefire steps to online profits…

Step 1: Choose a Market

But don’t just choose any market – instead, choose a HUNGRY market.
That means you’re looking for a market that is actively seeking
paid solutions to their problems.

Here’s how:

o Search marketplaces like Amazon.com and Clickbank.com to see what
types of niches attract eager, proven buyers.

o Use a keyword tool like WordTracker.com or the free Google
Keyword Tool to find out what people are searching for. You can
enter your proposed niche keywords (like “dog training”) to see if
there is a demand, or enter a broad keyword (like “secrets” or “how
to”) to uncover new niches.

o Go to EzineArticles.com and browse the top articles to see which
niches are popular.

Step 2: Get Your Tools In Place

Once you find a niche that spends money, your next step is to
gather your tools. These include:

o A domain name, which you can get at NameCheap.com.
o Hosting, which you can secure at HostGator.com.
o An autoresponder, which you can purchase through Aweber.com.

Step 3: Select an Offer to Promote

Next, you need to find an affiliate offer that you can promote to
your hungry niche. The best way to do that is to find out what
they’re already buying… and choose a similar offer.

Simply go to Clickbank.com and browse the relevant niche category.
Those products appearing at the top of the catalog are your best
sellers – you should choose a product near the top of the list.

Just be sure to buy, read and use the product to ensure that it is,
indeed, a good product.

Step 4: Write and Upload a Mini eCourse

Your next step is to create an autoresponder series around the
topic of your product so that you can promote your offer. Your
autoresponder series should be at least 7-12 messages long.

For example:

You’re selling a copywriting product. You can create a seven-part
ecourse on how to write a sales letter. Then promote the
copywriting product in every message.

You’re selling a diet recipe book. You can create a 10-part weight
loss course that pitches the recipe book in every message.

You’re selling a dog training video. You can create a seven part
course that teaches the basic obedience lessons such as sit, down
and stay. In every message you refer your prospects to the paid
video for more information.

Here’s the key: Do NOT solve your prospect’s problems 100%. You
want to provide useful but incomplete information, so that your
prospects need to purchase your affiliate offer in order to fully
solve their problems.

Step 5: Create a Squeeze page

Next, you need to persuade your prospects to subscribe to your
ecourse. You do this by creating a mini sales page (AKA squeeze
page). This page should include:

o A headline that touts your course’s major benefit (e.g., “FREE:
How to housetrain your puppy in just three easy steps!”).

o A list of the other benefits of your course (e.g., “You’ll
discover the secrets of turning an unruly, rambunctious puppy into
a perfect houseguest!”).

o And a call to action (e.g., “Just enter your name and email
address in the form below now, click join and you’ll get instant
access to this eye-opening report!”).

You may also provide proof of your claims, such as testimonials,
videos, screenshots, pictures and similar evidence.

Step 6: Drive Traffic to the Squeeze Page

Next, you need to drive targeted traffic to your squeeze page so
that you can quickly build your list. You can do this by:

o Starting a blog and posting articles that are optimized for the
search engines.

o Trading links with other high traffic sites in your niche.

o Being a guest blogger on other peoples’ blogs.

o Co-promoting with other marketers in your niche (e.g., endorsing
each other in your newsletters).

o Submitting articles to EzineArticles.com and other article

o Using social media sites like Squidoo.com, Yahoo! Answers, and

o Participating on niche forums on in niche blog discussions.

Step 7: Add Messages to Your Autoresponder Series

Once you’re getting traffic, building your list and making a
profit, you can start adding even more messages to your
autoresponder – anywhere from a couple month’s worth of messages to
a year or more.

That way you’ll make money virtually on autopilot – all you have to
do is build your list and let your autoresponder do all the work!


Making money online doesn’t have to be complicated, not when you
follow these seven easy steps!

Jimmy D. Brown is the publisher of IMvestments: How To IMvest in Internet Marketing for a Great ROI, a comprehensive course teaching 7 ways to buy internet marketing related assets and quickly realize significant profitable yields from them. Details at http://imstitute.com/go.php?offer=texasdmcg&pid=30

How To Make A Fortune From Someone Else’s Product Launch Without Being An Affiliate Or Promoting Their Offer











I’m an observer. I watch marketers and how they work.
I look at how people respond to marketing. And I’ve
discovered something interesting over the years that I
want to share with you as it relates to building your
internet business.

Hot topics and trends come along regularly. There’s always
a new “in” thing making an appearance on the radar screen.
And whenever there’s a new rage, there will be marketers
who jump on the bandwagon.

That can pay off big for YOU if you’re smart.

Let me explain.

What happens when a new trend or technique or tool surfaces?

*** People begin to talk about it.***

Marketers begin convincing people why they need it.
Consumers tell their stories. Discussions take place. Hype
builds. Sometimes controversy breaks out. An education
process unfolds.

Through it all … DEMAND increases.

Now, here’s where you come along.

You piggyback on the popularity of the latest big hit by
creating a small report on the topic. You get the benefit of
other marketers creating hungry leads for your offer without
them even knowing it.

Let me give you an example –


When John Reese released Traffic Secrets several years ago it was a huge success.

He sold over a million dollars worth of product in one twenty-four
hours. However, at a $997.00 asking price, it was out of reach
for many consumers.


What if YOU had decided to write a 15 page small report entitled,
“Free Traffic Secrets” and offered it for $20 … do you think
you would have had any takers? Of course!

Why? Because every marketer on the planet was talking about
the need for web site traffic so they could build interest in
John’s course. They were creating hungry leads for your offer
without them even knowing it.

All of these marketers expertly and persuasively pointed out
the necessity, benefits and usages of getting web site traffic.
They, in essence, would have created demand for the TOPIC of your
small report.

1. Many of those that couldn’t afford John’s high-ticket product
would likely buy your small report because the end result of
getting site traffic was something they had been told repeatedly
they needed!

2. Many of those who could afford John’s high-ticket product would
also likely buy your small report because of the same reason AND
they would like to know what you might offer differently than John.

Do you see how powerful this is?

Even as I type this lesson out, I have received DOZENS of emails
today announcing a new co-registration product that everyone’s talking

I could spend a few hours this evening writing a small report on
the same topic and sell it like crazy tomorrow because of everything
that’s being said about the subject today.

So, what’s the lesson for you to learn here –

**The surest way to create a hot-selling small report is to
pick a topic related to that which everyone is talking about.***

You know, it doesn’t matter what “market” you’re in, chances are you see
the same kinds of outbreaks that I see in “internet marketing” circles …

* Major product launches
* New technologies and tools
* Fresh research
* Innovative features and improvements
* Ground-breaking news
* Hot topics of discussion
* Best-selling books
* Interest-grabbing magazine articles
* Emerging trends

The list could go on and on, right?

It shouldn’t come as a big surprise that you need to monitor what’s going
on around you, specifically looking for the latest topic everyone’s talking

You can do this by regularly browsing 4 trend and event “hot spots”…

1. Active Forums. Find at least one ACTIVE forum related to your market and
regularly visit it to look for ideas. Keyword here is “active”. The ideal
forum will have a number of participants who regularly post messages.

2. News Feeds. You can begin with Google.com’s news center at http://news.google.com.
You should also look for a news feed or site that is specific to your field
of interest. For example: I regulary visit http://ChristianHeadlines.com to
stay on top of events related to some of my Christian sites.

3. Article Directories. Spend a few minutes at your favorite article directory,
focusing specifically on the NEWEST articles posted and the TOP RECENT articles
read. I regularly check http://goarticles.com.

Competitor’s Lists. You’ll also want to “spy” on what your competition is doing
by joining their lists. When a major competitor begins highlighting certain
topics in their content (I.E. “articles”) and / or releases or promotes a specific
product, it’s a good indication that you should pay attention.

All of these things allow you to capitalize on the current buzz!

Create small reports based on these buzz-worthy topics.

And if you’d like to learn how to do this quickly and easily, check
out The Copy System. Not only will you learn how to create these
small reports very quickly, you’ll also learn how to build a list of
eager beaver subscribers to buy them and generate traffic to your site
to buy them.

Read all about it at The Internet Copy System 

What is Nano Continuity?

Hello everyone,

Last week I wrote to you about creating a fixed term membership site to increase your passive income and build your tribe. Today, I want to introduce you to Ryan Lee. Ryan is the first person I started following online and one of the first products I bought to get me started with my internet business. He is a pioneer in the field and he is always ahead of the curve ,so I’ll cut to the chase and tell you what is his newest venture.

Creating continuity income (something that pays you month after month) is the only real
way to create wealth online. It’s nice to wake up and know the first of the month you
are guaranteed at least $20K per month without having to lift a finger.

BUT, and this is a big but, creating a continuity program that not only CONVERTS people
to paying subscribers but also KEEPS them paying for years at a time is challenging for
even the most skilled marketer.

Fear no more, my friend.

Ryan Lee, known online as the “Continuity King” has just created a free presentation that
shows you an “under the radar” secret that not only converts up to 30% higher, but will keep
people paying for YEARS.

Watch it now:

==> texasdmcg.SPORTSCOM.hop.clickbank.net <==

Coach Dave

P.S. I urge you to watch this presentation now as I don’t know how long Ryan is
keeping it up.

==> texasdmcg.SPORTSCOM.hop.clickbank.net <==