Something different in honor of Veterans Day!

Hello everyone. Typically, Thursday has been the day I present a “How To” for you to implement into your business. However, today I would like to do something different in honor of Veterans Day! No business today just a simple shout out to all Veterans!

Thank You for standing up and fighting for the freedoms we have. Without you, me writing this blog post would not be possible! I have the utmost respect and admiration for those that served and gave their lives and to those that past and present continue to protect us! You are real heroes!

Thank you once again!

Happy Veterans Day!

Coach Dave

Weight Loss for Working Moms…Free Membership

Hello everyone! As many of you know I mentioned yesterday that I was going to be launching my new project today. For almost 3 months now I have been diligently getting this membership site ready to go. I am choosing today, election day, because I believe anytime you decide to take control of your life it is an important decision. Just like voting for President or your Congressmen is. I have a short video and then I am going to ask for your help. Of course, I have some treats to go with those of you that help me.

For the first 25 people who do one of the following they will be given a free six month membership to Working Mom Here is how you can claim your six month membership.

1.) Tweet to all of your followers the following: You need to check out this new membership site

2.) Post this to your FaceBook status feed:You need to check out this new membership site

3.) Or Retweet this blog post. You can find the button below to do that.

It is first come first serve so once the 25 spots are filled that is it!

Once you have completed one of the following from above, please go to my contact page and send me an email so I can get you into the membership.

Thanks to everyone for all the encouragement and support!

Coach Dave

How to make money personal training online

Hello everyone. Today is day three of me posting a video blog. I figure I am well on my way to creating a habit by doing a blog for the past three days! In this video I talk briefly about entrepreneurship. I know there are a lot of fitness professionals who would love to have their own business but the financial constraint holds them back. Well, I found something that can work for anyone and is pretty much risk free for you. Go listen and tell me what you think.

Here is the link:

In health,
Coach Dave