What is your 5 year plan?

Hello everyone,

I want to take a minute and give a big shout out to my daughter who turns 5 today! Happy Birthday Caitlynn!

Now, when I say, “where did those five years go” those of you who are parents know what I am talking about. Time just flies by and it is amazing to me that five years of my life is behind me.

So, what is that I am trying to get at here? Well, after taking some time to reflect back on everything that has happened, both good and bad I wanted to get you to start thinking about what has the last five years been like for you.

Has it been all good? Have you had some struggling times? Do you have a plan for the future?

Well, let me tell you something I learned from a mentor of mine. The great Jim Rohn once said, ” the last five years are in the past but the next five years lie ahead of you.”

To think everything in the past, is in the past. Past success is just that. Past failure is just that! Make the decision today to make the next five years better.

Go big in the next five years and if you need some help with that I am here to help. Contact me and I will help you get a 5 year plan together, so you can realize your dreams.

Well, we are off to go take the birthday girl to go see “Rango.” I hope it is age appropriate!

Coach Dave

Done for You WordPress Blogs

Hello everyone. I am so excited today and hope you are too! One reason is because today is March 1st and for those of that live in Texas, March and April are typically great months weather wise. I mean after this winter we sure could use some nice weather. The other reason I am excited is because I am going to be launching my new service, Done for You WordPress Blogs, on April 1st.

No, it will not be an April Fools joke. After several years of building and tweaking my own blogs I felt it was time to start giving back and helping others create one themselves. Let’s face it it is not rocket science but for most of us we are either one, too busy or two, just a little intimidated by SEO, FTP, Plugins, etc… So, starting on April 1st I will be offering a new service focusing on creating and supporting anyone who needs help with their WordPress blog.

I am still working out all the details but will have a follow up to this post real soon. If you already have a blog or are on the fence as to why should I create one go check out my FREE Report on “5 Ways to Monetize Your Blog.”

Forgive me but I have to go now. It is 70 degrees out and I am going to enjoy the outside before those 100 degree days get here!

In health and wealth,
Coach Dave

Do you know what your Financial IQ is?

Hello everyone! Happy Friday! I mentioned last week that I was going to start a new weekly post that talks about financial intelligence, so this week I have a simple question for you, but before I get to that let me answer a question I received from a reader on financial intelligence. Dave, “Why should I care about financial intelligence? I come in do my job get paid and make a decent living!” Making a great living is great and most of you probably are more interested in reading something else or more interested in seeing what your friends are doing on Facebook. That is fine but I have decided that my intent for this blog going forward is to help people create a life that allows financial freedom. For some of you having a good paying job is all you are gong to what out of life, but for a few of you I know you want to create a life that allows you to live your dreams and have the freedom to do what you want. So, with that being said, if you aspire to have financial freedom then these weekly posts are going to be helpful for you!

Okay, moving on to the topic today, Financial IQ. What is your Financal IQ? Don’t worry I had no idea what mine was until I started reading and studying Robert Kiyosaki. In his books he lays it out in a simple way, so I thought that instead of me trying to explain why don’t I let him explain it to you. Check out this link and read the short post. Once you have done that you will have a better idea of what the heck I am talking about when I say Financial IQ. If you are anything like I was when I first read it I was shocked at what I thought I knew and what I thought were assets.

Let me know what your Financial IQ is by posting your comments.

Until next week,
In health and wealth
Caoch Dave

What has been holding you back?

Hello everyone!

Welcome to another edition of “Open Blog Friday.”

Today I want to briefly talk to you about barriers. This post probably is more for me than anyone else but I know there are many of you who struggle with some of the same things I do. I guess what I am trying to get at today is, what are the thoughts that you have in your mind that are holding you back? Do you believe that anything is possible with hard work and determination or do you believe that you could never achieve that because of reasons such as, I do not have enough money, enough time, enough resources, etc… I know first hand how these thoughts can creep into your head and how destructive they can be, but if you want to be successful you need to develop mental toughness. Many of us work on being physical tough but we do not focus on challenging our brains to be mentally tough.

Here are some ways to train your brain to be mentally tough:

Set a goal to do something that is totally opposite of what you are currently doing. An example might be to learn how to set up a fully functional blog. For those of us in the fitness area we typically focusing in on learning about Anatomy and Physiology, so getting into the tech world will challenge your brain to learn something new.

Volunteer to speak. People rate public speaking as the second most fear to dying. Get up and speak in front of crowd and you will see that you develop courage and mental toughness.

Become a “What’s Next Kinda Thinker.” When something goes wrong try thinking about what can you do now or think okay what is next for me. Always, be looking forward and leave the past behind.

Finally, get around the right people. If you constantly are surrounded by people who do not believe anything is possible and are always negative than you will not grow and will more than likely get sucked into their negative state of mind. Get around people that cause you to think and grow.

If you are having troubles moving forward take some time and think about what is it that is causing you to not move ahead. Embrace it and then you some of the above strategies to become mentally tough!

In health,

Coach Dave

Do you know your strengths

Hello everyone. I want to welcome you to another edition of my video blogs. Do you know what your strengths are? Most people have always been told to focus in on their weaknesses, but if you really want to lead a fulfilled and successful life you need to do the opposite. See what I am talking about.

Coach Dave