Internet Marketing as an Investment

nternet Marketing as an Investment





Hello everyone!

Today, I wanted to talk to you today about something I find to be a “new” approach to investing and in my opinion is better than the traditional avenues to invest in.

When a certain “social network” went public with its stock, there was a lot of unrest among investors. What was by many people’s estimations, a “sure shot”, quickly got people scrambling in worry that maybe it was anything but.

The company’s stock dropped very noticeably during the first weeks after its IPO.

Most investors don’t like it when that happens. 🙂

What investors like is to make money from their investments. Pure and simple. Most are pleased if they get a 10% return on their money over time.

But, I now some people who would be EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED with that kind of return.

That’s because they’ve discovered a different way to invest. And:

• It has nothing to do with stocks.

• It has nothing to do with bonds.

• It has nothing to do with mutual funds.

• It has nothing to do with real estate.

• It has nothing to do with CDs or money market accounts.

Instead, it’s all about investing in internet marketing (IM), or what some call IMvesting.

The idea is simple: spend money on internet marketing related assets that give much better returns (100%, 200% or even more).

This has been my approach for the last several years and instead of losing big during the “Great Recession” my returns have been in the green!

Get all the details at:

Best regards,
Dave McGarry

How to Use Facbook Ads on the Cheap

Hello everyone!

I hope this post finds you doing well! Today I wanted to bring you a short video tutorial on what I am calling, “How to Use Facebook Ads on the Cheap!” Many of you have explored using Facebook ads and to some degree probably have had some great success, but Facebook ads are starting to get just as expensive as PPC on Google if you have a competitive keyword. However, I recently learned a new way to use Facebook ads without breaking the bank. Check out the video to see what I am talking about!

If you find this video tutorial on Facebook ads helpful please press ‘Like’ and share it with fellow friends and business owners!

To your success,
Coach Dave

3 Website Traffic Methods that you can Bank On

Hello everyone,

I don’t have much time today because it is 80 degrees here in Texas and I know 80 degrees means 100 is not too far away. That being said, I will get to the point so I can get outside and enjoy the weather!

Over the last several posts I have been promoting some options for you to get a membership site up and running. I believe whether you are a small business or mid size business, having a paid membership site is a great way to add a passive income stream to your business.

Today, however, I want to talk to you about traffic. Yes, web traffic to your site. Unfortunately, if you build it, they will not just come. You have to have a strategy and plan to get web traffic.

I know you have pobably heard of SEO (search engine optimization) and if not SEO is a way to rank high in the search engines. For most of us SEO is not a great strategy to get traffic. SEO can be costly and timely. Also, as you may have heard in the news recently Google changed the way they rank content overnight. For some all their hard work is now down the drain. Now, I am not saying ignore it completely I am just saying you could spend hours on it and get little ROI (return on investment). So what can you do?

Here are three website traffic methods you can bank on that won’t break your bank:

1.) – Buy ads on over 2,900 successful blogs! Just pick the site you want to advertise on, and within minutes your ad will be shown

2.) – Another place you can buy cheap ads that will drive users who are looking for similar content directly to your site.

3.) – Create videos and submit them to over 30 video hosting sites at once. A video syndication account is free.

Bonus method

Facebook – I am sure I do not need to tell you how big Facebook is. Let me tell you, if you are not using FB to advertise your site then you are losing out. Facebook is a marketer’s best dream. FB allows you to dial right in to your target audience. For example, I use it to advertise my Working Mom Workouts membership site. I target women who are ages 32-45,  have kids ,with health and fitness as theie interest. And the best part is on go do this locally or go global with no extra cost. Tell me where else can you do that!!

So, once you have your site up and running go ahead and focus on the traffic methods I provided for you. If you have questions please feel free to contact me.

In health and welath,

Coach Dave

What is Nano Continuity?

Hello everyone,

Last week I wrote to you about creating a fixed term membership site to increase your passive income and build your tribe. Today, I want to introduce you to Ryan Lee. Ryan is the first person I started following online and one of the first products I bought to get me started with my internet business. He is a pioneer in the field and he is always ahead of the curve ,so I’ll cut to the chase and tell you what is his newest venture.

Creating continuity income (something that pays you month after month) is the only real
way to create wealth online. It’s nice to wake up and know the first of the month you
are guaranteed at least $20K per month without having to lift a finger.

BUT, and this is a big but, creating a continuity program that not only CONVERTS people
to paying subscribers but also KEEPS them paying for years at a time is challenging for
even the most skilled marketer.

Fear no more, my friend.

Ryan Lee, known online as the “Continuity King” has just created a free presentation that
shows you an “under the radar” secret that not only converts up to 30% higher, but will keep
people paying for YEARS.

Watch it now:

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Coach Dave

P.S. I urge you to watch this presentation now as I don’t know how long Ryan is
keeping it up.

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