#1 Google Ranking in 24 Hours! (Just a PLUGIN)

Wow I have just tested Daniel Tan’s SEOPressor

WordPress Plugin and I can only say,

it is a revolutionary! Not only revolutionary,


I think if you are serious about making money with

your WordPress Websites by scoring

high GOOGLE Ranking, you need this plugin, period.

>> http://texasdmcg.seopressor.hop.clickbank.net

Daniel has got #1 Ranking in Google for a keyword

against 219 million competition! That’s how

powerful on-page SEO can be!


I just did a search on Daniel and surprisingly, this guy

is really a hidden gem. People buying his product is

saying this:

“Daniel, I did not read your sales letter, I just bought.

Your past products have been so good, that I don’t

even need to know what you’re offering.”

This is no joke.

Listen, Daniel has always OVER-DELIVERED! I tested

his customer support and it is REAL fast! So rest assured,

you will get the best support from Daniel!

>> http://texasdmcg.seopressor.hop.clickbank.net

(A video showing you what the plugin does)

To your success,

Coach Dave

How to Use Facbook Ads on the Cheap

Hello everyone!

I hope this post finds you doing well! Today I wanted to bring you a short video tutorial on what I am calling, “How to Use Facebook Ads on the Cheap!” Many of you have explored using Facebook ads and to some degree probably have had some great success, but Facebook ads are starting to get just as expensive as PPC on Google if you have a competitive keyword. However, I recently learned a new way to use Facebook ads without breaking the bank. Check out the video to see what I am talking about!

If you find this video tutorial on Facebook ads helpful please press ‘Like’ and share it with fellow friends and business owners!

To your success,
Coach Dave

What is a QR Code

Okay, I have been getting a lot of emails asking me about QR Codes and how can I get one. Well, back in January of this year I wrote about a feature Google is promoting called “Google Places.” In that post, which you can read about what Google is doing with it I had briefly talked about QR codes. QR codes are still unknown to most people but they are showing up a lot more all over the place. I mean just the other day I received some advertisement in the mail that had a QR code at the bottom. Also, my new business card for Working Mom Workouts I put a QR code on the back because my business is all online and I need people to go to my website. If you have any type of business you need one and here is why!

1.) Direct people to your website as I explained with the use of my card
2.) Create promotional messages
3.) Create discounts that your customers can scan the code and be taken to
4.) Capture new leads

Those are just a few examples of how to use the QR code. What I want to do next is to show you how easy it is to create one in a short video.

The WordPress Plugin that will change your business

Okay, I have to admit I believe that my transformation from muscle head to tech geek is completed 🙂 How do I know this to be true? Well, last Friday I purchased a WordPress Plugin that is going to change everything when it comes to online and local marketing. When I bought this plugin I was so kiddy I dreamed all weekend long about sharing this with you today. If that is not a ture testament of my transformation then I don’t know what it is that will tell you I am know a tech geek. Anyway, I will tell you more about the plugin in a minute but first I need to put some context together for everyone to see why this WordPress Plugin is going to be so great!

Several months ago I wrote a post about Google Places being King when it comes to local search and the importance of having your local business grab the free web listing that Google is providing to help you rank high in local search. Well, the company that I was following that taught me about combining local search with mobile phones came up with a WordPress Plugin to help create mobile landing pages.

Here are some stats to think about when it comes to mobile and local search:

There are 5 billion plus cell phone users versus only 1.8 billion Internet users. This market is already almost 300% larger than the internet.

With over 50% of all social media posts being made from a mobile device you can see the potential.

This is possibly the biggest fundamental shift in how people communicate. There is a huge opportunity for marketers and brands.

Don’t be Left Behind

In 1999, most people were just starting to get the Internet. Twelve years later there are many who missed out on that huge opportunity.
In 2011, the next big area for growth is mobile. You can either be a part of it or be left in the dust while your competitors take advantage of this.

Mobile LPS
The name of the WordPress plugin is called Mobile LPS. Without getting into too much of the technical details of the plugin, which might be a future post the main benefit and beauty of this plugin is that it allows you to make custom landing pages that show up perfectly on your mobile device. It also let’s you integrate your Aweber or auto responder into the screen to capture leads. Also, what I love is that the average person can create these mobile landing pages in just a few minutes. These are just a few of the great benefits to having this plugin.

Now, I know most people are visual learners so stay tuned for tomorrow as I have put together a video tutorial of how simple and easy it is to use the Mobile WordPress plugin.

Before I go let this survey sink in that was recently conducted. “94% of North Americans would purchase from their smart phones if they knew it was secure to buy.”

I am telling you don’t miss out on mobile marketing!

Coach Dave

3 Website Traffic Methods that you can Bank On

Hello everyone,

I don’t have much time today because it is 80 degrees here in Texas and I know 80 degrees means 100 is not too far away. That being said, I will get to the point so I can get outside and enjoy the weather!

Over the last several posts I have been promoting some options for you to get a membership site up and running. I believe whether you are a small business or mid size business, having a paid membership site is a great way to add a passive income stream to your business.

Today, however, I want to talk to you about traffic. Yes, web traffic to your site. Unfortunately, if you build it, they will not just come. You have to have a strategy and plan to get web traffic.

I know you have pobably heard of SEO (search engine optimization) and if not SEO is a way to rank high in the search engines. For most of us SEO is not a great strategy to get traffic. SEO can be costly and timely. Also, as you may have heard in the news recently Google changed the way they rank content overnight. For some all their hard work is now down the drain. Now, I am not saying ignore it completely I am just saying you could spend hours on it and get little ROI (return on investment). So what can you do?

Here are three website traffic methods you can bank on that won’t break your bank:

1.) Buyandsellads.com – Buy ads on over 2,900 successful blogs! Just pick the site you want to advertise on, and within minutes your ad will be shown

2.) Stumbleupon.com – Another place you can buy cheap ads that will drive users who are looking for similar content directly to your site.

3.) Tubemogul.com – Create videos and submit them to over 30 video hosting sites at once. A video syndication account is free.

Bonus method

Facebook – I am sure I do not need to tell you how big Facebook is. Let me tell you, if you are not using FB to advertise your site then you are losing out. Facebook is a marketer’s best dream. FB allows you to dial right in to your target audience. For example, I use it to advertise my Working Mom Workouts membership site. I target women who are ages 32-45,  have kids ,with health and fitness as theie interest. And the best part is on go do this locally or go global with no extra cost. Tell me where else can you do that!!

So, once you have your site up and running go ahead and focus on the traffic methods I provided for you. If you have questions please feel free to contact me.

In health and welath,

Coach Dave