Motivational Tips and Success| Daily Dose of Dave – Adversity

Everyday we all need to be motivated and think successful thoughts and that is exactly why Dave McGarry created Daily Dose of Dave. In today’s Daily Dose of Dave the word that Dave McGarry talks about is Adversity. A quote by Keith Craft goes like this, ” Adversity is to the soul and spirit what going to the gym is to the body.” What a great quote and for those of you who do not know my story I worked in the health and fitness industry for 15 years prior to starting my own business. The crazy thing is you just never know what is going to happen and when adversity is going to come your way. Just in a snap of a finger I was let go from the job I had loved and now faced with a decision to make. I chose to start my own business and I would be lying if I said it has been easy but facing adversity has changed me and exposed my weaknesses…. Find out what else it has done for me and why you need to learn and grow from your own adverse times.

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Motivational Tips and Success Coach

How to get clients knocking down your door

The question I get asked all the time is, “Dave, how do I get more personal training clients?” The answer is simple but few do it. Over the next several posts I am going to give you seven steps to implement to get clients knocking down your door. Today, I am going to show you one of the single best ways to attract cients.

Step 1 – Become a published author

Yes, you heard me correct. If you want to be known in this industry and get people flocking to you then you need to position yourself as an expert.

Now more than ever it is easier for the average person like you and me to have a voice and establish ourselves as an expert. No longer do you need a publishing house or major editor to accept your manuscript and publish your work. Technology has changed all of that. For instance, I wrote “Anatomy of Sales” and self-published it. This has allowed me to position myself as an exert when it comes to the business side of the fitness industry.

“But Dave, there are hundred of articles and books out there on fitness” is what you are saying right now. You are correct, but that should not stop you for coming up with a topic and writing about it. You are not trying to be a best selling author. What you are doing is creating a perception to the public that you are the expert in a particular filed or subject. Just the mere fact of having an article published in a major newspaper or magazine gives you more credibility, which takes away one of the barriers clients have when finding a personal trainer.

So, how do you get started writing a book? Well, that is another post but if you are interested in learning more and want my help then I can coach you through it. if you want to do it yourself then go to Amazon’s website Create Space and they have step by step tutorials on how to get published and use their network to sell your book.

If you seriously want to have clients knocking down your door then become an expert and start writing for newspapers, industry trade journals, and even your own book.

P.S. The second step to getting more personal training clients, is one that the fear of doing ranks as high as the fear of dying! You won’t want to miss this one!

Coach Dave

How to create internet independence

Are you looking to expand your fitness business by taking it online? If so, I have come across a new resource for you that will take you step by step.It is a blog totally dedicated to creating internet independence. The founder and contributor of this site is, Craig Ballantyne. Craig has been in the fitness industry for a long time now and has been real successful with his online adventures. He is the founder and creator of Turbulence Training and has written hundreds of articles on fat loss.

Now, Craig has started a mission to help people create their own internet empire. The blog just started a few days ago. So, don’t wait, start reading his posts today, so that you can get started on creating a passive income stream for yourself. Here is the link again to the site.

Make this the year you start doing something that is going to give you financial freedom. As Albert Einstein once said, ” To be different you will need to think different!”

To your success,

Coach Dave

If You Want More Sales Create More Credibility

One of the most critical aspects to getting more personal training clients and more sales with either your products or services is to build credibility with your prospects and clients.

CREDIBILITY – Some people might say it is the most important characteristic for a personal trainer to have and establish. Because of all the infomercials and the get fit fast scams, the fitness industry lacks credibility. That’s why it is essential from the second you meet a prospect to establish credibility with them. You must no longer look as yourself as just a trainer or sales person, but also as a consultant. You see, people view consultants as problem solvers and experts.

Action Item – Ask yourself this question: “In the eyes of the prospect, what have I done to establish credibility?”

Now, there are many ways to do this and especially with the explosion of social media and technology but there is no better way to help with credibility then to have other people build it for you. Check out this article that was published in the Orlando Sentinel, which sites a publication from the Harvard Medical School saying that, ” A personal trainer can be a great investment.” This is a great article to tweet to your followers or hand out to prospects to help build that credibility.

Coach Dave

I hate to lose…but…

On Saturday it all came to an end. The Florida Gators lost the SEC Championship game to the Crimson Tide. The Gators 22 consecutive game winning streak, which was the longest in the country, came to an end as well. Now, I am going to be the first to tell you that I hate to lose. I am a very bad loser and typically take it really hard, however, this time was different. I am not sure why, maybe it is my age, maybe it is that after losing a father and brother you realize there is more to life, or maybe it is the fact that at some point you realize everyone is going to lose and losing can provide valuable insight. let me tell you if you are not failing then you are not pushing hard enough. You are probably sitting in a comfort zone. I remember when I  first started my career in the fitness industry and everything came pretty easy. My boss, who owned the gym, handed me clients without me having to drum up my own business. However, it wasn’t until I moved to Dallas and started all over again that I learned about failing. I would meet with new members as part of their incentive to join the club and time an time again all of those new members were thankful for the program I had designed for them, but they wanted to work on their own. I couldn’t close a sale to save my life. I tell you that first summer I spent in Dallas was eye opening and depressing. I was failing and was miserable, but I learned from it. I realized I needed to learn more about sales and business. It was that summer that I started reading and learning about sales, success, and business. Each time I would lose out on a client I would evaluate what I did during my encounter with the prospect. I analyzed what I thought went wrong and made sure not to do it again. You see, losing can bring out the best in you if you are willing to learn from the loss. Take notes and write down in a journal what mistakes you are making and learn from them. The really cool thing about writing it down is years later when you are looking through your journals you see how successful you have become because of the mistakes that you made.

Now, don’t think I am saying to go out and lose because you play to win, but when you lose, and trust me you will lose at some point, learn from the loss. As John Maxwell says, “Fail Forward.” Learn from your loss and move forward. Keep pushing the envelope and make it your goal next year to aim high and guarantee yourself some losing lessons.