When Was the Last Time You Turned Your Smart Phone Off

I bet if I asked you to turn off your I-Phone or BlackBerry 99% of you could not do it. Why is that? Well, my thoughts on this matter is we have become too programed and too addicted to being connected to our network. We have to see what next is coming in or see what is going on in the world every few minutes or some of us every few seconds. The sad part about this is we neglect what we are immediately surrounded by. We neglect the beauty of nature and the wonderful sights and sounds of the “real wold.” Hey, I am going to be the first to admit that I am guilty of this as well, but my trip to Colorado and experience on NY Mountain made me realize how much I am addicted to my I-CRACK and my laptop. It was so refreshing to spend 3 days disconnected from technology and re-connect with the beauty of nature. So, will you do yourself a favor and do the same? If you are interested I have the perfect group of people to take you on your own expedition. Let me introduce you to The Third Drive.

First of all I am going to tell you that the people who run the Third Drive are friends of mine. Well, at least after this past weekend we have become good friends. Actually, an old client of mine and now he is one of my best friends it is his wife and his wife’s business partner who have started up this expedition company. They are fabulous people and they have a passion for helping people become healthy and change whatever it is that is holding you back in life.

Dave and Michael at the bottom of NY Mountain

Dave and Michael at the bottom of NY Mountain

There are approach has three main components to it:

Immersion in Nature
Healthful Living

You can read more about their approach and the retreats here.

I can tell you that my retreat did wonders for me and I know that as time goes on it is easy to slip back into the old routine, so that is why I plan on taking another trip next year. I hope you will join me and take a “break” from your Smart Phone and all the other technology noise that surrounds you and re-connect with who you are and the beautiful nature that surrounds you!

In health and prosperity,

Coach Dave

Do you Have a Dream?

Today we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King day in our county and as I am writing this I am returning from D.C. I absolutely love going to D.C. and love visiting all the sights no matter how many times I see them, which brings me to what I want to talk to you about today. You see, Dr. King, as well as our founding fathers had a dream. They dreamed of freedom for all and a place where all people were equal. They had a vision for a better world. So, I am asking you today, what are your dreams? What do you want your life, career and world you live in to be like? You were put on this earth for a purpose and you should be dreaming of better you, better career, and a better world. I know not everyone considers himself or herself a dreamer, but you should be. That being the case there are a couple of things I want to recommend for you to start doing.

A few years ago I was listening to a CD by Jim Rohn, who was talking about having a better life. One of the mental exercises he had us do was to take a few minutes and imagine that there were no obstacles in your way and to write down 50 things you wanted to do in life. Write down every thing no matter how small or big. He said, to just let you mind wander and see where it takes you. Now, I have to admit I had a hard time at first coming up with 50 things, but once I started t o dream of all things I wanted to do in my life and what kind of legacy I want to leave the pen started to just write. It was a great exercise because today as I am writing this I still have that list on my desk. I look at it from time to time and am amazed at how much I have started to achieve. I have said it before and I will say it again you need to write down your goals and have it somewhere you will see them on a regular basis.

Now, having gone through that exercise was great but the next step I am going to recommend coincides with Jim’s exercise, but takes it a step further. You see, most of us learn better through visualization. That being the case you need to take those goals and create what is called a “Dream Board.” This will take a little longer but print out pictures of the things you want to have or accomplish in your life. Fill the board with as many as you can fit on there. Remember these are your dreams so go big!
So, in closing, celebrate and honor Dr. King by having a dream. Dream to become better. Dream to be more. And dream to make a difference in this world.

In health,
Coach Dave

P.S. If you want to be inspired I attached the speech by Dr. King, so go watch it!