Now that the Super Bowl is over, it’s time to get out of the stands and into the game of YOUR life.
Now I’m all for the spirit, entertainment and release that goes along with cheering on a sports team. At the same time, I do find it odd that many people spend time following and studying the lives of other people more than they do their own.
Again, catching a sporting event when it is on is all good fun; I watched the Super Bowl too (cost me money – lost a bet with my ‘cheese head’ editor in chief). What I’m talking about is the investment some people give to the sports and careers other people are playing and living.
Think about it: What if the time you spend…
- reading the sports page, you read a self-improvement book?
- listening to sports talk radio, you listen to an instructional CD?
- watching ESPN or Sports Center, you watch a seminar DVD or read a book?
- talking about sports scores and players, you talk about your goals and plans to achieve them?
- playing fantasy sports, you role-play your key skills training?
How would the trade of that time investment change your life scores and statistics? I’m certain it would make YOU victorious… and far happier.
Oh, and let’s not leave out the non-sports fans. What if the time you spend…
- reading People magazine and other gossip rags, you read SUCCESS magazine?
- watching E! Entertainment, TMZ or Access Hollywood, you watched a seminar DVD or read a book?
- watching Keeping Up With the Kardashians, The Real Housewives, or Jersey Shore, you read a book about YOUR reality?
- talking (or gossiping) about other people’s lives and foibles, you talked about your lessons learned in life and plans for growth?
How would the trade of that time investment change your life scores and statistics? I’m certain it would make you victorious, and far happier.
What’s the primary difference between the 5% who are wealthy and the rest of the 95% who are not?