The old rules of selling are dead

The old rules of selling are dead

What does Elvis, vinyl records, and traditional selling techniques have in common? In case you are stumped, you would be correct if you said they are all dead! Okay, I know that there is a small percentage of you who still believe Elvis is alive, use vinyl records, and are still trying the same old techniques when trying to sell your services or products to consumers. However, it is time to put them to rest and move on if you want to succeed in today’s economy. That being said, you must learn a new approach to selling. Let’s explore those new ways by showing you the old methods and then the new methods you need to adopt in your sales approach.

Prospecting – > Positioning

“It is a numbers game!” I know you probably have heard that statement before and to some extent the statement is correct. However, approaching sales through cold calling takes time and energy, which could be better spent on other revenue producing activities like training or ancillary services that you offer.  So, a better approach to increasing sales is to work on positioning yourself in the market.  Simply put, positioning is how your market defines you in relation to your competitors. A good position is established by answering the following questions:

  1. What makes you unique?
  2. What benefit does your customers consider you to provide?
  3. What is your competitive advantage?

It is critical that you answer these questions in order for positioning to work for you. Once you have established yourself in the marketplace as the expert then people will seek you out instead of you cold calling them.

Control -> Trust

More often than not a typical sales situation puts the control in the salesperson’s hands. This puts the client into an apprehensive state of mind and makes the sale more difficult. The reason for the client’s apprehension is because he or she has been burned before, so the lack of trust exists already even before a pitch is made. Now, instead of trying to control the situation begin by building trust with your customer. Listen to their needs and show them that you are here for their benefit, not yours. By building trust you will create a client who will buy over and over and eventually become one of your biggest fans. Remember, the client must trust you before they will buy from you!

Close -> Value

“The Sale is in the Close!” There are tons of books written on sales closing techniques and some of the techniques they write about are effective. However, people will buy because they believe the price you are charging is equal to the value they perceive to get from it. Being short sighted on just the close of the sale will risk the lifetime value of the customer. Create value in your customer’s mind and you will create a life long customer.

The Abundance Network

I just received this email from a guy named Joe Vitale. You may have heard of him before or seen him on the Fox News Channel. Please read this email and share it with your friends and your co-workers becuase we need inspiration and positivity in our lives.

Coach Dave

By Joe Vitale

I just recorded my new audio program in
Chicago. I’ll tell you about it soon but
want to share something with you first.

I was interviewed about the program while
there. The host asked, “Joe, with the economy
in the tank and sinking, what are we to do?”

“How do you know it’s sinking?” I asked.

But I didn’t give the host a chance to reply.

I went on saying —

“The only reason you think it’s terrible out
there is because you are being programmed
to think so by the mainstream media.”

The host stared at me as I went on my
soapbox and continued —

“The media is trained to find bad news
and broadcast it to you. The more they
do it and you believe it, the worst the
world looks. It then becomes a self-
fulfilling prophecy. You live from the
new paradigm of scarcity and the media,
doing its job, broadcasts it. You don’t
even see it happening. It feels real.”

I then turned direction and said —

“But what if there was a different channel
to watch or listen to? What if there was an
Abundance Network and all it broadcast were
stories of people succeeding, accomplishing,
attracting and achieving?”

I continued with —

“We all know that there are people doing
well in the world right now. If this alternative
media broadcast their positive news, you
would soon be programmed to see the
world as an abundant place. You would
then create a self-fulfilling prophecy of
abundance. THAT would then feel real.”

My host barely had time to stutter before
I kept going with —

“Look. Both types of world exist right now —
the lousy economy one as well as the abundant
economy one. The trick is, which are you going to
let program you? Which do you want to live in?”

I’m not aware of an Abundance Network yet.
But until something like it exists — or until
my new audio program comes out in late
October — what are you to do?

Here’s my suggestion —

Reprogram your mind.

Take charge of it.

Feed it the positive and you’ll see and then
attract the positive.

You’ll “tune in” to the Abundance Network
in your own mind.

And then you can thumb your nose at the
doomsayers out there.

You can become immune to them.

How can you do this?

Go see —

It’s the single best thing you can do for yourself
at this time in history.

It’ll tell you the true story of a broke man who
found the secret to fulfilling virtually any
desire you may have.

And it’ll tell you how to easily program your mind
with the positive while you do something even
easier than watching TV.

Go to —

What station will you choose — the Scarcity
Network or the Abundance Network?

It’s your move.

And your mind.



PS — You’ll get about $1,150 in mind shifting
goods when you go to that site. So why not
go there right now, while it’s on your mind
and you know you’re curious? Go here —

Request: Please forward this message to friends.
Let’s create “The Abundance Manifesto” with
this email as a way to kick-start the dialogue.

Note: My new audio program will be out late
October. It’s called “The Abundance Paradigm:
Moving from the Law of Attraction to the Law of
Creation.” Stay tuned for details.

Follow me:

Dr. Joe Vitale “Aude aliquid dignum” *

Author of way too many books to mention,
including the bestsellers “The Attractor Factor,”
“Life’s Missing Instruction Manual” and ooohhh
so many more, including the head spinner,
“Zero Limits” and the mega-hit, “The Key.”

New: “Attract Money Now!” Read it gratis at

A star in the movies “The Secret,” “The Opus,”
“The Compass,” “Try it On Everything,” “Leap,”
“Beyond Belief” and “The Meta-Secret”

Creator of Miracles Coaching, Hypnotic Writing,
Hypnotic Writing Wizard and Hypnotic Marketing

See it all at

Member BBB 2003 – 2010

* 16th century Latin: “Dare something worthy”

Hypnotic Marketing Inc, PO Box 2924, Wimberley, TX 78676, USA

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10 great happenings from last year cont…

Earlier in the week I posted the 10 Great Happenings from Last Year and today I want to write the second part to that post. Doing this exercise was very rewarding to me because I realized that no matter how bad the economy seemed at times this past year many great things happened in my life. I hope that is true with you as well. If you have never done this exercise I suggest you take 30 minutes out of your day and write down at least 10 great happenings from last year. Okay, here is my list:

1.) Published my first book “Anatomy of Sales”

2.) Launched my website and business

3.) Took a vacation trip to Sanibel Island with my wife

4.) Sold my first 50 books

5.) Had my first online book purchase on ClickBank

6.) First Family trip to Sea World

7.) Won a four day all paid conference trip to the fitness industries biggest trade show

8.) Promoted to Assistant GM of the Cooper Fitness Center at Craig Ranch

9.) Asked by the publisher of Club Industry to write articles for them in 2010

10.) Took 4 family trips in 2009

Every time I look at this list it makes me feel good because when I look back to what I wanted to accomplish this year I accomplished most of my goals. So, after you have your list of 10 great things the next step is to write down 5  lessons you learned from last year. This exercise will be important towards setting your 2010 goals. Okay, go write down your 5 lessons learned and we will talk about those lessons and how to use that information towards creating your best year ever in 2010.

Coach Dave

We Must Protect This House

This past weekend I had the privilege of going to the UF vs. USC game. It was a present from my wife for our nine year wedding anniversary. What a lucky guy I am? Now, most of you know the Gators pulled out another victory and they are three wins away from reaching their goal of repeating as National Champions, but I have a bigger story to tell about the weekend and it centers around Veterans Day.

You see the trip that we took would not have been possible if it wasn’t for our brave men and women who protect this country. Last week was Veterans Day and what I did not know before I got to the game was that we were going to be able to meet the founder of Under Armour, Kevin Plank. Under Armour just happens to be the official sponsor for the South Carolina Gamecocks and for this Veterans Day weekend UA teamed up with the Wounded Warriors Project ( to raise awareness for these soldiers who have been severely wounded in battle and need additional medical treatment and resources due to the nature of their injuries. It was truely amazing to meet some of these men and women who served out country and even despite their injuries their positive attitudes are to be envious of. It really made me be thankful for the life I have and to be thankful for those that give us that opportunity to go sit and scream at a football game. If for some reason you are feeling sorry for yourself or down about this economy go to the Wounded Warrior website and read some of the stories that these young men and women have endured and their attitudes on their future. Until next time keep looking up because life is short and you need to be thankful for everything you have!


Are You Managing the Game?

Last weekend the Florida Gators beat LSU in what most people are calling an ugly win for the University of Florida. According to most of the pundits and my friends the game was boring to watch and the common phrase I heard was all Florida di was manage the game. Here is the point I want to make, regardless of how exciting or flashy the Gators were on Sat night they won the game and in the end accomplished their goal. As for managing the game that is the key to success in business and life. Reflecting back on my life and career I would have to say that I have  “managed the game” because the success I have had has come from being conservative with calculated risk. I am no flashy celebrity trainer like Bob and Gillian from the “Biggest Loser” but I am a disciplined hard worker that has managed to be successful in business in life. Okay, so here is what you need to do to manage your “game” or carreer as a fitness professional. 

I. Understand that your life and career is a journey, not a race! Steady, daily improvement will add up to numerous success stories and accomplishments throughout your career

II. Continue learning! I have said this so many times I am beating it to death but in order to manage the game properly you need to keep improving your skills and learning new ones. Times are changing and you need to be poised to capitalize on new technologies and new information. 

III. Build trust! If you are going to be a leader or person off influence, which every fitness professional is, then you need to have those people that follow you have trust in what you say and do!

IV. Learn to adapt! You need to be like a chameleon. Adapt to your current surroundings. If the economy is sagging you need to figure out how to adapt to lower consumer spending. Learning to adapt to your surroundings is one of the biggest keys to managing your career.


These four tips are just a few ways that you can manage your career and life. Remember, there will be times that day to day activities seem boring but the steady, conservative, calculated risk approach will get you the success you deserve and want. On a final note, I can tell you that if the Florida Gators win the rest of their games by being boring and “managing the game” I know that I will be extremely happy Gator fan with another National Championship to our trophy case.