Daily Dose of Dave – Character

Daily Dose of Dave is brought to you by Dave Mcgarry who is an entrepreneur and passive income coach. Everyday Dave brings you a quick tip or something motivational to get you to take action to help you reach your goals and dreams of being a successful entrepreneur. Today for the second week in a row I am a happy dad. Watch the video to find out why!  Also, if you want to follow me you can at http://www.twitter.com/davemcgarry and http://www.facebook.com/internetmarketingadvisor.


Are you like a Lawn Mower?

My Lawn Mower

I just fininshed mowing my lawn and I said this a couple of weeks ago on my Facebook page but for me mowing the lawn is so therapeutic. Her is  a picture of my lawn mower and yard. As you can see I have quite a bit to mow, so it allows me to focus and think about what it is I want to accomplish in my lifetime.

My Yard

Now, my dad would laugh at me because when he was alive he owned his own commericial landscape business and they would consider my yard puny. They would do my lawn just for the fun of it!

Anyway, as I was mowing my yard I was thinking about an article I read last week in Dan Kennedy’s marketing newsletter. In the article he made reference to Walt Disney. He said, “Walt Disney had described most people as lawn mowers.” Interesting!  He goes on to say that Disney said, ” People start each week at one end of the same patch of grass and plod along, back and forth, back and forth, head down, until week’s end at the other side of the lawn, then next week is the same all over again. Wow, I started to think, man that is exactly what I had been doing for some time now.

You see, the week is going to end anyway, why not do something everyday that is different, creative, and interesting. Why not do something that is beneficial to to others as well as yourself. Make your days matter?

Ask yourself this, and I do this constantly, “If you had six months to live what would you want to do with the rest of your days here?”

Seriously, would you stay in a job that gives you no fulfillment or rewards?

Would you spend more time with family?

Would you call a friend you have spoken to in awhile?

Whatever it is, start mowing differently and choose to get everything out of life!

Now, summer is almost over and my days of mowing are coming to end. Anyone have any ideas as to how I am going to get my therapy?

Coach Dave

Are you going to quit?

I had to share this video with you. Sports has always been something that I felt gave me a solid background to my character. If you have played sports you know what I am talking about. Also, today is a special day for me. My youngest daughter turns two today and I want to leave this video on the blog today to let her know that the game is on and her dad will never quit. I hope she has that resolve one day as well!


“Beautiful Light is Born of Darkness, So the Faith that Springs from conflict is often the strongest and the best.” R. Turnbull

I really liked that quote and it reminds me of father. Today would have been my Dad’s 71st birthday! I always remember him telling me to put my faith in God and everything will be okay. Thanks dad for raising me with a strong faith because it is coming in handy right now! Happy Birthday and I miss you!

Your Son,

Live Like You Are Dying

May is the worst month and best month of the year for me. Today, marks the 4 year anniversary of my father’s passing and tomorrow will be the one year anniversary of my grandfather’s passing. If that isn’t enough, my brother and cousin passed away in the following weeks. So, you can see why the first part of May is not so good for me. My wife actually would like to lock me up and keep me quarantined until June, but I am not scared and I am pressing on.

Okay, so where does the good part come into play for me, you might ask? Actually, every year when I am reminded of my family members who are no longer with me  I get a sense of rejuvenation and a spirit of re-birth. I use their passing as a way to motivate me to do the things that I have said I want to accomplish before it is my time to leave.

I am just curious, how many of you say to yourself,  ” I will do that tomorrow or I will experience that next year because I am too busy.”  Let me tell you, don’t put off what you can do today for tomorrow because tomorrow might never come. I spoke to my dad hours before he passed away from a heart attack and we were talking about how in a few months he was going to come out to see me in Texas! That day, sadly, never happened and it always sits hard knowing that we should have gotten him out sooner to see us.

I hope you understand what I am trying to say here. I want you to realize that we only have a certain amount of time on this planet to make a difference, and  if you have goals that you want to accomplish or have always wanted to start your own business, today is a great day to get started.

Now, with that being said, I want to make sure I am leading by example here. So, here is what I am going to stop putting off.  For the longest time now I have had a goal to start a membership site for my business ,and today I am going to start taking action by announcing to you that, How to Train and Grow Rich has officially been started. I am working on the specifics, but initially the site will be geared towards fitness professionals, personal trainers, and group exercise instructors, however, the site can help just about anybody who wants to learn how to create passive revenue streams and develop the lifestyle they want to live. Once  I have everything mapped out I will give an update ,but for now I wanted to take action and announce my intentions.

So, what can you do today that you have been putting off? Take action, because tomorrow may be too late. As for me, I will celebrate the lives of my family by striving to become  a better father, husband, and business coach. Also I will strive to live out each day to its fullest.

In memory of you Dad, Gramps, Kevin, and Sheila. I will always love you!

Coach Dave