Dave’s Daily Motivation is brought to you by David McGarry, who is an online entrepreneur and passive income coach. Dave’s Daily Motivation is a short and quick inspiration and motivational message that inspires entrepreneurs to achieve their goals and reach their dreams. Today the word is value and around the :50 mark you find out a really great quote that can change the way you business.
Tag Archives: Coach Dave
Internet Marketing Advisor Podcast Episode #2 “Why You Need a Coach!”
In the this podcast episode I talk about if you want to succeed in your business you absolutely need a coach.
Internet-Marketing-Episode#2 “Why You Need a Coach!”
It also talks about:
- A little background on me and how coaching has helped me
- What is business coaching
- Why you need a coach if you want to succeed
I would love to hear your thoughts on this, so please leave comment below.
To your success,
Coach Dave
Happy New Year
I know you must think I am crazy if I think it is the New Year but hear me out before you pass judgement! Since I can remember Labor Day always seemed to spark a new sense of commitment and energy with me and around me. Maybe I have felt this way for a long time because of my love for football. Or maybe it is because my wedding anniversary is usually on Labor Day Na, it has to be more than that and I believe that it is, but first let me just take a few moments and share with you what I experienced this past Labor Day!
Over the weekend I had the privilege of going back stage to meet the College Game Day. They were in town at Cowboys Stadium for the LSU vs. Oregon game. Oh, and I have to mention guys, I got to hang out with Erin Andrews!
Let me tell you it was an experience I will always remember! Everyone was so cool and friendly to us, and believe it or not, not a single LSU fan said anything to me about being decked out in my Gator gear!
So, how does this have anything to do with a new sense of energy and commitment. Well, if we look at the calendar we have roughly 16 weeks till the end of the year. For many of us summer is all about sitting around, swimming in the pool, and pretty much being lazy all day!
Then, Labor Day comes around and school is back in session and people start to realize that they have either done nothing to reach their goals for the past 9 months or the summer wiped out all the hard work.
Suddenly, there is a new sense of urgency to do something. Plus, how can you not get excited and pumped up about the fall season. Even if your not a football fan, Fall brings about change and makes people feel good.
With that being said what should you do about this new sense of energy and commitment? If you haven’t figured it out yet I want you to take action. The first thing you need to do is implement a 90 day plan. Go here to read how you can set up a plan of attack to reach your goals in 90 days!
In health,
Coach Dave
#1 Google Ranking in 24 Hours! (Just a PLUGIN)

Wow I have just tested Daniel Tan’s SEOPressor
WordPress Plugin and I can only say,
it is a revolutionary! Not only revolutionary,
I think if you are serious about making money with
your WordPress Websites by scoring
high GOOGLE Ranking, you need this plugin, period.
>> http://texasdmcg.seopressor.hop.clickbank.net
Daniel has got #1 Ranking in Google for a keyword
against 219 million competition! That’s how
powerful on-page SEO can be!
I just did a search on Daniel and surprisingly, this guy
is really a hidden gem. People buying his product is
saying this:
“Daniel, I did not read your sales letter, I just bought.
Your past products have been so good, that I don’t
even need to know what you’re offering.”
This is no joke.
Listen, Daniel has always OVER-DELIVERED! I tested
his customer support and it is REAL fast! So rest assured,
you will get the best support from Daniel!
>> http://texasdmcg.seopressor.hop.clickbank.net
(A video showing you what the plugin does)
To your success,
Coach Dave
Time Management is a Waste of “Time!”
Is Time Management books a waste of time?
Before you go out and buy another book or sign up for another seminar on Time Management listen to what my mentor John Maxwell has to say about time management. Listen as a small business owner myself I understand the value of time and I am constantly looking for ways to be a better time manager that was until I listened to John. Watch the video and let me know what you think!
So, do you think time management is a waste of “time?”
John Maxwell says a profound statement in his “Minute with Maxwell” that I believe is true!
I would love to hear your thoughts and hear what you think about time management.