Have you made many Resolutions for 2010?

Have you made many resolutions for 2010? Is this the year that you are going to stick to those resolutions you made? Now, most people make resolutions but few keep them. Why? Well, with it being the New Year the intention and determination is there to change but people fail because of two reason.  One, the lack of specific goals and two, is the lack of a plan to achieve those goals.

First, let’s talk about goals. Saying that you are going to make more money or get more clients is not specific. What you need to do is state specifically how much more money do you want to make. As for getting more clients, how many? The goal needs to be specific and measurable. Once you have your goals formulated you need to write them down. I hear from personal trainers all the time that I have them in my head. Sorry, if it is not written down on paper it is not a goal. Writing it down creates a record of what you want to achieve and there is no way of disputing what your goals are if they are written down.

The second step to achieve success is to create a plan. When you have your goals written down you need to break them down into smaller steps. For instance if you said you wanted to increase your income by 10% then step 1 might be to get one new client a week (52 by year end). Another might be to do more group training. The important thing here is to break the larger goal into smaller steps to ultimately lead to the larger goal. Oh, and one more important thing to add here is you need a time table and deadline. This was something I neglected to do for  long time but once I set a deadline I began to notice my success in accomplishing my goals increased.

Okay, do me a favor and take some time and sit down and implement these two tips into your New Year’s resolutions and see yourself accomplish more this year than in years past! Make 2010 the best year ever!

I love Back to School



 Today was the first day of school for us here in Texas! I always loved the first day of school. For me I always felt like I had another shot at doing better and making better grades. Unfortunately, I seemed to always care more about sports and friends. Well, I guess I do not feel that bad for me because I had some great times and would not change it for the world. I do however, wished I would have spent more time learning back then. The funny thing is I did not start really studying until after college. Okay, I am sure you are wondering what am I getting at so I will get to my quick point today.

Today is the first day of school and for the most part kids are starting over and have the opportunity to make things right for the year but for you and me we do not have to wait until the next school year to make things right. Each day we can approach our career and day as a brand new start. If there is something you want to get better at then set a goal to become better. if you want to change a bad habit that start practicing the discipline you need to break it. Don’t wait until next year to get better and start fresh. Start today and live the life you have always wanted to live.

It’s not the Recession It’s You

I am tired of hearing from everyone saying it is the recession that is causing me not  to do as well in my business. Apple, the company that has changed the way we listen to music and use phones today is a prime example of businesses that are prospering during this recession. The company sold 2.6 million Macs, up 4 percent from a year ago, and 5.2 million iPhones, a 626 percent leap from a year ago. Totally Mind Boggling! Those numbers are from the previous business quarter and they tell me one thing and that is if you have a product or service that people want, it does not matter how bad the economy is they will seek it out and buy it.  So, stop blaming the economy and focus in on changing you. People are going to buy from people they like and trust. Pretty simple and the first thing you need to do is start becoming a person who is likable and trustworthy and you will break this bad economic cycle and will start to prosper. See you on the other side.

Coach Dave

The Necessity of Prospecting

Last week I started a serious called the “Five Steps to Successful Selling” and wanted to continue this week with step number two. Step two is about the “Necessity of Prospecting.” In this step we will break down the difference between prospect vs. suspect. Also, we will talk about the prospecting/sales ratio. So without any more delay let’s get  our teeth around step number two.

A.) Prospect vs. Suspect – What is the difference between the two?

     Prospect – someone who may be a potential client.

     Suspect – someone who you have an 80% chance to close on.

The difference here is that a prospect is all the available people who you can market to and a suspect is someone who is pre-qualified and someone who is already in the behavior mindset to buy training. Focus on suspects!

B.) Prospecting/ Sales Ratio

1.) poor sales ability – numbers game. If you are willing to continously try and determine who is a prospect or suspect and market to them than you can be great.

2.) great sales ability – if you can identify a suspect and close then you will be successful at sales. You need to measure your closure rate to determine if you have a great sales ability.

In order to be successful at sales you need to know the difference between a prospect and a suspect. Make sure you close on every suspect you come into contact and try and increase your closure rate on prospects. Also, if you don’t track or measure your closure rate you will be unable to determine whether or not you have a good or poor sales ability.